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Young Justice 4x13 full

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Isaiah Dickson

The reason there's a lot of just pannels is that their budget was cut this season.

Phonic Reassignment

i think klarion messed up again those p[eople went to wrong earth because the driver said "sense when did dr ate join the justice league?" he might be from a different earth where fate isnt in the justice league, also in this timeline the justice league OGs seem a little....... weak. and in this universe politics are probably more prevalent than any other.... like even the vigilantes are in politics? whereas other universes they dont care about the politics hell that bat family at some point was depicted as evil and bruce couldnt careless, because he was smarter and always a step ahead of literally everyone. Child had all the chaos lords backing her until savage and stranger talked to the lords of chaos and order that severed most of her power.


Klarion was referencing his own actions when he split earth in two with one being all children and the other being all adults.


Happy New Year! If Zatanna did in fact orchestrate all of this to get her dad away from Dr. Fate, that's fucked up. She took kids barely into adulthood and confined them to the same hell as her father. Granted, it's for a week but still. I understand her desperation, but it doesn't make it ok. And what the hell, Mary?! I disagree with her being an addict; I just think she's a kid who doesn't care about other people. Especially if they interfere with what she wants. I know she's young but that lack of respect and care for others is alarming.

Corey Pearson

Zatanna didn't do all this to get her dad back. The reason why they reshowed that scene with her saying they were her best students is because that's when the idea popped up in her head. That's what I gathered from it though.

Marcus Haynes

Idk if Zatanna planned to get her dad back with the kids from the beginning, but I think the idea came to her during this arc. I hope they touch back on that sometime during the next arcs tho. I also can't wait to see what they do with Mary. She been a problem since she was introduced and now she bout to be a MAJOR problem.

Reckless Company

zatanna a whole savage now and connor is "alive" kind of his ghost that needs help so im confused about that and granny goodness coming in at the end and made her say shazam like that situation was zatanna fault like a person like that tasha said u gotta check up on u have too cuz now look what happened smh

Reckless Company

but mary could have been helped better by zatanna and the rest of the league it seems like no one really took the time to like really help her all they did was train her its like the situation with beastboy like all the outsiders and his friends sees he is depressed and no one is helping its really fucked up

Reckless Company

but low key with all the technology and smart ass people the league has plus people with magic why dont they grow dr.fate his own body thats immortal so he doesnt have to take over someone's entire life there are so many things that they should have been doing plus the lords of order are assholes this whole arc just make me truly understand why villains are who they are and also why its easy for them to corrupt heroes

Reckless Company

i love zatanna but after this dr.fate shit i have mix feelings cuz i understand thats her dad and she feels like him ending up in the helmet was her fault so she wanted to save him but at the same time she saved him a way a villain would have like with this switching every week shit the look on her when he ask her if she planned this that face tells me she did from the beginning which is fucked up and the situation with Mary like a i dont blame her for turning dark like this whole arc she didnt get the help she needed they should have help her mental state before they trained her and the shazam family where the hell they at why they dont too cuz dinah can only do so much, they made it easy for granny to get in her head smh