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What If 1x7 full

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Jasmine King

This was hilarious. I loved the whole episode. Stone-chest Vision-tron is my new favorite character.

Erik Michaels

Wow...even my man the Watcher was like, "What the?" I have to say, this was probably their best episode this season so far. I will never watch Ragnarok the same way again...

LaMark Barnes

I knew Tasha wasn’t having this shit at the end lol

Lisa Nap

My thing is that if Odin didnt take Loki, he would have grown as big as the rest of his race so he is not a runt and either Odin did something or Asgard weather stunted his growth. Also, Loki seemed to have been wanted, not abandon like Odin had us and Loki believe - always found that story strange, who abandons a baby right next to the realms most powerful weapon in the middle of a war if they didnt think the weapon and the baby would protected ?


Vultron looked sick asf😈