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I dnt wanna keep repeating and you guys pay for the content so I will say this, if you pick anime tht is not completed WE WILL ONLY WATCH what is dne for tht month and YOU will have to vote for the rest later. We cant keep adding shows week to week because our schedule is already full so please understand that. Thank you

We will still take a 2 month break after watching a big anime back to back, ie Blk Clover/Bleach 


Doc Anime!

Gurren Lagann please people!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😣


It makes sense to pick completed shows tbh


Dororo all Day! I just watched the opening. I'm ready!


Yes wait until slime is completed plz


Your lie in april is completed but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one requesting that anime Lol

Dayvon Rose

People really thought voting for an anime not done was the best thing to do. So now a spot is basically wasted because people aren't going to actually vote for it now just for it to be resuggested next month XD

Weston Johnson

Get my mans Dororo chosen please!

Markub El Jaden

I'm pretty sure that Tokyo Revengers will end this in a week or 2 right?


Just don't even count the votes of shit that won't be done... If people won't listen that's their problem, and they're not smart enough to go back and count themselves to see something like Tokyo Revengers got a lot of votes lmao


Just let people vote for whatever they want. Y’all aren’t gonna change their minds by saying “pick somethings that’s completed” or by trying to politely insult them. If they want to vote for something that’s unfinished then let them.


Okay but that's annoying, people are wasting spots in the poll and months because they can't wait.


It seems like you’re not getting what I’m saying at all. Obviously they did understand the rules. Just because YOU find it annoying doesn’t mean everyone else in the world does. You’re being bothered by something so small. I am opened to criticism. There’s literally no rule saying people can’t suggest/vote for an unfinished anime. Just because a few of you get so triggered and bothered by what other people want doesn’t mean they’re in the wrong. Also don’t tell me what I can or can’t say. It’s not like they do one suggestion/poll every other month. They do it every month. And if it bothers y’all that much we’ll suck it up because it’s gonna keep happening. And yes. You did say the opposite. I can’t imagine being so mad at other people for suggesting/voting for something. That’s a damn shame. Also no time is being wasted at all. They’re still uploading reactions for people to react to. If it was against the rules do you think they would keep putting unfinished shows on polls or letting people suggest unfinished shows? Y’all are whining and complaining about something that shouldn’t even bother you. Are you mad because you think Dororo won’t win and you’ll have to wait another month?


Why are you so mad that people would rather watch a completed anime than an unfinished one 💀

Mike101 zero

Excited to see the reaction to Dororo been looking forward to this for a while and I hope everyone else enjoys the show as we watch along with Trey and Tasha.


Boys and gorls it looks like it’s finally Dororos time to shine😭😭


Ahhh Dororo ftw