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Ninja Kamui 1x6 full

Watch "Ninja Kamui 1x6 full" on Streamable.



And honestly? I would have been a Ninja who defected too. I don’t like this whole ‘merging out history with technology’ thing. Like, imagine it: for apparently 600 years, your elders gave their lives to keep secret your ancestors, all for a new generation of Ninja to give the power of secrecy and tradition up for bigger and stronger guns? Idk…I’m prolly being too dramatic but I’d wanna be a Ninja’s Ninja. Not like that perv. He’s just straight up disrespectful and brings dishonor to the thought of Ninja. Bleh he so nasty. *thank you for coming to my TedTalk*


Yeah. In the Japanese language, the emphasis goes on the first syllable: whereas in English, we put this emphasis on the second syllable. So if you listen real close to how the Japanese voice actors pronounce names; you’ll find out we say things very cringey American a lot lol