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Hey everyone,


Animations every day this week. I have no other thoughts nor ambitions. I have to somehow crunch out quite a few during the next week, which isn't ideal, but sometimes that's just how it goes. I look at this hopeful that it will be the penultimate time I have to do animations without the new computer. While I should get all the parts during the next development cycle, I don't want to risk interrupting it by transferring all the files right in the middle of production. 

On the bright side, once this animation hurdle is cleared, I don't foresee another double-up like this for quite some time.

I'm definitely feeling a sense of impatience that I don't usually have because I am expecting improvements with the new hardware, but I'm mindful of it and not allowing it to affect the quality of the work.

That's all for this week! Nothing to report other than the renders are going day and night. Literally. It's just more efficient to run some of the longer animations while I sleep.

Thank you for all of your support,




hey take youre time man keep up that grind