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Hey everyone,

'Tis once again the week before the Early Build release and the screaming begins anew! I have got a lot of work to get done this week, more than usual due to a (good) delay I experienced.

Before that, above you'll see an image from Valentina's upcoming h-scene event! I'm trying some new stuff with this one, and I'll be looking for your guys' feedback on it once it's released. It's definitely taken more time as a result, but I'm hoping that it's worth it. 

For the upcoming week, I'll be tackling this development cycle's poll winner: Riley! Less of an underdog story and more of a, "fear me mortals" win as the redheaded queen of the Academy reclaims her title! Now, onto news about the delay.

Superheroes Suck is now backed up on the cloud! Yep. Thanks to your patronage, I've been able to payout a subscription fee to get the entire game and it's assets (roughly one terabyte in total) online and safe. My backup storage situation before was an external SSD, but having another fallback has definitely added to my peace of mind. Given that I'm shooting for another PC build later in the year, this was a step I felt like couldn't wait any longer.

Now, those who attend the Discord and are familiar with how long it takes just the base game to upload to MEGA are probably thinking to yourselves, "but Solace? How long did it take to upload the entire game and all it's assets? Wouldn't your internet basically be throttled the entire time?" 

Eight days. It took eight complete days to upload and my internet refused my pleas for productivity even though upload speed and download speed are technically separate. I imagine it's my ISP, but what can you do? This, along with the new things I'm trying, has made the minor impact of delaying the Valentina event a few days, but it shouldn't hurt the amount of events at release, which should still be around 7-8. That's the price you pay when you experiment, but experimentation is the only way you can innovate. I hope it pays off.

All right, that's it for me this week! I've got my work cut out for me, so I'll be no-lifing game development for the next six days or so. It just so happens to coincide with some time-off from my day job, so I should be able to finish the last two events and the animations for the above Valentina H-scene. Yep. 

Anyway, back to renders!

Thank you for all of your support,




Can you add a gallery for repaly please?

robert young

if you have a old pc laying around its not hard to grab 4 or 5 4tb hard drives and set up a nas. a couple used 10gb nics and a switch and you have on site fast backups. if you use truenas core you can easily find guides and have a awesome back up solution for if shtf.


A gallery is something I would like to add in the future, but right now my focus is just keeping up with content production. It would require quite a bit of coding and would likely be added with a future overhaul to the protagonist's room.


Ah... that is definitely something I should have considered before going through all of that. Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look into it when I upgrade computers later in the year.