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Change-Log from 0.975 to 01.002:

  • 2 New Riley Events
  • 3 New Harper Events
  • 3 Repeatables Added (Chrys, Riley, Valentina)
  • 1 New Lecture Event
  • The Midpoint
  • Fixes with the Schedule Tracker


Hey everyone, enjoy the public release!

Nothing else to say except that, as a reminder, Superheroes Suck is not ending and that we're only a third of the way through the main story.

Thank you for all of your support,




I want to call you so many names right now for that cliffhanger! Except that this update was so good! The sh** just got real!


Thank you! I did feel bad about that, but the resolution is going to take a slew of events. On the bright side, I'm working on that right now!


is the main story the end of the game or just one arc? hoping it continues:)


We're a third of the way through the main story, but it is just one aspect of the story. The important thing is that the main story unlocks the progression for other characters. For example, meeting Shiro is part of the main story, and that has unlocked the route of our favorite vehicle.


There's a point where Harper is in her room and also in the library with Chrys. Not sure if that's a bug or a feature? :)


The Character "events" trigger separately from where they are in the schedule. This is so players don't have to wait for the right day of the week to progress the story. Think of it as a quality of life feature! It's necessary until we reach the sandbox overhaul.