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Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Some of you have asked whether or not the holidays will impact the release schedule. Not at all! I give the gift of renders for the holidays. Anyway, as you can see from the above image, we're finally at Valentina's revisions! I've been really wanting to talk at length about what the revisions are and what my plans for them will be going forward in development. So... I guess I'll do that now!

The revisions are targeted at the early half of Superheroes Suck, back before I upgraded my graphics card and really cultivated the skills I have now. I want to address Valentina's and Harper's rushed story lines, the early gap in content, and just do a bunch of general fixes. The current schedule, subject to change, is something like this:

List of Revisions in Order

  • Valentina's Training Events
  • Harper Training Events
  • The Introduction (There's more I want to add here)
  • Valentina's Story
  • Harper's Story
  • Riley's Story
  • Chrys' Story
  • Redo all of the old animations (I'll be spacing this out. Don't worry, we won't have an animation month)

The training events are up first! Mostly because they don't exist. In the current version of the game, training events aren't really events - they're just a small sample of repeated scenes with some unique text at the end. This was necessary for the time, but not with my current hardware. So, right now, my focus is on putting in real, genuine events in there. They'll be small, but it should be much more rewarding then just mashing through a generic sequence.

After that, I'd like to touch up the Introduction - mostly the latter half. There's a few scenes I'd like to add, some things I need to redo entirely, like the hospital encounter, and so on. 

After that, we then go and add in story events for the character's early game progression. This should balloon the number of events for each character to around at least twenty or more. They're listed in order of who needs them most, with Chrys last since she has a staggering twenty-five events! Meanwhile, characters like Harper have fourteen. My hope is that this will alleviate the sensation of things progressing too quickly in the game, or progressing without much meaning. These will take a long time to complete, since they're not the focus of development.

The focus of development will be the main story for at least an update or two. I still have new characters to introduce, and there are several quality of life improvements I've been putting off in order to finish each girl's initial arc. Button navigation, compressed versions of the game, making the computer and other items in the bedroom have functions, a world map, developments with Artemisia / Kelly / Sumire, and so many other things. The patrol missions? Super Villains? Superpowers! There's a lot I still need to work on.

Many of you have recommended that I shift my focus away from H-events and towards the story. I just want you all to know that I'm listening to you and that is exactly what I'm going to do. I'll still keep the H-scene polls going. They're actually quite helpful for choosing which female lead to work on next. The past two updates with an H-event focus have been invaluable for experience and increasing the overall quality of animations, and now I'm ready to get back into the patrols and superheroes. 

Thank you all for your support, and look forward to the early release this coming weekend!




Sounds ambitious but great for us viewers. I like the VN and eagerly await the changes you are talking about


I'm glad you're looking forward to it! I'll be pacing myself accordingly. I want to make sure that the stream of content is consistent and manageable to avoid burn-out and a decline in quality.


i like the attention the game as a whole is getting instead of just focusing on whats coming next.


I still remember you from the start! It was you, Devil, and Dr. Ramen. Thank you for sticking with me for so long, and for putting up with the early, *early* iterations of the game.


Since you're redoing the early game anyway I find myself wondering how the convenience store stays open with no customers. I think you could add the concept of customers with a PC thought or two, you wouldn't need to render them in unless you wanted to.


I'll be sure to cover that when I'm redoing the Introduction section of the game! That whole section is being redone.