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Hey everybody,

I finally have two weeks of material to talk about! After the release of Version 0.40, I've spent that time working on the main content of the next update: the girls' stories. Valentina, Harper, Chrys, and Riley will all be receiving new events in the next version. Valentina will have the largest content update, being the winner of the first Patreon Poll. Congratulations to her!

The girl's stories have been taking a backseat as of late due to development time being focused on adding some of the other major features of the game, namely: the girls showing up on the campus as well as the main story. Now that both of these have been implemented, I can finally go back and play catch-up with their own, personal story updates. This has been a long time coming, and is one of my favorite things about working on Superheroes Suck.

Another thing I have been working on is vastly improving the quality of all future H-scenes. I have a better grasp on animation now than when I started, and the stronger graphics card means that I can afford to take risks and still have something to show by the end of the week. The ones I have finished right now are not exactly what I want them to be, but I think they're a great improvement. I can't wait to show them off in the next update.

The main story will be truncated for this new release as I really want to update the relationship events. It's been two development cycles since the girl's have had something substantial. Once this current cycle is finished, I will finally be able to go back to working on the main story & the relationships in equal parts, which will really get the plot moving forward.

I'm also hoping to have a few surprises for you guys nearing the release of the next version! Look forward to it, and let me know what you think. I try my best to respond to all of my messages about the game.




Is maybe one of the surprises to finally see Riley naked? Or maybe even more... looking forward to the next update :)


All of the girls should be receiving story updates, and I'll give you a better idea of what's it store for Riley once I cycle around to her week of development!