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I wanted to make more, but I have creative burnout and I feel like I should really take a couple of days off ^^' So, I'm really sorry D:

I've been drawing every single day for the last months with few exceptions when I'm sick or my anxiety gets too bad and gives me physical symptoms, but this time I'm just a bit tired. I really need to make some friends near and spend some time outside, it's hard to stay all day at home and just leaving to buy groceries and such xD

I'll still make the ones with Lizzy, hopefully this friday! As always, I'll leave these stickers below for you to download for your personal use, but if you (and only if you) wanted to buy them from Redbubble, please wait until this weekend if you want the ones with Lizzy too! So you won't have to pay twice for the shipment x) Theres 20% off on Redbubble right now, but it's supposed to last until July 17th, so if I have them uploaded this friday there will be still a couple of days with discount.

As always thank you so much for your support, and sorry if I'm a bit too slow sometimes D:




Gosh I love them already <3 Take your time to get some rest though. Rest is important and I don't want you to burn out because you have the feeling you need to deliver content for us. I wanna support you with the knowledge you can work on your projects without worrying about schedules and such :3


Better to have slower schedules but taking time for yourself than pushing too hard driving yourself to burnout. Your art is great but you deserve to have a life alongside it lol

Samantha Blacklock

Thank you so much! ^^ Sorry, it's just that, I feel like people are really excited and helping me continue and sometimes I can't give enough back D': But yeah... It's worse to get burnout and suddendly doing even less, I really need to make changes in my lifestyle to balance everything ^^ Thank you so much, Melphi! <3

Samantha Blacklock

Thank you! ^w^ <3 Yeah xD The burnout isn't helping me at all, I do need to go outside and do different things so I don't get tired of doing only one thing, even if it's what I love the most ^^