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I'm sorry this is taking so long, but it is made of a total of 13 drawings, so it takes a lot of work x) Just like with the manga! It may be a short "story", but I realized I'm actually making a lot of different drawings, so it's normal it takes a bit longer than individual illustrations (and as I've said in other posts, this time I'm dedicating all my time to these projects, so expect posts/updates more often)

I have sketched a version with Avelyn on the first sketch without underwear. I'm not sure if I should post/do that one too, as I'm a bit nervous of drawing her completely naked, not that I can't or that I don't want to, but more like, I haven't done it before (not in a way that too much of her is exposed, if you know what I mean) and I wouldn't like to give the wrong idea/image about them (especially about Avelyn), but I can't say these scenes don't happen on their lives, so x)

I dislike fetishization of trans people, but I think I'm not doing that and it's not like we can't have intimacy. I'm aiming towards drawing intimate but wholesome things. In any case I'd love to know what you think! So your comments and messages are very welcome!

If you like the idea, I'm planning on finishing this and posting it uncensored here on Patreon along with another exclusive illustration after this sequence for all of you in the Supernova tier and post it censored and without the other illustration on my other platforms ^^

Sorry if this is a bit too little, but I'm just exploring this side x) Sorry if it's a bit too much, I can turn it down a bit!




I have to agree with Clov and Moof. If you want to draw them in their intimate moments, I think you should, because I don't see you fetishizing them, but feeling their feelings. And that's something you bring to your sketches and pictures wonderfully! And in my opinion your drawings are unbelievable wholesome, so I'd love to see them and know you had fun in creating them

Delislá Wallace

I’m amazed at how cute this is! I know it’s intimate but the captions are the sweetest and put a loving theme to it. It’s so sweet.