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"my name is sarpedon and I'm going to be eating you later. nice to meet you. can i get you another drink?"

sometimes meeting a huge stranger in a dance club on a backwater spacing depot can be exactly what you needed to help you get out of your shell. when you aren't busy staring into those pretty eyes of his, you glance down at the tattoos arching across the top of his belly. the big jagged jovian letters spell out the words "Comfort Zone." 




He seems trustworthy. I'd hop into a cauldron filled with veggies and spices if he called it a hot tub.


Oooo, I'd love to see how their night goes.


lol checkmate

Just B3arly

SAME! Would luv to see if/how that adorable ham finds his way into the "comfort zone".

Just B3arly

Luverboy is such a cutie, Eager to see more of that hot-hog. <3


Oh I am super happy to see this thank you


I kind of feel bad for the cute spacer, but that's probably because I'd want him for my own purposes.