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Time to get started on March's Project and put an old idea to good use.

Alternate Title Ideas:

  • Smooshed and Loving It
  • Lap Balloons
  • Trapped between a soft and a warm place
  • No Escape 2
  • The fun kind of Evil

Update 2022-03-14

Added 5 more pics.

One more scene, this time in the bedroom.

Update 2022-03-16

Added 5 more pics.

The first scene mostly cleaned up.  Still have to wait for the poll results to see if the hose is staying or not.

Update 2022-03-19

Added 5 more pics.

The second scene mostly cleaned up.

Update 2022-03-20

Added 5 more pics.

And the last scene mostly cleaned up.  Now to nitpick all the small details, decide if they should stay in their matching underwear (which I think is kind of cute) or if I should find them some other clothes, and then just render it all.  I'm hoping to have everything finished sometime this week.

Update 2022-03-24

Just a quick update.  Everything is looking good, I'm rendering the finished versions now.  It will be 15 images for the main set, a second set with a different camera, and the usual pink versions of each.  Assuming no last minute fixes, it should be done in the next 4-6 days.




Oooooh... I like where this is going...


Oh gosh, those bedroom poses...