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  • Mosaik Role Draft 2019 Fixed Cam.mp4
  • Mosaik Role Draft 2019.mp4
  • Mosaik Role Draft 2021.mp4
  • Mosaik Role Draft 6 (2021-07-24).mp4



Revisiting an old, unfinished project.  This won't be done any time soon, but I wanted to start it now and hopefully work on other things while it renders.

I've attached some old versions I made more than a year ago as well.

Extra links, in case the attachments don't work.

Mosaik Role Draft 2019 - Google | Mega 

Mosaik Role Draft 2019 Fixed Cam - Google | Mega 

Mosaik Role Draft 2021 - Google | Mega 

Update: 2021-07-24

Sorry for the delay.  I thought I would be done by this weekend, but nope.  I don't know if I'm just making things harder than I need to, if I'm being too picky, or what, but I can't believe I've been on this for two weeks already.  At least I've learned a lot and picked up some new tricks, so hopefully the next one will go a lot smoother.  Anyway, here's the current draft so you can check out the progress thus far.

Mosaik Role Draft 6 (2021-07-24) - Google | Mega




Ah yes, the six hours of render time where you can do so many other things. :)


I personally don't mind the delay. As a fellow artist I understand how easy it is for things to take longer than you first expect them to. Not to mention any of the issues outside of working or art that can pop up. The newest draft is great! You have made a ton of progress on it. You have made a ton of progress on Mosaik as well. She is soooo damn sexy! I am personally really liking the changes you made from the 2019 version to the 2021 version as well. Never really was a fan of full body inflation. Breast and belly inflation are my kinks. Though I do still love your Caramell Dansen video. Out of curiosity, how long do these videos take for you to render? Sorry for any spam you may have gotten from this message. Accidentally sent it before I had typed everything out. Then when I went to edit it, it wouldn't save properly. Then it was not wanting to be deleted.


Well, if I used the Eevee rendering engine (same as in the last draft), it only take a few days to render. If I use the Cycles engine (same as the single frame shots from earlier), probably a few weeks. If I remember correctly, Caramell Dansen took a month to render, but there are new options since then that may help speed things up.


Oh wow. Though I guess that shouldn't be all that surprising with how long that video is. Hopefully there are some faster options available now.