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Happy Easter everyone!

I'll be heading out this afternoon and visiting the family for the weekend. I should be back Tuesday morning.

Quick update: March's project 'Helium Shortage' is almost done. I just need to fix Yue's thousand yard stare and I can start rendering. April's polls are queued up and scheduled to auto post on the 1st. Also, the animations 'Pumping Sophie - Matte' and 'Yue Blowing - Shiny' have finished rendering, I just need to add sound. If someone could remind me next week, so I don't forget, that would be great.

I hope you all have a ballooning foxgirl dressed in a stretchy bunnygirl onesie filled weekend!


Update 2024-04-02

I'm back! I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend and that the foxgirls didn't snuggle smoosh you too much (unless you want that, of course). I had a good visit with the family, but now I'm tired (why are guest beds always so uncomfortable?)

It's good to be back home, I'm just going to take it easy till lunch or so, then get back to work.


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