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Read part one first!

There was absolutely no telling where the thick orange cloud had come from but it mercifully began to dissipate almost as quickly as it had appeared. As the fog separated though, Jensen realized that the illusion had been broken and he was once again looking at his regular reflection in the mirror. Considering he had just spent the past five minutes admiring a muscular man with a perfect tan and a confident disposition, to be suddenly reunited with his true self was more than a little startling for Jensen. In fact he felt somewhat embarrassed when he saw the tent he was making in the front of the trunks.

Upon tearing his eyes away from the mirror and glancing down at himself though, Jensen was met by a surprising sight: meaty pecs, rippling abs and a thick lower half, all covered in a golden tan! Slowly bringing his hands up to his face, Jensen shivered in delight as he felt the unfamiliar bristles of facial hair adorning a much more angular jawline. He next moved his hands up further and brought them to his scalp which was, as he had been expecting, completely smooth. Bizarrely, as he looked back at the mirror, his reflection was running its hands through the mop of hair Jensen had possessed mere moments before.

“I’ve got to be dreaming,” Jensen muttered to himself, only to be caught off guard by the deep Italian tones that he’d heard from his reflection prior to that strange orange fog. It was nothing like his own somewhat nasally voice, that was for sure!

There was every chance that Jensen could have remained in that spot for hours, using his hands to feel up the muscular body that was strangely not being reflected back at him, but he was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Mr Vinci?” a voice from the other side asked, which Jensen recognized as belonging to the staff worker who had brought him to the private locker room in the first place. “Your match is on in ten minutes. I’ve been asked to oil you up to get you ready for the cameras.”

My… match? Getting oiled up? Panic was beginning to return to the forefront of Jensen’s mind as he put together the pieces: he was in the body of one of NXT’s wrestlers! Although he was determined to explain that there was some big mistake and he was actually just supposed to be a member of the audience, when Jensen opened the door  - wait, when did it get unlocked? - and caught sight of the young woman standing there, he was stunned into silence. How had not recognized her earlier for the beauty that she was? Her long blonde hair framed a pretty face with plump lips and glimmering verdant eyes. She looked like she’d be better suited as an Instagram model rather than a behind the scenes worker for the WWE. Upon seeing the bottle of lotion in her hands and remembering what she’d said prior to him opening the door, an intrusive thought entered Jensen’s head: She’s gonna be the one rubbing that stuff all over my muscles? Fuck yes, I’m a lucky man!

Jensen was so caught off guard by the thought that he couldn’t bring himself to say anything and instead just took a few steps back as the woman entered and closed the door behind her. When she’d turned to do so, Jensen’s eyes unconsciously shifted down to her backside and he marveled at the perky roundness being presented to him. It took him several seconds to remember that he was supposed to be exclusively homosexual - hell, his boyfriend was out there in the crowd somewhere, probably looking for him - and yet here he was, objectifying a woman! What the hell had that been about? It was totally unlike him but he simply couldn’t stop himself!

“Do… Do you see anything wrong with that mirror?” Jensen asked, attempting to keep himself distracted as the woman squirted lotion onto her hand and then began to work it in over the broad muscles of his back. In response to his question, the staff worker glanced around him and towards the mirror, where Jensen could see a frown spreading across her face. She sees the real me, he thought to himself, already preparing himself to receive an outburst of confusion and possibly even disgust.

To his surprise though, she merely shook her head. “Everything looks alright to me,” she declared before turning her attention back to the job at hand, which was currently massaging the lotion into his triceps. “Are you excited for your match tonight, Mr Vinci?”

Jensen was so distracted by the bizarre visual being presented in the mirror as well as the fact that he was apparently the one who could see his true self in the reflective surface that he found himself responding without putting any thought into his words: “Please, call me Giovanni.” As soon as the name had left his mouth, Jensen felt some of his confusion settle. Yes, that was right. He was Giovanni Vinci, one of the rising stars on WWE’s NXT brand. He had an important match at that night’s Halloween Havoc event. Despite these new certainties, Giovanni was still left troubled by what he saw in the mirror. Why wasn’t it his muscular physique being reflected back at him? Why was he forced to behold such an unimpressive specimen rather than the prime Italian beef that he now knew to be his true self?

“Sorry, Giovanni,” the woman corrected, crouching down to begin oiling up the wrestler’s gigantic quadriceps. Doing so put her head at level with Giovanni’s crotch and there was absolutely no doubt that she had noticed the tent he’d created with his thick nine inches of manhood. Still, she remained professional… as much as Giovanni surprised himself by wishing that she wouldn’t! For a fleeting moment he considered grabbing her by the hair and forcing her lips against his crotch but he dismissed the out as quickly as it had occurred to him, knowing that he couldn’t let himself get distracted with his match coming up. He needed to go out into that ring and prove that Giovanni Vinci wasn’t somebody to be messed with but rather a future NXT Champion!

“It’s going to be an easy win,” he declared arrogantly, not having even the smallest bit of doubt in himself. Deliberately turning himself away from the mirror - curse that unappealing reflection being bizarrely forced upon him - the hunky Italian wrestler requested that the woman turn her attention to his abs and pecs next. “I never got your name, beautiful,” he queried, not even bothering to hide the flirtatious tone in his voice. Why should he? It was obvious that she wanted him and he wanted her too, so it made sense to express as such. Once his match was over, hopefully they’d be able to spend some more time alone in his exclusive private locker room.

The woman identified herself as Sophia - a beautiful name for a beautiful babe - and blushed as she massaged the lotion onto Giovanni’s mighty pecs, particularly when he gave her a show by bouncing the powerful muscles. After another minute of oiling him up, Sophia suggested that he get the remainder of his gear on and nodded towards where Jensen had originally set the box down. Giovanni glanced in the indicated direction and instead saw an open rucksack, within which he found his knee pads, wrist wraps and boots. After placing each of these items on and winking at the gorgeous blonde who had remained in the room with him, Giovanni strode out of the private locker room and made his way towards the immediate backstage area.

Upon hearing his music begin to play through the arena’s loudspeakers, Giovanni Vinci strode out onto the entrance wrap and struck the first of his poses to show off his glorious muscles. The crowd were raining down boos upon him but the Italian hunk didn’t care in the slightest; they were all jealous of his awesome body, his gorgeous face and his undeniable sense of style. Hell, they wished they could be him but they couldn’t, so they had to settle for booing him like the sheep that they were!

As he passed by the front row, Giovanni caught sight of a male fan sitting next to an empty chair. The fan’s gaze was glued to Giovanni’s oiled up muscles and the wrestler paused for a brief moment to flex his bicep in the younger man’s face before proceeding to climb up into the ring. Almost as soon as he turned away, the wrestler forgot all about the drooling fan. To his knowledge there was no reason he should ever think twice about some unathletic loser sat on his own in the front row and with his mind mostly consumed by the persona of Giovanni Vinci, there was only a small whisper of Jensen’s voice that remained to take note of the fact that just an hour earlier, that lonely fan had actually been his boyfriend of several years! 

The match lasted only slightly longer than Giovanni’s entrance had - as soon as the bell rang, the Italian wrestler delivered a swift kick to his opponent’s gut and then got him in position to deliver his finishing move. After the outmatched individual’s back slammed down against the mat, Giovanni took a brief moment to raise his arms in a pose that showed off his incredible physique before dropping down to cover the other man. The referee hit the mat three times with his hand and the bell rang while the crowd’s negative response escalated into higher decibels. Giovanni relished in their disappointment and shoved his fallen opponent out of the ring so that he could have it all to himself to celebrate. As he stood on the middle rope and popped his pecs for the booing (and oh so jealous) crowd, a wicked thought occurred to Giovanni: I’ve seen and I’ve conquered, so I guess it’s about time I came…

After returning backstage, the hunky wrestler immediately pushed his way past the ass-kissers who were attempting to get his attention and returned to his locker room. Since his departure only some fifteen minutes earlier, a clothes rail had appeared in the room, upon which were various items that looked designer in nature. Each part of the three-piece suit was jet black, as was the shirt and tie also included on the rail, and as Giovanni pulled each item on, he relished in how well tailored they had been to his muscular frame. Although he knew that he looked hunky as hell in his fine Italian-made suit, the bald-headed wrestler was frustrated to discover that his reflection was still showing him that same false image of some chubby loser. It was like he was being mocked and for what reason? Didn’t he deserve to be able to admire his own beauty?

Growling in disdain at the unfamiliar face in the mirror, Giovanni grabbed his trademark shades from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and placed them on his face to complete his look. As he opened the door, the Italian hunk once again found himself face to face with Sophia, who was looking up at him with an expression of desire. “How do you feel about dinner, champagne and the best sex you’ve ever had?” he asked, wrapping a strong arm around the woman’s slender waist and pulling her body flush against his own. Just as he’d anticipated, she melted like butter against him. Was there any woman alive who could possibly hope to resist the charms of Giovanni Vinci? He didn’t believe so!

Leading his beautiful date through the backstage area, Giovanni walked right past the same fan that he’d taken pleasure in taunting. This time though, Giovanni didn’t so much as look in his direction; he only had eyes for Sophia. As they stepped out into the parking lot, the last traces of Jensen were stripped away for good, leaving behind only Italy’s favorite son: the stylish and sexy Giovanni Vinci!


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