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Bernard hadn’t been best pleased when he learned from his coworkers that a video of him had gone viral on that blasted TikTok app. He hadn’t even been aware of the fact he was being filmed during his conversation with one of his much younger colleagues who had been prying as to why he refused to sign up to the video sharing platform. “Because I’m sixty-nine, Mindy!” he had cried in sheer exasperation, having little idea that his innocent outburst would become infamous in a mere forty-eight hours. According to the aforementioned Mindy, the clip had been shared several million times already and had become one of the most used audios almost completely overnight, whatever that meant!

Having never been a fan of digital cell phones and frequently lamenting how younger generations seemed to be glued to them, Bernard was in considerable despair about this sudden twist of fate. He was unfortunately a lone voice among the tech-loving crowd who made up the staff roster of the local Walmart and it had earned him a reputation as a crotchety old man, not helped by how his hair had prematurely gone white in his fifties. The employee who was closest to Bernard’s age was still a full twenty years younger than him, creating quite a considerable gap between himself and his coworkers, many of whom were high school seniors or college freshmen working part time. Sometimes it felt as if they might as well have been a different species - he simply didn’t understand the youth of today and their obsession with putting every little part of themselves online…

The old man had silently seethed through the remainder of his shift after Mindy had broken this news to him. He’d immediately requested for her to delete the video, insisting that it went against his right for privacy, but she had proclaimed that it wouldn’t do any good - there were dozens of copies that had been uploaded by accounts other than her own. “There’s no ‘delete all’ option on TikTok,” she explained, not sounding even the slightest bit sympathetic, “Once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever!” Bernard had bristled at the twenty-one year old’s laissez-faire attitude but held his tongue, fearing that he might say something truly horrible if he let anything escape his lips.

Given what Mindy had told him, it came as a great surprise when Bernard happened to check his email (which only happened once a month) a few days later and found a message waiting in his inbox that suggested otherwise. Despite not knowing the sender - someone with the username HezzaCavs - the title of “Want to get yourself off TikTok?” attracted Bernard’s attention immediately and encouraged the old man to click through to see the full message.

“I understand you’re distressed that a video of you has gone viral on TikTok,” the email began. “I want to help. I’ve developed a software that can help remove all video featuring you from the internet, all you need to do is click the following link and confirm that you’re happy for me to scrub you off the digital landscape.” Below this short paragraph was a hyperlink to a website that Bernard didn’t recognize, following which was the correspondent signing off with their name - Henry. Given his digital illiteracy and overall distress at the whole situation, Bernard was quick to believe that this was the work of a good samaritan and with this positive outlook dominating his mind, there was no reason for him not to accept the offer of help!

Clicking on the link opened up a new browser window on the old man’s computer (itself a relic of at least two decades prior), upon which was a long list of terms and conditions. Bernard began reading through the list but it was filled with so much computer jargon that he quickly gave up and scrolled right to the bottom of the page where he could click a confirmation box and then submit the form. After a few seconds of loading, a new screen appeared that featured a single line in red text: Removing Bernard Everett

Upon reading this simple message, the old man’s mind was flooded by a sudden alarm. How the hell did this mysterious individual know his full name, let alone his plight or even his email address? Bernard was horrified that he had been blind to the red flags but it was already too late - he’d fallen victim to whatever joke was being played on him, likely by another one of his cruel younger coworkers!

A static shock from his computer mouse prompted Bernard to jump out of his seat and let out an exclamation of alarm, causing his chair to clatter to the ground behind him. As if the situation hadn’t been dire enough already! Muttering curses under his breath, Bernard turned and carefully bent down in order to lift the chair back to its upright position. His old joints creaked in complaint at first, but as he returned to his full height, the elderly man was surprised by the fluidity with which he moved. His muscles had barely protested at all which was unusual considering he had become much less dextrous as the decades had rolled on. That said, it wasn’t an unwelcome surprise.

“This has been a weird day,” Bernard grumbled to himself, turning his back on the computer and beginning to shamble towards the kitchen. He was in desperate need of some caffeine if he was going to try and salvage the long day ahead of him - his work shift started in just over three hours and he always hated working in a bad mood. As he approached the kitchen though, Bernard’s zombie-like shambling unconsciously transitioned into a more natural and prideful walk. At the same time as this subtle change, the old man’s hunch regressed and he stood a little taller, with his shoulders back and his chest pushed slightly forward. Clueless to these alterations, Bernard also failed to notice that his energy levels were suddenly much higher than usual and that his joints lacked the stiffness he had been forced to acclimatize to over the years.

By the time Bernard arrived in the kitchen and had set the kettle to begin boiling, his weathered skin had started to slowly shed the signs of age. His heavily wrinkled face was adopting a much smoother complexion as the years were dramatically rolled back, ultimately leaving him looking almost half a century younger than his sixty-nine years! The sunken and sallow cheeks gained a little more volume while still allowing his high cheekbones to remain prominent. On top of his head, the long-closed follicles opened up, allowing his hair to grow back with a thickness it hadn’t possessed in fifty years. Not only was Bernard’s hair growing in much thicker than it had been before but the white had been completely eliminated from the color palette, leaving him with a rich brown that was quickly matched by his thick eyebrows.

Up to that point, the transformation had simply brought Bernard back to how he had looked as a young man but the changes that followed would take things a step further. He had always had a relatively round face but this was not the case for much longer, as his almost elfin jawline cracked and shifted into a stronger and more angular shape. The change caused the briefest moment of discomfort for the old man, who promptly lifted a hand to his arrogantly squared chin for a brief moment before continuing on, still completely unaware of anything different. As he pulled a coffee mug out of one of the many kitchen cabinets, Bernard experienced another jolt of discomfort as his nose changed shape, with wider nostrils and a straighter slope but overall less dominance on his handsome face. While he winced at the brief pain that shot through his face, the age-regressed man screwed his eyes tightly shut for a moment. When he opened them, the murky green irises had been replaced by a beautiful hazel and his eyesight which had been starting to fail him in recent years was suddenly much sharper.

While Bernard set about making himself a cup of coffee, his slender body (which now appeared to be that of someone in their early twenties rather than bordering on seventy) started to inflate, not with fat but rather muscle. The most obvious part of Bernard’s latest changes were the blossoming of a pair of meaty pectorals upon his previously flat chest. Once the powerful slabs of muscle were firmly established, the space below his pecs began shifting to make a better match - two by two, a six-pack of hard abdominals formed, while his obliques tightened up to give Bernard a pair of v-lines that traveled beneath the waistline of his pants. To help compensate for the massive changes to his chest, the old man’s back quickly broadened with the rapid expansion of his lats, complemented even further by the sudden power packed into his shoulders, rounding them out like boulders. These well-set and wide shoulders were attached to a pair of wedge-shaped trapezius muscles that rose towards a thick bull-like neck.

While the kettle boiled, Bernard reached down and pulled the cell phone out of his pocket. Deep down he knew that it should have been of a style that was almost two decades out of date rather than the latest model of iPhone but he felt strangely compelled to accept that he’d upgraded at some recent point and had simply forgotten. After using facial recognition to bypass the password screen, Bernard glanced through the various apps available to him and let out a snort when he realized that he had downloaded TikTok at some point. Despite the grief that the app had brought to his life in recent days, he couldn’t fight his own curiosity and pressed his thumb down on the icon to open it up. While he began scrolling through the assorted videos on his “For You” page, Bernard’s transformation continued with stark alterations to his lower half. The man’s previously flat backside rose like bread in an oven, forming two muscular globes that were practically begging to be grabbed! His skinny legs received a similar treatment, with his thighs expanding as his quad muscles gained dominance and forced the seams of his trousers to begin splitting. Bernard’s calves followed suit, becoming shapely and robust to give the younger man a well proportioned lower half.

When it came to his manhood, Bernard had always been decidedly average at five inches soft, although he gained an extra inch or so while hard. Despite the average length, he had always felt somewhat inadequate once he got involved in any intimate encounters - although that hadn’t happened for almost three decades! That wouldn’t be the case for much longer though, as his cock grew to eight inches and gained some thickness too. The man’s balls also expanded in size and hung lower than they had before, packed full of his renewed virile seed. Needless to say, he’d never feel under equipped in the bedroom ever again!

Forgetting about the coffee he was supposed to be making, Bernard began to saunter out of the kitchen while still scrolling through TikTok. His recommended videos all featured fitness influencers offering workout hacks or young women showing off their trim bodies in skimpy bikinis. The latter type were the ones that made Bernard pause and acknowledge the growing stiffness in the front of his pants. As he reached down with his free hand to palm at his half-hard length, the poorly-fitting clothes that were tightly wrapped around the man’s muscular body started to alter their shape. Seconds later and the shirt he had been wearing was completely gone, allowing his muscular chest to go free. His partially ripped corduroy pants meanwhile shifted into a pair of gray slacks that still showed off the musculature of his lower half but weren’t quite so restrictive. They also did little to hide the impressive manhood that he was packing, something that he knew no onlookers would ever be disappointed with!

Switching over from the “For You” page to his own profile, the man whistled in delight when he saw just how many hits his latest upload had - it was already up to two million just twenty-four hours after posting! That was impressive, even for him. Scrolling through the hundreds of videos that he had previously posted on the app, the young stud was pleased to see how his account had grown and took great pride in the fact that the videos where he was shirtless always did better numbers than those where he was covered up. He wasn’t exactly surprised by that though because a godly body like his own always deserved to be on display and anybody who said otherwise was only lying to themselves. Girls wanted to be pressed against his muscles and guys secretly wanted to be him, it was really that simple. 

While watching a few of his most popular videos, the mindset of Bernard was washed away for good. His personality and memories were gone in an instant, never to be recovered, as a new man took his place. Brendan was everything Bernard hadn’t been: muscular, popular, arrogant, young. Even if he was presented with concrete evidence of his transformation from a senile old man to a young gym rat, he would have found a way to dismiss it as a hoax. Wouldn’t he remember being such a miserable-looking relic?

Stepping in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hallway just outside of the kitchen, Brendan whistled in appreciation at his reflection. He was a fuckin’ stud! Taking in the sight of his juicy pecs, hard abs and broad shoulders, the young man immediately understood why he had rapidly gained such a large following on social media. He was the living definition of a thirst trap with his hot muscular body and a face that looked like it had been chiseled out of marble by one of history’s finest sculptors! No wonder his DMs were constantly flooded with babes who wanted to try their luck with him and queers who suggested that they’d be able to turn him away from women forever. Brendan had serious doubts that it would be the case but he was curious enough that he might even give it a try sometime - although he’d probably offer up a “no homo” after it was all said and done.

The thought of his online popularity sparked an idea in the twenty-one year old man’s head: he should totally film a new video and post it to his TikTok page! It didn’t matter that he didn’t have anything interesting to say about a current event or even an original idea that might set him apart from the crowd. None of that mattered when you had a great physique and the face of an angel, two things that nobody would be able to deny that Brendan had! His followers would eat up whatever content he posted and in doing so they’d continue to line his pockets. Who needed a job when you could make money from posting daily thirst traps? To Brendan, a day at work consisted of a bicep flex and maybe a round of pec popping - anything more than that was wasted effort!

After recording a quick video where he lifted up his arms and struck a double bicep flex while also tensing the muscles of his abs, Brendan decided to check out what the trending audios were. He was an expert at keeping up with the current trends and knew how important it was for keeping him relevant and getting his videos to circulate. Upon listening to the most used audio clip from the past twenty-four hours, a sardonic laugh escaped the young man’s plump lips. The audio featured some old-sounding man letting out a despairing cry: “Because I’m sixty-nine, Mindy!” Brendan’s immature mind brought a smirk across his handsome face as he replayed the clip a few times, starting to think what he should do in his next recording while lip syncing the words.

As he got his cell phone in position to film his next TikTok (he’d decided that a simple crotch grab and pec pop would do the trick), Brendan found himself briefly wondering whether the old man featured in the clip knew that he had gone viral and what he might think about that. The thought was incredibly fleeting and was then completely forgotten; after all, Brendan didn’t really care to think about anyone other than himself! Why should he give a damn how some sad old fuck felt about it?

A dumb chuckle escaped his lips as a mocking thought entered his mind - Hell, that antique probably doesn’t even know what TikTok is, but if he does, he better stay away. This app’s only for us young studs!


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