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Make sure you've read Part One and Part Two of this mini-series first!

The journey back to Julian’s house was smoother than any of the previous journeys Ben had taken in the other man’s truck. He no longer felt nervous navigating the bulky vehicle through the suburb streets, in fact being behind the wheel felt natural. Besides, he supposed it would have looked strange for a classically masculine guy like Julian to drive around in something small and dainty like Ben’s own car. A truck was the only fitting option for a guy like him! While he was enjoying driving around though, Ben was eager to get home and could hardly keep the smile off of his face when he stepped out of the vehicle, locked the doors behind him and rushed up onto the porch. That smile wouldn’t be going anywhere for a while either, as the man quickly navigated towards the bathroom, all while stripping out of the clothes he’d hastily thrown on at Jenny’s arrival.

Ben waited until he had the shower running and the bathroom door closed before finally pushing down his boxers and getting his first look at Julian Westbrook’ cock. A whistle of appreciation instinctively escaped his lips as he regarded the long and thick appendage. He didn’t have a ruler at hand to get a proper measurement, but Ben’s estimation was that he was now equipped with a full eight inches! It also helped that the cock was as thick as a beer can. Given that Ben himself had never adhered to the stereotype of a black man with a big manhood, to suddenly be in possession of something that was almost double the length and certainly thicker was fascinating.

Stepping under the gentle spray of warm water, Ben stared down at his body and watched his chest rise and fall with each breath. He was still completely fascinated by his pecs, but he couldn’t keep his attention away from his cock for too long. After ensuring that his whole body was nicely soaked, Ben squirted some body wash onto his palm. He then gently wrapped his hand around the shaft (he’d been rock hard from the moment he’d stepped back inside the house) and began to stroke, from tip to base and back again, using the body wash as lubricant. Julian’s cock was incredibly responsive, with a particularly sensitive head, and within thirty seconds he could already feel himself rocketing towards an orgasm. He was sure that Julian’s body usually had better stamina, but a quick climax could be forgiven when it was his first time in that body and he’d waited so many years to bring Julian (or his body at least) to completion.

At the point of orgasm, Ben was caught off guard by just how powerfully his seed would erupt from his cock, with cum not only getting over the walls and doors of the shower, but also all the way up his chest! After a few minutes of nothing more than attempting to regain his breath, Ben finally began to clean himself up. He felt some embarrassment at what he’d just done, but it was a mere whisper in his mind and was completely overshadowed by his pride in the events that had just taken place. I’ll definitely be doing that a few more times before swapping back, he decided as he soaped up Julian’s powerful arms and shoulders. He knew for a fact that he’d just made a memory that would stay with him until the day he died - every beautiful stroke and wild bucking of his hips was going to be forever ingrained in his mind.

After getting out of the shower and drying himself off, Ben was left to wonder what he wanted to experience next. As he returned to Julian’s bedroom, a small tower of dumbbells in the corner of the room caught his attention and forced an idea to the front of his mind: I should go to the gym! When he’d briefly looked through Julian’s wallet earlier he had found a membership card for a local gym and he remembered seeing it on his various driving trips that morning. Ben himself had never had much of an interest in the gym (which was painfully obvious from how skinny he was), but Julian very much did and if Jenny wanted Ben to experience life as the other man then it would only make sense for him to give it a go, right? What’s the worst that could happen? Sure, he might embarrass himself by doing an exercise wrong or failing a lift but it would be Julian getting shown up, not Ben. That helped make up his mind and even added an element of fearlessness to the man’s temperament, helping him break free of the shackles of anxiety that had plagued his mind for most of his life.

Looking through Julian’s wardrobe, Ben soon came across a drawer filled with gym clothes such as tank tops, stringers, joggers and shorts. He picked out a blue tank top and a pair of gray shorts from the piles and pulled them over the underwear he’d been walking around in since leaving the bathroom. After that, he collected a pair of Julian’s sneakers from the shoe rack at the bottom of the wardrobe and whistled in appreciation when he recognized them as being a pair of Air Jordans. They were of a slightly older model but Julian had kept them in a surprisingly good state, with the colors still as vibrant as they had been on the day of purchase. Possessed by curiosity, Ben lifted one of the shoes up to his face and inhaled deeply. Sure enough, the unmistakable musky scent of Julian’s body filled his nose and lungs, prompting a shiver right down Ben’s spine.

Although it would have been easy for him to get distracted and jerking off again, the man was able to pull himself back under control. He slipped his feet into the sneakers and tightened the laces before collecting his keys and wallet and heading out to the truck for yet another drive across town. He absently found himself humming along to the country songs that were playing on the truck’s radio, even though he vaguely remembered disliking the genre in the past.

Upon exiting his vehicle and entering the gym, Ben was immediately greeted by a nod of recognition from the well-muscled man behind the reception desk. “Hey Julian, how you doin’ today?” the gym employee asked politely. “Didn’t you have that high school reunion thing last night? How’d that go?”

“I- I’m good, thanks,” Ben replied while subtly seeking out the man’s name badge, which identified him as Louis. “Oh, yeah, it was a great night. Cool to see so many old faces, you know?” Not knowing just how much of a friendship Julian and Louis had, Ben decided to test the waters. “How’s the shift been?”

“Typical busy Saturday,” the other man replied, accompanying his statement with a dramatic huff and then a chuckle. “I finish in two hours. Looking forward to throwing some weights around myself rather than having to watch everybody else do it.” Louis definitely looked the weightlifting type, with pecs like bowling balls and arms pushed out to the sides by his wide lats. “What are you trainin’ today?”

Given his inexperience in a gym, Ben struggled to find an immediate answer which sent him into a mild panic. Julian would definitely know what his training plans were! “Uh, I think just arms,” he replied meekly, hoping that the hesitation hadn’t been too obvious. Although Louis raised an eyebrow in slight confusion, he didn’t question the strange behavior that ‘Julian’ was exhibiting at that moment. “Anyway, I uh- I better get started. Nice seeing you though… bud.”

Ben didn’t wait around for Louis’ response. Instead he bowed his head and marched towards the locker room (which a helpful sign had helped him locate upon his entry to the establishment). Once he was far enough away from the reception desk, he let out the breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding and shook his head in self-scolding. He’d have to be better prepared in future before he started having conversations with people Julian knew, especially when they were a total stranger to Ben himself!

After depositing his bag and jacket into the locker, Ben returned to the main room of the gym and scanned the room. There were a whole host of machines, some of which were passingly familiar while others were completely alien to Ben. Rather than worrying about possibly embarrassing himself from using any of them incorrectly, he steered himself towards the free weights area. Even somebody with no previous gym experience like himself knew how to do a dumbbell curl, so that’s where he would start! Grabbing a ten pound weight with each hand, he then took a few steps back from the rack and started to curl the dumbbells up towards his shoulders. Much to his surprise, the movement was as smooth as a knife through butter - the dumbbells weren’t nearly heavy enough to cause his new muscles any distress!

Ben’s confidence steadily grew as he began ascending through the weights, only really starting to feel the burn in his biceps once he was curling thirty pounds in each hand. He’d kept an eye on both the other gym patrons completing the same exercise and his own reflection to ensure that he was getting his form right and to his relief, he didn’t need to adjust at all. Probably some level of muscle memory remaining in the body, he rationalized to himself as he returned the dumbbells to the weights rack and smirked at his handsome reflection.

With this possibility in mind, he moved towards one of the benches and began to load up the barbell resting above it. Even though he’d told Louis he was only going to be training arms, now that he’d had his first taste of putting Julian’s muscles to use, Ben was eager to experiment. Some ten minutes later, the barbell was loaded to a total of one-hundred and seventy-five pounds and Ben had managed to get five reps out before returning the barbell to its stand! He had very quickly come to realize that there was something intoxicating about working out and experiencing the strength that was packed into Julian’s lean and muscular body.

That same mentality could be applied to a good number of things that Ben experienced during his first twenty-four hours in Julian’s body. After completing a successful workout he had returned home and decided to look through the other man’s kitchen. Just as he’d expected, there were a whole bunch of protein-based supplements and Ben had even put together a post-workout shake. The taste took some getting used to but it wasn’t completely unpleasant, perhaps because Julian’s body was so used to it.

Further evidence that this was probably the case was when Ben had cracked open one of the many beers that were stocked in the fridge. Although he was the type to prefer a fruity cocktail, it seemed completely in character for Julian to drink nothing but beer and since Ben was in the process of trying to understand just how much of the other man’s tastes and behaviors he had inherited, he decided to give it a shot. Sure enough, the bitterness of the beverage that he had always disliked back in his body was notably much more pleasant with his current tastebuds.

Ben’s second day in Julian’s body started with another shower jerk-off (by that point, his third orgasm in his crush’s body) and was followed by a gym session where he followed the leg day plan that he found on Julian’s cell phone. By the time he returned to his truck he had legs like jelly and was incredibly thankful to be seated once he was behind the wheel. He helped himself to another beer once he was back home and then laid back on the couch as he considered what he wanted to do with his remaining hours in Julian’s body. Jenny was yet to return his message to confirm where they’d meet that evening so that Ben could be switched back into his own body and while he knew that the radio silence should make him nervous, the man was actually uncharacteristically calm about the whole thing. If he had to stay in Julian’s body for an extra day and experience a day at his construction job, would that really be the worst thing in the world?

After still not receiving a response from his friend after a few hours of putting his feet up and watching television, Ben decided that simply sitting around and doing nothing would be a waste of his time. A devious thought had entered his mind earlier that day and refused to budge even when he tried to push it away: he was confident that he’d be able to easily pick up a guy with Julian’s body. He didn’t want to start any rumors about Julian’s sexuality among the locals though, so Ben picked out a bar that was a few towns over. Hopefully nobody there would recognize Julian and he’d be able to have the guy-on-guy fun that Ben had long fantasized about without fear of people asking questions. With this new plan in mind, Ben took another shower and dressed himself in some of the nicer clothes hidden at the back of Julian’s wardrobe, a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. Then it was just a matter of making sure there were condoms in his back pocket and he was on his way.

Ben had been under the impression that he’d picked out a gay bar but when he arrived he discovered that it was actually just “LGBTQ+ Friendly” according to one of banners underneath its sign. Probably as good as it's going to get anyway, Ben theorized as he entered and immediately made his way towards the beer. Upon sitting down on one of the stools, he signaled over the bartender and ordered a beer - he’d rather gotten a taste for them over the past two days! The bar was decently busy considering it was still the early evening and although he caught a few guys staring at him, Ben didn’t feel compelled to approach any of them. No, when he was as good looking as Julian was, he could afford to be picky about which guys got his attention.

Except, two hours and several beers later, Ben still hadn’t left his spot at the bar. He’d begun absently watching the baseball game playing on a screen in the corner of the room and was paying more attention to the score than he was to the various guys who had arrived at the establishment. Sure, he glanced over every now and then to scan the crowds and see if there was anyone worth leaving his seat for but he continued to be unimpressed. He’s too loud, his friend’s too flamboyant, and the third’s too muscular, Ben thought dismissively as he watched a trio of guys gathered around a table a short distance away. All three of them were guys that Ben previously would have fallen helplessly head over heels for but under the current circumstances, their faces were forgotten the moment he turned away.

“You’re a bit far out of town, sweetheart,” a familiar feminine voice declared somewhere behind Ben, prompting him to turn his body to investigate. To his surprise, it was Jenny standing there, clad in a tight-fitting red mini dress with a matching lipstick color adorning her captivating lips. “I never thought I’d run into you in a place like this, Julian.”

Ben was so caught up in admiring how beautiful Jenny looked that it took him several seconds to formulate a response. “You were supposed to text me,” he pointed out in a distracted voice, “To organize the, uh… thing. You know, the swap.” He uttered the last word as a whisper but still glanced around to make sure they weren’t being listened to. Then again it wasn’t like anybody would believe him even if he was to tell them the whole story, they’d probably just think he was a crazy drunk.

Jenny giggled. “Oops! That’s my bad, I left my cell phone at home this morning and haven’t been back since,” she explained with a gentle shrug, “How crazy that we both ended up here tonight though! Some might call it fate.” Ben was immediately struck by how flirtatious her tone was, although he quickly dismissed it as something he had imagined. Jenny knew he was gay, there was no way she would be flirting with him! “So… are you going to buy me a drink?” The redhead had leaned forward as she asked this question, giving Ben a perfect view of her breasts and to his shame it had taken him several seconds to tear his eyes away. Not only that but the beautiful sight had caused a stirring in the front of his pants, with the crotch area of his jeans quickly growing tighter.

After signaling the bartender and letting Jenny order a drink on his tab, Ben struck up a conversation with his old friend in order to distract himself from the fact he seemingly couldn’t stop checking her out. Jenny was all too happy to share the details of what she’d gotten up to over the weekend and she had listened intently as Ben returned the favor. “Sounds like you’ve had quite a time for yourself,” she pointed out with a sweet smile, “Enough to want another day or two, maybe?”

Anybody who attempted to listen in would have found the comment unnecessarily vague but Ben had known what she meant immediately. He chuckled, shrugged in a casual manner and offered his reply: “I think so, yeah. Still plenty of fun to be had.” Although he hadn’t intended for his comment to be anything other than innocent, his gaze had instinctively dropped back down towards her breasts. He even blushed a little when an invasively heterosexual thought suggested that he should see how her tits felt beneath his hands. Even though he was quick to push the thought away, he couldn’t completely rid himself of the desire. Jenny awoke something unexpected inside of him that he had serious difficulty controlling.

Forty-five minutes later, the pair had managed to down an impressive number of drinks between them, including a few rounds of shots, and the alcohol had made Ben’s lips looser. “I can’t stop staring at your tits,” he growled into Jenny’s ear, “You look so fuckin’ hot that I’ve been hard from the moment you got here.” It was a brazen boldness the likes of which he had never exhibited before but Ben could no longer hold his tongue. His mission to find a guy to go home with had been completely forgotten, all he could think about was how good Jenny looked in that dress - and how much better she would look once she was out of it!

Jenny’s hand reached out and cupped the bulge in the front of Ben’s pants while a smirk spread across her lips. “It feels big,” she purred in an unmistakable seductive tone while moving so that her face was only a few inches away from Ben’s own. “I’ve always wondered how big you are, Julian.” Being called by the name of the body he was currently inhabiting was all the man needed to gain the confidence to surge forward and press their lips together. As the kiss rapidly increased in intensity, Ben moved a hand to the back of Jenny’s head where he threaded his fingers through her silky red hair.

While the pair were having the time of their life, apparently not everybody felt the same. “Just get a room,” the bartender not so subtly muttered as he collected their recently finished glasses and swiftly moved away. Riding the most incredibly high of his life, Ben was quick to agree with the suggestion and to his delight, Jenny revealed that she’d booked a room at the motel next door for the night. Within minutes they had left the bar and were in the privacy of the motel room with the door being slammed shut behind them and their clothes being discarded in record time. Ben could barely keep his hands off of Jenny, each bit of pale skin that was exposed as she stripped out of her dress was like discovering a classic piece of artwork for the very first time. He didn’t think it was possible for him to get any harder than he already was; by the time Jenny was completely naked, Ben was dripping pre-cum and had been worked up into such a frenzy that he had temporarily forgotten his previous identity as a gay man.

Even though it was technically his first time with a woman, Ben moved with the expertise of a man who had taken plenty of women to bed before. He had Jenny crying out in delight as he put his tongue to work between his thighs, then had her calling out his name (well, Julian’s name - but wasn’t he technically Julian at that moment?) as he thrust deep inside of her. The condoms had been completely forgotten in the back pocket of his jeans but neither of them seemed to care all that much, they were just eager to consummate the extreme passion that had overwhelmed them at that moment.

It was several hours before the pair finally cuddled together under the sheets to get some rest and by that point each of them had reached orgasm multiple times and were covered in both their own and each other’s sweat. When the sun began peeking through the curtains, Ben was the first to stir. He stared at the naked woman in the bed next to him and felt mildly alarmed but that was soon dismissed when Jenny woke up and offered to take care of his morning wood. She had an incredibly talented pair of lips and Ben’s cock had erupted like a volcano after only a few minutes.

Although he would have quite happily spent the entire day in that motel room with Jenny, an alarm on Julian’s cell phone informed Ben that he would be expected at the construction site in an hour. Given how different manual labor was from his own profession, Ben had initially been mortified by the idea of going to work for Julian, but after so many fun new experiences over the weekend, his opinion had shifted. He was really enjoying getting to experience life as a straight white guy and wanted to see what else Julian’s life had to offer.

Ben’s time at the construction site was almost as fun as the wild night he’d just had. He had been delighted to find that just like in the gym his body seemed to have the needed muscle memory that would allow for him to complete the work competently. There was actually something calming about the work and the time had passed much quicker than he had expected. It helped that the guys he was working alongside all seemed like stand-up fellas, cracking jokes and talking about what they’d been getting up to over the weekend. The conversation had soon turned towards the chicks they were seeing and Ben had been more than happy to jump in and share a few tantalizing details of his night with Jenny which earned a few hoots of approval from his new friends.

While he wouldn’t see Jenny again for a few days, the pair had started to exchange saucy text messages detailing what they wanted to do to each other once they were back behind closed doors. Ben didn’t feel remotely awkward despite his sexting inexperience, in fact he was completely in his element and grew irritated whenever a text message came through that wasn’t from Jenny. Whenever he wasn’t at work or the gym, Ben was watching a variety of sports either in his living room or at a bar. No matter where he was, he’d have a beer in his hand and was dressed more for comfort than for the purpose of looking good. He no longer felt the need to impress with nice clothes or perfectly styled hair and it was freeing not to have to worry about all of that.

Days passed without either Ben or Jenny broaching the topic of switching him back into his real body. By that point, Julian had left town to live Ben’s life, still completely unaware that the body he was occupying wasn’t really his own. As those days turned into weeks, Ben felt more and more settled in his former crush’s skin. It didn’t even trouble him that he no longer felt the intense desire when he looked in the mirror that he had on that first morning; he got all the pleasure he needed from his nights with Jenny, which had become increasingly regular as the weeks passed. The two had gone public with their relationship on Facebook and the comment section had been flooded by their former classmates expressing both happiness for them and surprise that it hadn’t happened sooner.

One of the people to comment had been Deacon, Ben’s former bully, and he had taken considerable pleasure in rejecting the other man’s suggestion of a double date with his husband. “It’s not that your gay, you know I don’t care about that,” Ben had told the other during a terse phone call, “It’s just that you’ve always been an asshole and I just don’t wanna associate with you anymore.” He felt great vindication when he finally hung the call up and the smile didn’t leave his face for days.

Eventually Jenny had confessed that her intention behind the switch was that she’d hoped Ben might fall in love with her once he was in Julian’s body and sure enough, that was what had happened. Other people might have been frustrated that she’d manipulated the whole situation for her benefit but Ben really didn’t care. He felt completely content in the body of his high school crush and was responding to the name ‘Julian’ like it had been his for his whole life. After assuring her that he wasn’t upset with her, Ben offered up a confession of his own: he no longer wanted to switch back. Why would he go back when it was so clear that he had everything he could possibly want in his current body?

Six months after the high school reunion, things were going better than ever for the new Julian Westbrook. He had started attending after-hours classes at a local college with the intention of opening up his own construction business somewhere down the line. As much as he enjoyed the work he was already doing, he wanted to be his own boss and given how well he was respected by his peers, Julian was confident that he wouldn’t struggle to find clients once he got things up and running.

The other major change that had happened in recent weeks was that he had purchased a ring, gotten down on one knee at the end of a romantic dinner date, and asked Jenny for her hand in marriage. She had accepted of course and the two were well underway in planning their dream wedding (although Julian had been all too happy to let his bride-to-be do most of the organization). Their friends and family were all a little surprised at how quickly the relationship was moving but Julian was quick to point out that they were both in their late thirties and if they wanted to start a family of their own, they’d have to get on with things. That had been enough to satisfy his new parents who very much wanted to become grandparents in the near future and who were particularly pleased by the concept of their son marrying into one of the richest families in town.

One of the few areas of the wedding planning that Julian did have some input in was the guest list. He and Jenny were drafting up the list over drinks on a fall evening and his fiancée had suddenly cried out a name that Julian hadn’t heard in months: “Ben Wolf!” The moment the name was out there, he started to chuckle. Even though that had been the name that he’d gone by for almost four decades, it no longer felt like his own. He had moved on from that point of his life and had been all too happy to. Still, it wasn’t a bad suggestion on Jenny’s part.

“I think we owe it to him,” Julian remarked with a knowing smile across at the gorgeous woman, “Sure, stick him on the list. It’ll be nice to see what he’s been up to.” Although he’d never know it, Ben had been responsible for getting Julian and Jenny together in the first place, so it would only be right to have him there. Considering the other names they currently had down on the list though, it was starting to look like yet another high school reunion…


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