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This story was requestedby one of the Bosa Tier patrons, Luke K. DeAn. While it helps to know Teen Wolf, you should still be able to follow along with the story!

Face it, Derek. You only have yourself to blame for this. Those words had been repeating in Derek Hale’s mind since his uncle had first said them to him exactly seven days ago. That in itself felt difficult to believe. Had it really only been seven days? Derek felt like he’d been trapped in that lonely cell for at least a year, but his uncle had promised he would visit every day and so far there had been six visits since the younger Hale had woken up to find himself behind bars. Six torturous visits where Peter Hale reminded him what a fool he was for ever putting trust back in him just because they were family. If Derek ever made it out there - no, when - he was never going to make that mistake again.

The cell contained nothing more than a metal bed frame and a toilet. Metal bars surrounded Derek on all sides, beyond which was a barrier of mountain ash that would keep him trapped even if he had the strength to break out. A dim light hanging from the ceiling allowed him to see some of the dark room beyond his cell. That being said, there was very little to see other than the staircase that Peter would descend at the start of each of his visits, and a large ornate mirror that Peter had placed against the right-hand wall on the first day of Derek’s captivity. The younger Hale hated that mirror more than anything. It served no purpose other than to remind him just how thoroughly he had screwed up. Whenever he glimpsed in its direction (which he tried his best to do as little as possible), Derek was confronted by a reflection that made his stomach turn. He desperately longed to smash the mirror and rid himself from the torment but it was just out of his reach and Peter had been careful not to give Derek anything he might throw. No, the sick bastard wanted his nephew to suffer, like this was something Derek deserved. What he had ever done to possibly deserve such treatment from his own flesh and blood, Derek didn’t know.

Approaching the edge of the cell, the younger Hale wrapped his hands around the bars and attempted to summon up his remaining strength. It was a fruitless attempt as there was very little strength still residing in his body. Even werewolves needed sustenance in order to thrive and Peter was only feeding Derek the bare minimum to keep him alive. He’d get an unseasoned chicken breast and some baked beans on a paper plate once a day along with a jug of water; that would be it until Peter returned twenty-four hours later. Derek had attempted to hold out at first but soon his hunger and thirst became too much to handle and he begrudgingly found himself looking forward to Peter’s visits only because it meant he would get the chance to eat. Ever the asshole though, his uncle wouldn’t let Derek have the food until after he’d had his fun gloating. So far the shortest amount of time that Peter had spent talking about how good he had it was a full forty minutes and on some days he had been there for well over an hour. Peter had always loved the sound of his own voice.

Except, that wasn’t quite the case under the current circumstances. Peter wasn’t using his own voice to gloat, after all. No, he was using Derek’s voice, just like he was using Derek’s body to live his wonderful new life! Conversely, the reason Derek hated that mirror so damn much was because it was his treacherous uncle being reflected back at him. It still didn’t feel real. He hadn’t even known that it was possible for two people to switch bodies! How could he, when his understanding of magic was already so limited? He was sure as hell paying for his ignorance in that regard though…

Braving a look across at the ornate mirror, Derek winced at what he saw looking back at him. He still wasn’t used to seeing his uncle in his reflection and he was hoping that he wouldn’t have to. Sooner or later Peter would slip up and Derek could escape and convince the likes of Scott and Stiles what had happened to him. It stung a little that they hadn’t worked it out yet but he was trying not to get caught up on such petty feelings. He had to save his energy (what little was left of it, given his malnutrition) for the escape attempt. Until then he’d be forced to endure his uncle’s face in the mirror, looking uncharacteristically terrified and sporting hollow cheeks and bags under his eyes.

Peter had told him that the cell was located underneath Eichen House, the facility on the edge of Beacon Hills that was supposed to help the mentally ill. The establishment had fallen from its noble origins and over time had developed a reputation for torturing its patients, particularly those of supernatural origin. Eichen was a lawless place where even its staff were as dangerous as some of its more unstable patients, but Derek apparently didn’t need to worry about that. He’d been placed in a basement cell that was unmarked on all of the building’s maps and that not even the staff knew about. Peter had discovered it when he himself had been admitted to Eichen House and he’d immediately begun putting a plan into works that had led them to the current moment.

Derek bristled as he thought about how damn easily he had fallen into the trap. He could remember every moment in crystal clear detail, in fact it had been on a constant loop in his brain for the entirety of his week of imprisonment. There had been red flags right from the beginning when Peter had shown up at his loft and practically begged for help, which was rather unlike the older Hale. No matter how hard he had tried though, Derek had never quite been able to shake off the last remains of his hope that his uncle might one day turn a new leaf and go back to being the kind mentor figure that he had been during Derek’s teen years. Peter had evidently known that and had used it to manipulate him into letting his guard down, allowing for this whole thing to happen.

The story his uncle had woven was effective simply because it was so believable. He had barely escaped from a group of hunters who supposedly had a history with the Hale family and they had made it clear that they intended to hunt down Derek too. Peter had insisted this was their problem to share and the younger man had agreed. After all, it was a familiar story - the Argents had long been at war with the Hales and it was only through the efforts of Scott and Allison that they found any sort of tentative peace between the two sides. Knowing that this small miracle was unlikely to happen twice, Derek agreed to help Peter scare off the hunters. He’d also decided not to clue Scott and his pack into what was going on because of Peter’s expressed concern that they would only muddy the waters and slow the two Hale men down. That had proven to be another mistake; if Scott or even Stiles had been with them, there was a chance that Peter wouldn’t have been able to put his plan into action!

His uncle had supposedly tracked this new group of hunters to a motel just a short distance outside of Beacon Hills. Given the motel’s remote location, Derek agreed that it was best to confront them there rather than letting them get further into the town, where things would certainly escalate. While they drove from the loft to the motel, Peter had attempted to start up some light conversation but Derek had remained stony silent in response. Even if he was helping his uncle out at that moment in time, he hadn’t completely forgotten the countless times that Peter had tried to kill him, take his powers, or put Derek’s friends in danger. To say that the uncle and nephew were estranged would probably be putting it nicely.

They had parked down the road from the motel and approached in silence but even before the motel had come into sight, Derek knew something was wrong. It was unnaturally quiet and not just because of the late hour. Sure enough, when he was finally able to see the motel, Derek realized that the car park out the front was completely empty. If the hunters were there, surely there should be at least a few trucks to indicate their presence, right? As the pieces started to fall into place and made it look more obvious that he had once again been betrayed by his flesh and blood, Derek had turned to confront his uncle, only to be met by a cloud of glittering blue dust. In his surprise, he had unwittingly breathed the dust in and his body was immediately plagued by extreme lethargy. His limbs felt so heavy, like they were weighing him down, and the world seemed to be spinning around him in nauseating fashion. Within seconds Derek had lost his balance and was sent toppling down into both the ground and an unconscious state, with the last thing he saw before slipping into darkness being his uncle’s smirking face.

When Derek had awoken, he was on the hard floor of the basement cell. His body still felt incredibly weak and his head was throbbing, as his brain was attempting to break free from his skull. With some difficulty he managed to push himself up to his feet, although he remained incredibly unsteady. He had immediately identified his uncle standing on the other side of the bars, with each of them still in their rightful bodies for the time being. At that moment in time, Derek was still in the dark when it came to Peter’s plans, although it was already clear that the older man was up to no good again.

“What the hell are you doing, Peter?” he growled, staggering towards the bars of the cell and reaching through. Frustratingly his uncle was just outside of his reach. Oh how Derek would have loved to get his hands around his uncle’s throat, especially as Peter wore that obnoxious smug smile on his face that made Derek’s blood boil.

“Finally taking care of the troublesome nephew that’s been in my way so many damn times,” the older man retorted, his voice incredibly casual as if he was explaining nothing more interesting than a coffee order. “You’re really far too trusting for your own good, you know that, right? For all that brooding and scowling you do, you’re still a big softie underneath. A big kid, so easy to manipulate…”

“I’m not an Alpha anymore,” Derek pointed out, referring to the loss of his position as the leader of a pack. He was a beta werewolf, the exact same as Peter. “You won’t be getting any more powerful by killing me.” To date, everything with his uncle had been about gathering power so why would Derek have any reason to believe this was for anything different? Still, Peter was aware that he had lost his status as an Alpha, so this had to be about something more - a personal grudge.

Derek’s suspicions seemed to be confirmed by the smirk that was spreading across his uncle’s face. “I know, it’s a shame, really. That would have been the preferred end result here, but luckily for the both of us, there’s something else I can take from you that might even be more valuable.” A shiver ran down Derek’s spine in response to this declaration as he attempted to understand what else Peter could possibly take from him. He wasn’t the type to get easily scared but this was doing a pretty effective job. “The best part is, I don’t even have to kill you to do it! I can keep you right here, safe and tucked away where nobody will ever find you.”

“You’re a twisted son of a bitch, you know that, right?” Derek spat out, still fighting against the lethargy that plagued his entire body. “This sick quest of yours to get revenge on me, and for what? Helping Scott defeat you back when you were an Alpha? It’s pathetic. You’re pathetic.” The events he had referred to (when he had slashed his uncle’s throat and taken his place as the pack alpha in the process) had taken place almost five years ago and they had all fought numerous threats to Beacon Hills since then, some even with Peter’s help. Although he had long suspected that his uncle had never gotten over being robbed of the Alpha power, he had foolishly believed that his uncle helping them defeat those various other threats might put him on the path to something that might even count as redemption. Another mistake. That fateful night half a decade ago was the best possible reason that Derek could think of for why his uncle had it out for him. He wasn’t sure there was anyone alive who was capable of holding a grudge quite like Peter was.

For once, Peter had nothing to say in response. The smirk had dropped from his face to be replaced by an ugly expression of anger. Some part of Derek’s comment had evidently gotten under his skin, which the younger man was pleased about. It wasn’t much but given the current circumstances, it felt like a small victory.

Any pleasure that Derek got from insulting his uncle was soon washed away though, as Peter reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what appeared to be some sort of bronze talisman. The older man held the talisman up in front of him, showing off a strange symbol that had been carved into its surface. Derek didn’t recognize the symbol but he was confident that it was magical in some respect and the past few years had taught him that getting involved with magic was never good. His suspicion was almost immediately confirmed as the talisman began to shine with an unnatural golden light which rapidly grew brighter and brighter until Derek was left completely blinded.

With his vision temporarily robbed, the man was left to stagger back away from the bars. Doing so prompted him to trip over his feet and he landed ass-first on the ground, involuntarily grunting as a result of the hard collision. That wasn’t the only difficulty he was experiencing at that moment either, as he had been suddenly overcome by a strange sensation that spread over every single inch of his body. It was as if his flesh was being both tickled and pinched in the same areas at the same time, prompting severe discomfort, while under the surface his internal organs were performing some unnatural dance that left him ready to throw up.

Then, all at once, these distressing sensations stopped and Derek’s vision started to return. When he caught sight of the man on the other side of the cell bars though, he almost wished that he’d stayed blinded. That was him - or his body at least - standing where Peter had been with the strange talisman in his hands! How is that even possible? Derek’s eyes briefly darted down to his own body, where he was met with a second shock: his physique wasn’t right. The stomach was a little softer and his pecs were less prominent through his shirt than they should have been. While Derek had never been the smartest in the class back in his high school days, he wasn’t completely stupid. The puzzle pieces were all on the board and it didn’t take much for him to put them together - Peter had used the talisman to switch their bodies!

“This was your plan?!” Derek cried out incredulously only to flinch when he heard his uncle’s voice bursting forth from his lips. “You Freaky Friday us and then, what, go pretend to be me? It’ll never work. They’ll see right through you!” Truthfully though, Derek wasn’t sure he believed they would. Scott and his pack weren’t really the most observant of teenagers with the exception of Stiles. If anyone will notice, it’ll be Stiles. Nothing gets past him…

“What, you don’t like that old body?” Peter retorted, twisting his nephew’s voice with a mocking tone that sounded dramatically unlike Derek. “That’s a hot slab of meat you’re wrapped up in there, although between you and me, I think I’ll be having a lot of fun with these young muscles of yours!” To prove his point, Derek’s treacherous uncle raised his arms and hit a double bicep flex, chuckling in delight as he watched the muscles bulge. “Yeah, that’s the good stuff. You’ve got this body in great shape, nephew, I have to thank you for that. I think the boys at Jungle will like it.”

You’ve gotta be kidding me! Peter was planning to take Derek’s body to the local gay club to pick up guys? Derek wasn’t exactly open about his bisexuality and had never even had full penetrative sex with another man, so the thought of his uncle losing his body’s gay virginity for him made his stomach turn in disgust. “Peter, if you don’t want me to tear you limb from limb once I get out of here, you need to switch us back right now,” the imprisoned man growled, struggling to keep his voice steady through the intensity of the anger burning throughout him.

“Hmm, I could do that… but I really don’t want to. Sorry nephew, I want to have some fun in your body before I even think about undoing this,” Derek’s uncle replied, shrugging the broad shoulders he was now in possession of. “Who knows, now that I’m in the body of somebody Scott trusts, I’ll be able to get close enough to take back the Alpha powers. He’d never see a betrayal from dear old Derek coming, would he?”

Despite having always been the type who kept his emotions locked away, Derek was unable to stop the tears from welling up in his eyes. Trapped behind those bars and without any knowledge of the magic Peter had used to switch them, he felt totally helpless. That wasn’t a feeling Derek was used to, nor did he ever want to get used to it! Unfortunately it was one that would persist for at least the following week, as after seven days he was still no closer to escaping from the cruel predicament he had been subjected to.

“Crying, really? I didn’t even know you were capable of it,” Peter remarked wickedly while twisting Derek’s face into an expression of faux pity. “Face it, Derek. You only have yourself to blame for this. Trusting your big bad uncle after everything I’ve done? Tssk, tssk. What a rookie mistake! I’d say I thought you were smarter than that, but I don’t feel much like lying right now. I know precisely what kind of werewolf you are, Derek. You’re a beta through and through and you always will be.”

Peter had left the basement soon after that, going off to do whatever he wanted while wearing Derek’s body and leaving the real Derek in complete isolation. There was nothing in the cell to make the time pass any quicker, he was forced to lie back on the uncomfortable bed frame, stare up at the ceiling and silently seethe. His uncle returned almost exactly twenty-four hours later carrying the ornate mirror with him (which he claimed was to offer Derek some much needed entertainment) and spent the next hour filling him in on what he’d been doing with his first day in his nephew’s body. Just as he’d promised, Peter had visited Jungle and taken a guy with him back to Derek’s loft where they’d had rough sex for hours on end. He described the whole thing in extreme detail, ignoring Derek’s pleas for him to stop, and in the days that followed he would return with more stories about the lurid things he was getting up to in Derek’s body.

The sudden clearing of a throat brought Derek back to the present moment. He had been so caught up in his memories of the past week that he had somehow failed to notice that he was no longer alone. Peter had arrived for his daily gloating session and looked particularly proud of himself that day for whatever reason. I suppose I’m about to find out, Derek thought to himself as he rose from the bed and approached the cell bars. He was still waiting for the moment when his uncle would get too close and he could reach out to grab him. Hopefully in doing so he’d be able to break the line of mountain ash that served as a further barrier preventing Derek’s escape. It seemed that he wasn’t going to be getting much luck that day, as Peter remained several paces back with his hands in his jacket pockets.

“You know, I’ve always thought your friend Stiles had quite the talented mouth,” Peter began, his tone dripping with lewd suggestion. The comment made Derek’s blood turn ice cold in an instant. No, he couldn’t have… Stiles would have known… He was acutely aware of the fact that Peter was laughing at him and supposed that the distress was likely showing on his face at that moment. “Oh yes, I went there,” the older werewolf continued, “I was right too, by the way. That young man knows his way around a cock like a pro, even one as big as yours! Well, mine.” Derek had done everything in his power to hide his crush on Stiles Stilinski even though he had heavily suspected that the attraction was mutual, fearing that he would bring nothing but misery into the younger man’s life. Now the unsuspecting Stiles was left at Peter’s mercy which was an absolutely terrifying notion. He was in serious danger!

“Trust me, Derek, last night was an absolute spectacle! Oh, you would have loved how vocal he was. All ‘fuck me, Derek’ and ‘you’re so big, daddy’ like a real slut.” Peter wore a smile that was somewhere between a lottery winner and an executioner that took sick pleasure in their work. Seeing such an expression displayed on his own face hit Derek like a punch to the gut, especially when it was accompanied by such filthy declarations about Stiles. As much as he didn’t want to, he couldn’t help but picture the scene that Peter had described and it filled him with an extreme envy, the likes of which he had never experienced before. He’d had so many sex dreams about Stiles and now he was forced to listen as his uncle described what the real thing was like - it was nothing short of absolute torture.

Once Peter had finished telling the story of the incredible sex he’d been having with Stiles all not long (they apparently hadn’t even slept), the older man finally removed his hands from his pocket. Derek’s heart began to beat faster when he saw what was being held in the other man’s hand - the talisman! It was the first time he had seen it since the day Peter had switched their bodies. Was he finally going to switch them back now that he had inflicted as emotional damage upon his nephew as he could possibly manage?

Derek’s hope that his nightmare was coming to an end was incredibly short lived. He could only watch in horror and cry out in desperation as Peter tightened his grip on the talisman to the point that it crumbled in his grasp. “What have you done?!” Derek shrieked as his uncle dropped the remaining pieces of the talisman on the floor and brought his boot down on top of them to break them down even further. Soon there was nothing left but tiny fragments; repairing the talisman would be completely impossible.

“I don’t think I’ll be visiting much anymore,” the new Derek announced once the damage was done. “I’ve got such a needy boyfriend and he hates it when I’m gone for too long.” He began to back away from the cell and head towards the stairs, leaving his sobbing relative behind. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure one of the orderlies brings you your meals. I’m not cruel enough to let you die in here! What kind of nephew would I be if I did that to my own family, eh?” He paused at the bottom of the stairs, glanced back and smirked at his old body. “Have a nice life, Uncle Peter…”


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