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The latest enemy that the Teen Titans had taken on had quite the unique superhuman ability: the ability to create holes in the multiverse to move between. Just when it looked like the Titans were going to bring the villain down, they had opened a portal in order to flee and only Robin had been close enough to go with them. Unfortunately once he had defeated the villain, he found himself trapped in an unfamiliar reality full of hostile creatures with seemingly no way of getting back to his own universe and to his friends, all of whom were clueless as to what had happened to Robin.

After a great deal of searching through this alternate dimension, Robin had finally come across a variant of Zatanna who promised to send the eighteen year old hero back to his friends if he helped her get rid of a cult of witches who had been encroaching upon her turf. It had been simple work for the young crimefighter and after dispatching of the cult, Robin hastily returned to Zatanna and demanded for her to work her magic. She had explained that cross-dimensional travel was incredibly complex and required a great deal of power but Robin was dismissive of her attempts to make excuses. “Just get it done! By any means necessary,” he growled, loathing every moment he was trapped in this unfamiliar landscape. “Whatever the cost, we’ll deal with it when I’m back with the Titans.”

“On your head be it,” Zatanna huffed in reply, rolling her eyes at the young man’s impatience. He was just like the Robin of their universe who had gotten himself killed by charging into battle with Darkseid without having so much as a plan. Still, a deal was a deal and she was a witch of her word, so Zatanna began to mumble under her breath in an ancient arcane language. She hadn’t been lying when she’d said that such a spell required a lot of power and more than perhaps even more than she herself actually possessed, but Robin had said he was willing to deal with the consequences, so she wasn’t going to keep him waiting.

Robin wasn’t sure what he had been anticipating from the spell but the searing pain he felt after Zatanna finished her casting was so all-consuming that he almost completely lost consciousness. When he had followed the villain through their inter-dimensional portal it had been nauseating but ultimately painless. This was a sharp contrast, as despite all of the battles he had been through over the years both as Batman’s protege and a member of the Teen Titans, Robin had never experienced anything quite like it! His internal organs felt like they were being violently shuffled while his skin felt like it was both being stretched and pressed together. A thousand contradictory feelings rocketed through Robin’s physical being all at once, forcing him to screw his eyes tightly shut and silently pray that he’d make it through in one piece. He wanted to let out a scream of pure agony (something he rarely let himself do) but the pain had overtaken him to such a degree that he couldn’t even garner enough control of his body to open his body and push the noise out!

After what felt like an absolute lifetime, the pain finally subsided and relief washed through Robin. He was still alive! That in itself was a miracle, although his good mood wouldn’t last as he discovered that he still lacked the ability to speak. Not only that but he couldn’t even open his eyes, leaving him completely blind! Something went wrong, he realized in abject horror, That stupid witch messed up her spell! What the hell has she done to me?

With his sight completely eliminated for unknown reasons, Robin was forced to rely on his sense of smell to try and triangulate his location. It didn’t take him long to realize that wherever he’d ended up was populated by a very familiar scent, that of Garth aka Beast Boy, one of his fellow Teen Titans. I must be in his room, he rationalized, choosing to view this as a good thing. Whatever had happened to him, Garth would soon arrive and discover him. Then he and the rest of the Titans could contact the Zatanna of their universe and have her fix whatever her counterpart had done to him.

Unfortunately when his teammate arrived, Robin would soon discover that his situation was actually much worse than he had originally anticipated. While he was thankful that he had still retained his sense of hearing (as he had heard the door slide open and the footsteps of his friend approaching), the words that he heard weren’t the ones he was expecting. “Oh sweet, my new spandex came in!” Garth’s voice exclaimed in a bright tone. Why would he care about that when I’m right here?! Robin was both furious and deeply concerned. He knew that Beast Boy could get easily distracted but this seemed beyond even his usual capabilities, unless…

The troubling picture forming in Robin’s mind started to become clearer when he felt hands upon him, lifting him up from whatever surface he had been on. The sensation of being held in his friend’s hands was bizarre, being both incredibly concerning due to how light Robin suddenly felt and almost… arousing? Now that was especially troubling - why would he be getting turned on by having Garth touch him? As if that wasn’t already alarming enough, Robin then experienced the sensation of being pulled in two opposite directions which sent another ripple of pleasure through him. “Nice and stretchy!” Garth’s voice declared from somewhere above Robin. Considering what his friend had said upon entering the room, Robin had an awful feeling he knew what that meant. Was he the new spandex Garth had commented on?

Oh no no no, this can’t be happening! Robin had said that he’d be willing to deal with whatever consequences came from Zatanna casting that spell but he’d anticipated that said consequence might be some monster the Titans could fight, not that he would be transformed into an inanimate object. Not just any inanimate object either, but an item of clothing that one of his closest friends was going to be wearing! This is an absolute nightmare. Being trapped in Arkham for the rest of my life would be more bearable!

While simply being held by his friend was a strange experience in itself, the sensation of being unzipped and then stretched out was simply incomparable. It was both incredibly uncomfortable but also strangely invigorating at the same time, particularly when he felt Garth’s large feet and sizable calves stretch him out. This conflicting situation continued as Garth pulled Robin further up his body, particularly when the former Boy Wonder found himself stretched over his friend’s bulging crotch and perky ass. As a straight man, Robin couldn’t help but feel somewhat grossed out knowing that he was in direct contact with Garth’s cock, but what could he do to stop him?

Once he was pulled all the way up over his friend’s lean torso and firm pecs, Robin was then filled up by Garth’s arms and the mere sensation of Beast Boy tensing his biceps sent an orgasmic wave of pleasure through the transformed hero. I can’t believe this is happening to me, he lamented to himself while fighting back against the urge to simply give in and try to find some enjoyment out of his new situation.

“A perfect fit!” Garth’s voice exclaimed, so loud that it basically deafened Robin. He was already completely overwhelmed at that moment in time given how he could feel every inch of his friend’s body (including the eight inches of his surprisingly thick manhood) and even the slightest movement sent pleasure rippling through Robin’s new spandex form. “Now I just need Superboy to zip me up and I’ll be good to go! Hmm, it was a bit weird that it didn’t come in a parcel or whatever and the colors are off. The red and yellow are more Robin than Beast Boy, but whatever. Ah, Robin… miss you buddy, wherever you are!”

I’m right here, Garth! You’ve gotta help me! Unfortunately for Robin, words were left unheard and he would remain in his new spandex form up until the costume was damaged in a chaotic fight, at which point Robin’s consciousness faded away for good right after Garth dropped him in the trash!


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