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This 1,983 word story was a request from one of the Watt Tier patrons.

“Home sweet home,” Dick Grayson muttered to himself as he turned off the engine of his motorbike and stepped off the vehicle. The vigilante who was better known to the world as Nightwing, one of Batman’s closest and most trusted allies, had returned to Gotham City not to visit his adoptive family but instead to continue pursuing a villain who had fled Bludhaven, the next city over.

At that point in time Dick still didn’t know what the villain was planning or even what he was capable of, he just knew that the man had once been a patient at Arkham Asylum (where he had been nicknamed ‘Bouncing Benny’) and had stolen a number of high tech weapons from a research lab. He’d been causing chaos with those various weapons in the days since then, but when Nightwing got a little too close for comfort, Bouncing Benny had… well, bounced. It was the experimental weapons that Benny had in his possession that made him a serious issue; Benny had killed the inventors before taking the weapons, so Dick was left totally in the dark as to how destructive they might be. They’d already caused quite a bit of chaos in Bludhaven and given the city was supposed to be under his protection, Dick was still feeling a little sore about how the villain had managed to escape him. As such, he had hopped on his motorbike and followed the trail all the way back to the city that had once been his home; he was determined to make sure that he took care of the situation before things really got out of hand.

While he had been on the highway connecting their two cities, Dick had activated the comms channel that gave him a direct link to the Batcave in the hopes that he could alert Bruce to the danger heading his way. Unfortunately it seemed that Batman had his hands full already, as Dick had only been able to reach Alfred when he radioed in. The Wayne family butler explained that Deathstroke was currently causing chaos in Gotham City and Batman was in hot pursuit. Nightwing would have to take care of this Bouncing Benny situation himself. No pressure, Grayson! These weapons could possibly destroy the whole city in an instant but let’s not think about that, shall we?

As fate would have it though, Nightwing would actually end up in the same location as Batman and Deathstroke, that being the ACE Chemicals plant on the edge of the city. Given how dangerous the chemicals being held in that place could be, Dick knew he needed to act fast and was able to locate his target on a steel walkway high above the vats of chemicals. Unfortunately he wasn’t quite quick enough to stop Bouncing Benny from putting his plan into action, as the villain had been able to fire a shot from what looked like a highly modified rifle before Nightwing could kick the gun out of his hands. The rifle hadn’t been aimed at him though, but rather down to where Batman and Deathstroke were engaging in brutal hard-hitting hand-to-hand combat.

Dick was helpless to watch as the bullet rocketed towards his mentor and the villain he was fighting. All he could do was take notice of the fact that it was quite unlike any bullet he had ever seen before. It was the size of a golf ball, glowed with an unnatural pink light and emit a low humming sound. Rather than striking either of the people it had been fired towards, or even making contact with any of their surroundings, the bullet slowed in its approach and settled in the air between them. The sudden presence of a mysterious object between them understandably made both men pause, but before either could process what it possibly was, all hell broke loose.

A swarm of pink tentacles emerged from the ball of light and in an instant both Batman and Deathstroke had been completely entangled within these monstrous arms. Dick watched on in horror as the tentacles began to pull the two men towards each other, all while the glowing light of the bullet and the tentacle became brighter and brighter. The two men were struggling to free themselves but to very little success, as they continued to be dragged closer towards each other. Even as the light became practically blinding, Dick couldn’t look away. He had been frozen to the spot from the moment the bullet had been fired, completely captivated by what he was seeing before him. The hero knew that the right thing to do would be to jump down and try to help Batman, but a conniving voice in the back of his mind was whispering away, convincing him to wait it out and see what would happen. If nothing else, the whole ordeal was fascinating.

Dick continued to watch until the light simply became too much and he had to shield his eyes from the blinding glare. When he finally pulled his hands away from in front of his face, the young vigilante was greeted by a rather unexpected sight. He had anticipated (and dreaded) finding both men either gravely injured or even dead, but neither of those things came to fruition. Instead, there was only one man where the fighting duo had previously been and it was neither Batman or Deathstroke, but rather someone Dick had never seen before in his life. While this man was definitely a complete stranger to him, it was undeniable that he was absolutely captivating, especially considering he was completely naked and his large manhood stood at full attention!

A few years earlier, Dick had come to discover his bisexuality, although he had never been open about with it with anyone other than Alfred, the Wayne family butler. He was still yet to have a relationship of any note with another man; the most he’d had were casual hook-ups with other masculine-presenting guys. Dick had learned enough about his desires to understand that while he could appreciate any handsome guy, it was the mature men who kept their bodies in great shape that really got him going. As such, the naked man that he now saw before him was completely his type and Dick desperately wanted to get a closer look. After confirming that the villain he had pursued all the way from Bludhaven had escaped while Dick was distracted, the former Robin decided that investigating whatever had happened to Bruce and Deathstroke was a much more pressing issue. With his mind made up, the young man carefully navigated down from the walkway where he had watched the event unfold to the floor of the chemical plant.

Once he had safely landed on the ground floor, Dick cautiously approached the slowly stirring form of the man. Although he couldn’t be certain until the man made it up to his feet, a quick assessment of his size left Dick certain that the man had to be at least seven foot tall. He also happened to be one of the most muscular individuals that the young hero had ever seen in his life - the man’s biceps were larger than his head and each of his quads were wider than Dick’s own waistline! His pecs looked incredibly inviting, like full muscular pillows, and they were closely complimented by the incredibly defined eight-pack of abs below. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on his body, only pure vascularity that seemed to scream power and dominance in the minds of anybody who might gaze upon him.

Once Dick was close enough to see the man’s face, he was startled to realize that he actually recognised some of the features. His heavy brow, square jawline and strong nose were the exact same as Bruce’s! Dick knew his adopted father’s face better than anyone and there was absolutely no denying that there were elements of Bruce’s visage on clear display. While he wasn’t quite as familiar with the face of Slade Wilson (the man behind the Deathstroke mask), Dick was quick to theorize that the less familiar elements of the man’s face such as his thick lips, the shoulder-length silver hair the heavy amount of stubble were perhaps the influence of the villain. With this knowledge in mind, Dick quickly began to put a theory into place: They merged to make this hunk? Well damn, that’s a new one.

Even though he knew that the logical thing to do would be to radio through to Afred and explain the situation so that the whole Batfamily could begin searching for a way to separate Bruce and Slade, Dick was completely transfixed by the man’s hard cock. It had to be at least nine and a half inches and as such was the biggest manhood Dick had ever seen with his own two eyes, even bigger than his own eight inches! As if he wasn’t struggling enough, pre-cum was dripping from the tip of the man’s cock in an incredibly inviting fashion. It was practically calling to him, demanding to be worshiped!

“Grayson,” a gravelly voice declared, pulling Dick out of his momentary haze. His cheeks flushed as he realized that the man - Bruce? Slade? - had regained consciousness and was now looking directly at him. The merged man wore a smirk upon his handsome face, evidently enjoying Dick’s clear attraction to him. “Well, are you gonna help me out with this or what?” he asked, reaching down to stroke his massive cock, using the pre-cum to lube it up. Dick was in absolute shock. He had always recognised that Bruce was an attractive man but given how close they were, he had never let himself fantasize over him. This isn’t Bruce though, he reminded himself. This was a whole new man and as such it wouldn’t be bad if he was to give into his lust for a brief period. He could always make contact with Alfred once he had helped bring the titan’s lust under control.

Positioning himself between the man’s spread legs and sinking down to his knees, Dick took a brief moment to palm the prominent bulge at the front of his pants. He wasn’t sure he’d ever laid eyes on a man so beautiful and he was given full permission to go to town on his cock! Was this a dream come true or what? Dick wasn’t sure just how complicated it would be to separate Bruce and Slade into two distinct individuals once again but he wouldn’t be able to do it if he didn’t have the man on his side, so really what he was about to do was in the best interest of all parties involved…

I’ll fix this, Bruce, I promise! That was the last time for the next hour that Dick allowed himself to think of Bruce. Instead he remained completely focused on the mature daddy of a man, worshiping not only his proud cock but all of those powerful muscles, the hairy armpits and the tantalizing hole between the prominent globes of his ass cheeks. Throughout that hour, Dick proved that he was perhaps a better lover than he was a crime fighter, and once all was said and done, the merged man had absolutely no complaints! He did however have a request: he wanted to spread Dick’s cheeks and fuck him senseless before he would even consider going anywhere with him!

What a difficult decision to make, Dick thought to himself, already in the process of stripping down to the nude and exposing his tight body. If this was what he had to do in order to eventually bring Batman back, so be it! He was more than happy to make that sacrifice and as long as none of the rest of the Batfamily found out what he’d done, everything would be absolutely fine…


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