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This 1,926 word story was requested by one of the Watt Tier patrons, who wanted a story featuring a combo of possession, muscle growth and mind control. It is based on the original run of the TV show Charmed but you shouldn't need to know the show or its characters to understand this story!

On rare occasions, living in a hellscape ruled by witches and warlocks that had gone mad with power wasn’t actually as terrible as it sounded. Magic was finally no longer being hidden from the mortal world and while the vast majority of humans had no capability of harnessing it, there were some ways of circumventing that limitation. One such way was through the wishes of a genie, and it just so happened that John Jones (a man about as unremarkable as one could possibly be) had stumbled across a genie lamp.

There was little to no hesitation in John before he made his first wish: to be the most powerful magic user currently alive. He had initially anticipated that the genie would simply gift him with an assortment of strong magical abilities, but things turned out rather differently when they were put into practice. The genie produced a full-length mirror from thin air that allowed John to see the physical changes happening to his body and the mortal man was surprised and aroused to see his familiar reflection disappear behind the visage of a new man. Not only that but the man he was transforming into was incredibly familiar: Wyatt Halliwell, the male witch who lorded over San Francisco and the whole magical world.

John’s petite five-foot-five frame rose to a more imposing six-foot-one, while the soft features of his round face became angular and brooding. His neatly styled brown hair rapidly grew out until the hair was a dirty blond and hung down to his shoulders. John’s skinny limbs blossomed with enough muscle to mimic a man who clearly liked to work out several times a week, although he wasn’t so large that he’d need clothes in anything above a size medium. Once his physique and face had completely changed into that of Wyatt, John’s white shirt and blue slacks warped into a tight-fitting black tee and matching black jeans. Then, as if the changes to himself and his wardrobe hadn’t been remarkable enough, the unsightly alleyway where John had found the genie lamp was replaced by the interior of a home that clearly belonged to someone rich and powerful.

“You have two remaining wishes,” the genie declared. John - now the one and only Wyatt Halliwell - was still attempting to get his head around what had just happened. Like most of the denizens of San Francisco, he had seen magic being performed in front of his eyes before, but he’d never been a victim of it himself. Then again, calling himself a ‘victim’ when he was now the most powerful magical being in the world was probably an ill-fitting description. Wyatt didn’t feel like a victim, he felt like a winner! That he still had two more wishes to cast only made things even better, but he wasn’t going to delay much longer before using them.

“I wish to be as muscular as a bodybuilder,” Wyatt announced, fixing his eyes back on his reflection as the genie declared that his wish had been granted. Back when he had been plain boring John, he had always had a fascination with muscular men but had never been able to achieve that look for himself and had truthfully been too intimidated to even step foot in a gym. Now that he had a shortcut to his dream physique, why wouldn’t he take it? 

Sure enough, the sight of his already decently sized body blossoming into a powerful bulging wall of muscle was nothing short of arousing for Wyatt. His shirt struggled to contain the massive inflation of his pecs, with the large slabs of meat now having a clear crease of definition between them. His arms were similarly dangerous for the fabric, as his biceps ballooned into sturdy boulders. Underneath his mighty pecs was a gorgeous landscape of eight cobblestone abdominals. The lower half of Wyatt’s body followed the same pattern: his quad muscles had tripled in size and his diamond-shaped calves made their presence known. All in all, he had to have gained at least a hundred pounds in pure muscle and he looked amazing for it!

Once his second transformation had settled down, Wyatt spent a few minutes parked in front of the mirror with the specific purpose of checking himself out. He raised both of his arms to strike a double bicep pose and admired how the flexed muscles rose into mountainous peaks. Similarly, when he brought his arms down into the most muscular, Wyatt was delighted by the way each and every muscle looked while tensed. Given his godly new size, he knew he could walk onto any bodybuilding stage and absolutely dominate the competition without difficulty!

It was hardly surprising that the new Wyatt had quickly developed an arrogant streak and that was only bolstered by the muscular beauty he saw in the mirror. While his jeans were already tight around his bulky legs, the situation only grew more dire when the front of his crotch began to bulge out. All of his flexing and posing had brought the man’s arousal to a whole new level and the result was an obscene tent in his pants. Wyatt didn’t even need to look to know that he had to be at least three inches longer than he had been before possessing the magical overlord. His new manhood was thick and sensitive too, but just as he was preparing to undo the fly on his pants and give his cock some much needed appreciation, he was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

“We’ve taken a prisoner, just as you requested, my lord,” a weasley voice announced from the adjacent room. “One of your brother’s lieutenants, sir. He was a feisty one but we weren’t going to fail you!” These proclamations were instantly fascinating for Wyatt. Truthfully, he didn’t actually know much about the life he would now be leading, other than the reputation that Wyatt Halliwell had built for himself as a cruel and tyrannical leader who only sought to gather more power for himself. He had heard numerous rumors that a rebellion was being led by Wyatt’s own brother but as an ordinary human he had always believed that it was best to just keep his head down and stay out of trouble. Now that would no longer be the case and it seemed as if he’d be personally dealing with the rebellion. No, not just dealing with them. Crushing them!

“Wait one moment,” Wyatt called out in instruction before turning his attention back towards the genie and lowering his voice. He was ready to make his third and final wish: “I wish to have the ability to influence and control the minds of other people.” The genie even looked mildly perturbed as they clicked their fingers and granted the wish. Wyatt didn’t feel any different, but given how clear it was that his first two wishes had come to fruition, he felt safe in the knowledge that he now possessed mind control powers.

Having granted the final wish, the genie transformed into a cloud of smoke and was sucked into the spout of the lamp, which promptly faded out of existence. By that point though Wyatt’s attention was elsewhere and he called out to demand that the prisoner be brought before him. The door opened and two men entered, one dressed in all black as Wyatt himself was and the other in various shades of blue. It didn’t take a genius to work out which of these men was faithful to Wyatt and which was the conniving traitor. Regardless of allegiance, both men seemed surprised and intimidated to see Wyatt’s new muscular proportions and the magical overlord relished in their silent fear.

“You can go,” Wyatt told the faithful servant. The man opened his mouth as if to insist that leaving him alone with a traitor wasn’t the wisest move, but before he could even get the first word out Wyatt was reaching out to the other’s mind and  harnessing his new power to deliver a firm instruction: “Leave.” Much to his delight, the command worked like a charm and seconds later he was alone with the rebel, whose expression was rapidly shifting between defiance and terror with every passing second.

“You’re going to tell me everything about my brother’s rebellion,” the new Wyatt instructed, beginning to pace the room while keeping his eyes on the prisoner. “You can give me the information willingly or I can force it out of you in a more painful manner. The choice is yours.”

Truthfully Wyatt had actually been hoping that the other man had a little more defiance left in him because he was itching to make use of his new power again. As such, when the prisoner spat at his feet in an outrageous sign of disrespect, a smirk flourished upon Wyatt’s handsome face. “Tell me everything,” he demanded, his deep voice amplified into a monstrous rumble by the sheer amount of magic packed into his body. The temperature in the room dramatically rose but only the prisoner seemed to feel its effects as beads of sweat instantly formed and began to trickle down his forehead.

What followed in the next twenty minutes was effectively one long test of his powers for the new Wyatt. He was delighted by the scope of his magical arsenal. He had been able to conjure daggers that he had telekinetically held against the prisoner’s throat and had summoned fireballs that circled the man, scorching the flesh that it came into close contact with. Wyatt was much too far gone in his new persona to see the cruelty in his actions and instead only saw it as an effective way to assert his dominance.

It worked like a charm too, as the prisoner opened up and shared every little thing he knew about the rebellion and the uprising they hoped to start. Wyatt absorbed the information like a sponge, already plotting ways that he would deal with his little brother, Chris. Before that though, he had the prisoner on his hands to deal with. Allowing the fireballs to engulf him would be so easy, but Wyatt had another idea in mind. While he was yet to determine just how much of San Francisco was now loyal to him, he figured that it couldn’t hurt to add another henchman to his services. The best part was that he now had the power to ensure that his people remained loyal to him, no matter what!

I am your god,” Wyatt declared, gripping the prisoner by his jaw and forcing his eyes to meet the tyrant’s intense gaze. “Serving me is the only thing you will care about from now until the day you die.”

The terror dropped away from the prisoner’s face and his features relaxed to such a state that he almost appeared intoxicated. “You are my god,” he repeated drowsily, “Serving you is the only thing I will ever care about from now until I die.”

Confident that his genie-gifted powers were working precisely as intended, Wyatt turned his intentions to a more wicked direction. Grabbing at the collar of his shirt, he applied the smallest amount of his massive physical strength to rip the garment in two and expose his mighty chest in the process. “Now, worship your god!” he ordered, bouncing his pecs and flexing his biceps. A dark chuckle escaped his lips as his new servant got to work, putting their tongue to good use. Oh, it feels good to be a god among men!


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