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Hi folks, before we begin with the story I just want to acknowledge that this story was crafted with help from my good buddy Soul-Controller
We worked on the idea together and decided to write companion stories featuring each of our perspectives. He'll be posting his perspective over on his Patreon in the near future, so if you aren't already, I really encourage you to go over there and support him if you can afford to do so! Other than sharing narratives, the stories themselves can be read independently.
There will also be a part two of this story somewhere down the line showing the other perspective of the swap featured in this one, so keep an eye out for that! PDF with pictures is attached below and will be posted on the Discord.

Henry was a longtime believer in the notion that it simply wasn’t fair that some people were blessed with incredible genetics and others were not. While he didn’t exactly consider himself ugly, Henry knew he would be lucky to be thought of as anything above average. As such, he felt a deep-seated envy towards men who were more classically handsome and had less challenge in trying to shape their bodies into muscular wonderlands. He was attempting his best but after years of trying it was quickly becoming clear that Henry’s best wasn’t going to be enough to get him to the point that he wanted. He had to go the extra measure and take what he wanted - no, what he deserved - for himself, by hook or by crook.

Mercifully he wasn’t alone in his belief, and it was the shared desire to be more than they currently were that strengthened his blossoming friendship with Nate. It didn’t matter that there was an ocean separating the two geographically; they were united by their numerous shared interests, and the usually awkward Henry was delighted by how easy it was to openly converse with the other transformation enthusiast. It was during these conversations that the concept of bringing their fantasies into a reality was first broached, and Henry was delighted that he and his new friend were on the same page. Unlike others in the transformation fiction community, they weren’t content to simply read and write stories about body swapping: they were determined to make it a reality, and were going to chase down an urban legend to help them get their way.

It had taken a considerable amount of time for the pair to track down a copy of the legendary Chronivac software, but finally they had managed it and Henry was ready to get to work on re-coding the decades-old program to a more workable state, especially one that would suit their specific needs. Henry gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back for having enough foresight to take coding classes, because the lessons he had learned helped speed up the modification process. Unfortunately it wasn’t the kind of task that could be completed within a single night and Henry’s day job as a secondary school teacher meant that his free time was limited. Thankfully, after a few weeks he finally had the Chronivac in working order, now as an app that could be downloaded onto their phones and accessed through a password that only the pair of them knew.

Nate had been the one to suggest that they test their new Chronivac apps out on someone or something else before using it on themselves and although Henry knew it was a wise idea, he was still anxious to hurry past the trial phase and get to the good stuff. That said, there was definite charm to seeing one of his numerous Captain America funko pops come to life and begin spouting quotes from the films in what he instantly recognised to be a perfect recreation of Chris Evans’ voice. A quick conversation with his friend confirmed that Nate’s trial had been similarly successful and neither of them saw any reason to delay any further. It was time for them to finally ascend from their middling bodies and become a pair of genetically blessed hunks!

While there were probably hundreds of men who Henry would have been more than happy to live the lives of, a recent thought had entered his mind and refused to leave: he was jealous of guys who had been gifted good looks, so was there any better choice than to become somebody who actually made a living off of those looks? There were hundreds of thousands of guys who made more from their OnlyFans in a week than Henry did in a full year at his teaching job; another frustrating disservice done to hardworking folks like himself and Nate. As such, the British teacher had become fixated on the idea that he would switch his body with one of the hunks whose OnlyFans account he had chosen to support. Not only would he be getting their incredible body and handsome face to do with as he pleased, but he’d also teach them a lesson about how the more average-looking folk in the world had to live! It was a win-win scenario!

From there it didn’t take much for Henry to come to his decision about whose body and life he would be stealing. Ryan Walker was such a stud in every sense of the word that it was hard for Henry to pick a highlight of the man’s body: was it those beefy pectorals, or the juicy ass cheeks that the man’s sweatpants always struggled to contain? He definitely wasn’t lacking in the face department either, as his square jawline and heavy brow were the very definition of classic male beauty, with the ginger shade of both his hair and stubble adding a gorgeous finishing touch. Yes, Ryan was absolutely the one. That was the body that Henry had always deserved to have…

“Hey, how about we make it so THEY actually initiate our changes?” The suggestion from Nate was initially confusing for Henry, but a wicked grin quickly spread across his face as his friend outlined the cunning plan that would trick their chosen hosts into sacrificing their bodies. It was the absolute icing on the cake as far as Henry was concerned. Not only would Ryan be forced into a life where he had to struggle through a full working day and the fatigue that came from trying to teach teenagers, but he’d also be responsible for his own downfall! It was perfectly devious and just more proof that Nate and he operated on a very similar wavelength.

It didn’t take Henry long at all to make the required changes to the Chronivac and soon enough he had created a hyperlink for each of them that they would send to their future bodies through OnlyFans’ private messaging feature. When he finally fired off the Chronivac link (disguised as a link to a clothing store selling sweatpants) though, Henry was frustrated by the fact there was no immediate body swap. In fact, it didn’t happen in the next five minutes, nor the next five hours. It seemed he was playing a waiting game and Henry was notoriously terrible at being patient!

The longer his message went without any acknowledgement from Ryan, the more frustrated Henry became. It was especially bad as Nate had gone uncharacteristically radio silent on him the very next day, and Henry was none the wiser about whether or not his friend had succeeded in getting the hunky body of his choosing to himself. The wait - either for his swap into Ryan’s body or news from Nate - was nothing short of torturous. What was taking so long?!

Finally, two days after sending the link to Ryan’s OnlyFans page and just as Henry was beginning to spiral into despair, his wait came to an end. Henry was actually in the middle of teaching a lesson to one of his worst-behaved classes when he suddenly became overwhelmed by a wave of lethargy. Staggering back to the teacher’s desk, he quickly dropped into his chair, all while the class grew strangely quiet. A number of his students even expressed concern - “Are you alright, sir?” or “Mr Cavanaugh, are you having a heart attack?!” - but their voices soon disappeared into the void as Henry was swallowed up by an all-consuming darkness.

His eyes were closed for no more than three seconds, but it was enough time for absolutely everything in his world to change. When his eyelids fluttered open once more, Henry was no longer in the cramped confines of his classroom with thirty ungrateful teenagers looking expectantly at him. Instead, he appeared to be in a high-end living room, resting on an incredibly comfortable leather sofa, with his feet up on a coffee table, one hand down the front of his pants and the other holding a latest model iPhone. Not only that, but he was bigger in every sense of the word! His legs, his chest, his cock... every single one was larger than it had ever been and upon looking at the phone screen, Henry instantly knew why: Ryan had finally opened his message, clicked the link and unwittingly activated the effects of the Chronivac!

Henry simply couldn’t stop himself from letting out an almighty cheer. It had finally happened! Just as he’d started to give up hope (and, given the class he had been with, was in a moment in a complete despair), he’d been delivered the body of his dreams! “Best day ever,” the teacher-turned-content creator grunted, admiring the sound of his new voice. It was a little jarring at first to hear an American accent speaking his words, but he was confident that he’d get used to it soon enough, just like he would with the more physical aspects of being in Ryan Walker’s perfect body. No, it was his perfect body!

The cock that was gripped within Henry’s left hand was beautifully thick and decently sized, especially considering it wasn’t even at full hardness yet either! It didn’t take much more than a few strokes for Henry to get to that point and he was immediately enthralled by just how sensitive the tip of his cock was - even the briefest brush across its surface sent a wave of pleasure rushing down the thick rod and throughout the rest of his beefy body.

As if he wasn’t already turned on enough though, his mind briefly wandered towards the man who he had replaced and he considered what the real Ryan Walker was doing at that very moment. It seemed highly likely that he was having some sort of meltdown at the front of the classroom and that image alone delivered considerable twisted satisfaction to Henry. He was already beginning to drip pre-cum against the front of his sweatpants and he was barely even stroking himself!

It took considerable restraint for Henry not to push forward and achieve orgasm right then and there. He was looking forward to that first climax in his new forever home but there was more that he wanted to achieve first. One such objective was a closer appreciation of his pecs. Henry placed down the cell phone and removed his hand from his cock so that he could grab each slab of muscle and begin groping and massaging the prominent chest muscles. So big I’m surprised I don’t need a bra, the man jokingly thought to himself, although now he couldn’t help but imagine how obscenely hot his body would look if he squeezed into a tight-fitting sports crop top. Good thing I’ve got all the time in the world to try it!

After minutes of appreciating his pecs, Henry turned his attention to the muscles of his arms and whistled in delight. He’d always been attracted to guys with big arms which was why he’d spent so much of his own time training them in the gym. He could never quite get his biceps, triceps and forearms to that massive shape that turned him on though, which had only added to his bitterness. Now though, he was carrying a pair of weapons that would successfully intimidate anyone as he brought them up to either side of his head and flexed his biceps. The muscles rose into mountainous peaks, with a pronounced vein making an appearance on each bicep to really highlight his strength and vascularity. Based on the evidence in front of him, Henry predicted new forearms were as broad as his upper arms had been back in his original body, which prompted a smug chuckle to escape his lips.

With his arms still raised in that double bicep flex, Henry lowered his head towards his left armpit and took a deep whiff of his new scent. His cock jolted in delight and even more pre-cum leaked from the tip in response to the intoxicating aroma. It was musky and arousing, reminding Henry of the smell of leather and sweat, and he loved the fact that it would now be coming from him forever. Once he was properly settled into Ryan’s life, it was absolutely Henry’s intention to find somebody with an armpit worship kink because the thought of pressing someone’s face into his pits and forcing them to lick the sweaty regions was just so damn hot to him. 

Turning his attention to lower down on his body, the body-swapped man rose from the sofa. Much to his surprise, he didn’t rise quite as high as he had been expecting. Back in his original body, he had been six-foot-one, but in this new form it seemed like was almost a whole foot shorter! His new height of five-foot-five only made his muscles appear even more prominent though and as Henry had always considered shorter guys to be a turn-on, he absolutely wasn’t complaining about being one himself!

Once he was on his feet, he hastily pushed down the light gray shorts that were the only item of clothing he had found himself adorning. That was easier said than done, thanks to how tight they were around his massive quads, but after a few seconds they dropped around his ankles. Rather than focusing back on his cock though, Henry moved his hands behind him and grabbed at the giant juicy globes that made up his new ass. Humming in approval as he groped the divine combination of muscle and fat, Henry was hardly surprised to discover that his posterior was so large that he couldn’t even get his hands fully around each cheek!

As he slipped his hand between those two proud cheeks, a cocky smirk settled onto Henry’s new face. He then used a finger to initially tease his hole before carefully pushing it inside. There wasn’t quite as much resistance as Henry had been expecting. While Ryan had always marketed himself on his OnlyFans page as a top, it seemed that he’d either bottomed or used toys numerous times prior to the swap. The familiar sensations of pleasure pulsed through Henry and finally his cock reached its absolute limit. This is it! The orgasm was completely undeniable and one of the most all-consuming that the former teacher had ever experienced in his life! His thick shaft throbbed as his cum burst forth, ultimately showering his bulky chest with his own seed.

Henry of course couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a taste for himself and used his free hand to scoop some of his ejaculation onto his fingers. He then brought those fingers up to his face and placed them between his lips, with his tongue licking the digits clean. Just as he’d expected, it was one of the most beautiful tastes that he had ever experienced. As such, Henry was quick to move his fingers through more of his release so that he could slowly clean himself up and make sure none of his seed went to waste.

Once he had descended from the blissful post-orgasm high and had successfully cleaned himself up, Henry searched around for the cell phone he had discarded. Upon picking it up from the floor, he quickly gained access through facial recognition and decided to look through the various messages that were waiting for him in his new OnlyFans inbox. As he scrolled through, it seemed like the list would never end. He had an army of people thirsting for him now and he absolutely loved the attention they were giving him! It was the attention he had always deserved and he was going to appreciate every bit of it, no matter how lewd the messages from some of his fans were!

Not every message was from a thirsty fan though, as there were a number from other OnlyFans content creators suggesting collaborations and hook-ups. Intrigued by the idea, Henry looked through a number of these conversations before one really caught his attention. It was from a user called “Honey Bear” and while the man in the profile picture was definitely a hunk, it was the message that had been sent two days prior that really stood out to him: Hey Henry, we should collab sometime! Ryan had replied with a blunt message stating that his name wasn’t Henry and he wasn’t interested in collaborating with somebody who couldn’t even use the right name.

Upon reading the message, Henry’s heart began to race. He knew immediately that “Honey Bear” hadn’t simply mixed up names - it had been Nate testing the water to see if Henry had made it into Ryan’s body yet! Henry hadn’t actually known who Nate would be switching with, but he’d made his own intention to settle in Ryan’s body quite clear, so it made sense that the other would attempt to reach out through the platform they now dominated. A grin spread across Henry’s face as he typed out a response acknowledging the other as his friend and partner in crime and confirming that he had finally found his way into Ryan’s gorgeous flesh. Not only that but he was most definitely interested in filming a collaboration with the other man; Henry was excited in particular by the thought of providing his new supporters with content showing his juicy ass getting plowed, just as it should be!

After retreating back to the inbox page, Henry immediately took notice of the most recent messages to arrive. They were only a few seconds old and from a very familiar account: HenryCav. Despite having only recently bust out a full load, Henry’s cock was already beginning to stiffen again as he clicked into the chat conversation. There underneath the link that he had used to switch them in the first place were no less than ten messages, all in full capitals, that were from the original Ryan. They ranged from “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?” and “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” to “WHY WON’T THE LINK SWAP US BACK?” and “I’M GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA YOU!”

Henry only laughed as he read through each message. It seemed like his prediction of the other man’s meltdown had come true and while seeing it through messages was fun, he actually wanted to see it in person too. While it would have been so easy to simply block the account that had once been his and simply move on with his new life, Henry instead decided to type out a response that he knew would rile the former Ryan up even more. He had absolutely no intention of ever giving up his new hunky body but his wicked mind had already come up with a number of ways that he could still have some fun at the expense of his old one. Like his reunion with Nate though, that would have to be a story for another time…


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