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Even though it had been seven full days since he had first woken up in the flesh of Robin Cassler, Joey still wasn’t used to seeing the kid’s face in the mirror every morning. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to get used to this new reflection, but his attempts to research what could possibly have caused the body swap between himself and a random college student hadn’t provided many results. Instead, his attempts had instead been severely hampered by the presence of exorbitant amounts of body swap erotic fiction there was on the internet. Joey could hardly find a single message board thread about the concept without it being flooded by comments of guys wishing it would happen to them!

These idiots don’t know how disorienting being in another dude’s body really is, Joey thought bitterly to himself as he gave up on his latest search for answers. He was sat at the back of a lecture theater and was supposed to be paying attention to his college professor anyway, as they would be having a test in their next class, but that only frustrated Joey further. He wasn’t supposed to be preparing to take a test, he should have been preparing for an upcoming football game instead!

The Chargers had only played one game since Joey had found himself displaced from his own body, but “Joey Bosa” had been present in the game. He’d been limited in the amount of snaps he played and even the commentators had noted how sluggish and out of character he looked during those plays, but it was explained away as being due to an injury. Throughout the entire broadcast, Joey seethed as he watched his body be puppeted by a kid who clearly had never played football before in his life. After messing up and allowing a player to slip through the defensive line and score a touchdown, this seething turned into rage as he furiously turned off the TV to save himself from second-hand embarrassment. Not for the first time that week, he wished he had a better memory for phone numbers beyond his own and his brother’s. Joey was certain that if he could just get in contact with the team’s QB Justin Herbert or perhaps even Head Coach Staley then he would be able to get the whole thing sorted out. Unfortunately without their numbers committed to memory, he had no way to get ahold of anybody from his old life. He was completely isolated.

When he wasn’t getting worked up into a fury or panic about the ridiculous situation that he was wrapped up in, Joey reluctantly spent the rest of his time following Robin’s class schedule. It wasn't like he had many options available to him and it at least helped eat up the hours of the day, but to tell the truth, the more classes he attended the more Joey actually found himself engaging with the content. He’d always been a fairly casual fan of films (who wasn’t?) so actually studying them in extensive detail was initially quite the challenge, but he felt strangely proud of himself whenever he was able to successfully apply a newly-learned film theory to one of the films the lecturer showed them. He would never speak up in the lectures, of course, but he had at least made an attempt to start writing a paper as part of an upcoming assignment.

The classes on digital animation were far and away Joey’s favorites though, especially as it seemed that many of his peers were also fans of anime too. It was during these classes that he actually dared to speak up, although only when somebody had a particularly dumb take about an anime that he’d been a longtime fan of. Learning how such animations were made was quite the eye-opening experience for him too; he’d always believed it to be insanely complicated, but when the process was broken down to its individual stages, it no longer sounded quite so daunting. It seemed like quite the viable career for Robin Cassler - but he was Joey Bosa, not Robin Cassler, and he wasn’t about to give up on his professional career, not even for the love of anime!

Much to Joey’s surprise, the handsome jock who had shown up at the door shortly after Joey had woken up in Robin’s body also happened to be in the digital animation class. Not only that, but Joey had caught the football player staring at him from time to time, and that raised a number of questions in his mind. His week of living Robin’s life had made it clear that the two young men ran in very different circles, so why had Porter (Joey had learned his name from the professor taking roll call at the start of the class) gone out of his way to apologize to somebody who he didn’t seem to have any real connection to? That was just another mystery on Joey’s plate, although he had to remind himself that he didn’t really care. He wasn’t planning to stick around in Robin’s life long enough to get the answer anyway.

When he wasn’t researching body swaps, taking notes in his classes or half-heartedly attempting to write college papers that he really had no reason to be working on, Joey spent most of his time locked away in Robin’s dorm room watching anime on his laptop. It wasn’t too uncommon from how Joey had spent a good amount of his free time during his own college days, but at least then he’d had football practice to break up the monotony. From what his week in Robin’s flesh had taught him, the kid didn’t really have much else going for him aside from his studies, although there were a number of students who frequently invited him to participate in social activities. Joey declined most of those invitations, but he’d been along for one trip to a fast food restaurant, which he had used to familiarize himself with the names of his dorm neighbors just in case he should need them.

Although calling them friends seemed to be something of a stretch, Joey had identified Robin’s closest contact as being Hannah, a pretty brunette girl with a nose piercing and a curvy physique. She had been the one who had knocked on his door on the morning of the swap and made jokes about Robin jerking off to JJ Watt, and Joey had soon learned that she not only shared a number of classes with Robin but seemed to have made it her personal mission to get the shy young man to come out of shell. He did his best to keep her at arm’s length, but truthfully there was something much more concerning about Hannah to Joey: despite her obvious beauty, he wasn’t attracted to her in the slightest. She was the kind of girl who held any guy’s attention and yet Joey felt absolutely nothing for her, even after he sneaked glances at her sizable chest and the full backside that she somehow managed to squeeze into tight jeans.

It was this lack of attraction towards an objectively gorgeous girl that forced Joey to confront the second biggest issue he had with occupying Robin’s body, that being that he had seemingly lost his heterosexuality. Despite his every attempt to convince himself that he was still straight even while in the body of a young gay man, Joey had failed to trigger any sort of arousal towards the female body. He’d even brought up some of his favorite porn clips on the laptop late one night, but the girl-on-girl clips had left him uncharacteristically cold, and when he’d switched to some regular guy-on-girl content, his gaze had continually drifted back to the man’s muscles and thick cock. That had been enough to frighten Joey into closing the laptop down, taking a cold shower and forcing his mind to go absolutely anywhere else.

The idea of being gay… well, it terrified him. Having been raised in a very conservative household, Joey hadn’t exactly held high opinions of the gay community for a good portion of his life. He’d met a few gay guys during his college days, but he’d never been close to any of them as he’d always felt uncomfortable with the idea that they might be checking him out when he wasn’t looking. Joey knew better than to broadcast his feelings about same-sex relationships to the public given his status as a famous athlete, so he just kept his mouth shut and head down whenever the topic came up during interviews or conversations with fellow players in the locker room. He could never understand why a guy would find the male form attractive, or want to suck on or get fucked by another man’s cock, nor did he really want to. Unfortunately that was out of his hands as his short time in Robin’s body had made clear. Whether he liked it or not, he was beginning to experience homosexual urges, and that was difficult for him to come to terms with.

It was this increasingly clear awareness of his new homosexuality that prompted Joey to scurry away whenever he saw Porter starting his way once their digital animation class was over. While he wasn’t happy about it, Joey had very quickly recognised why his heart would beat a little faster when he saw the football player looking his way and why he blushed whenever their eyes made contact. If he had to guess, Robin had been harboring a crush on Porter and that had been transferred over to him as part of their swap. At least it’s a jock and not some fat slob, Joey told himself, desperately trying to find a silver lining in a situation that he was already less than pleased about.

On the one week anniversary of the body swap, Joey had been so caught up in his thoughts that he’d missed the professor dismissing the class until the last few students were trailing out of the door. Forcing himself to try and not think about what Robin was getting up to in his body, Joey hastily packed away his equipment and scampered down the steps towards the exit. “Mercifully it had been his last class of the day, so he was free to go back to his dorm room (after just a week he was already starting to think of it as his, which terrified him) and watch some new anime releases to pass the time before sleep finally welcomed him back into its embrace. Unfortunately, Joey had already started to get so distracted again that he didn’t see somebody waiting just outside the classroom until he’d collided with their hard muscular body. In fact they were so solid that he would have ended up falling backwards and landing on his ass if they hadn’t reached out and grabbed him with a firm hand around Joey’s skinny bicep.

The football player (he refused to add former to the start of that) didn’t even need to look up from the impressive set of pecs at his eyeline to know who it was that had saved him from the embarrassing fall, but he still couldn’t help himself from looking up into Porter’s deep chocolate eyes and getting lost in the young man’s beauty. Porter’s face was twisted into an expression that was somewhere between surprise, alarm and amusement, and to Joey’s frustration, it only intensified the other’s beauty. As the jock’s distractingly kissable lips spread into a smile, Joey’s heart rate began to pick up its pace and his throat suddenly felt very dry. He hated himself for his body’s betrayal and he hated Porter for awakening such feelings within him, but most of all he hated Robin for putting him in such a situation!

“Oh! I’m sorry,” Joey mumbled, only managing to meet the larger man’s gaze for a few brief seconds before feeling his cheeks burn. It was hard for Joey to comprehend just how quickly all of his confidence had drained away. Back in his own body he’d never hesitated to stand his ground and speak his mind - his spat with Coach Addison had attested to that - but something about operating Robin’s scrawny frame had robbed him of that bravado. Fearing that the situation would only lead to further humiliation for him, he quickly tried to scurry away, but Porter’s hand was still clutching his arm and the college football player refused to let him leave so easily. Joey’s heart picked up in pace as he turned back to face the jock who was causing so many conflicting emotions to stir deep within him. “Can… Can you let go of me, please?”

“Only if you agree not to run away like you usually do,” the taller boy replied, his expression surprisingly serious and his voice even featuring a stern tone. A shiver rocketed down Joey’s spine and when he opened his mouth to reply he found himself completely unable to formulate a verbal response. With his words failing him, Joey settled for a mere nod and then felt a frustrating mix of relief and disappointment when Porter finally relaxed the grip on his arm. Joey really didn’t want to consider that he might have actually found himself longing for the other man’s touch. Just how far down the rabbit hole was he going to fall?!

The moments that followed were thick with an uncomfortable silence and for a brief moment Joey suspected that Porter might actually be flustered, but that couldn’t possibly be true. What reason would a tall, muscular and popular jock have to get flustered around a skinny runt like Robin Cassler? Mercifully the silence didn’t last for long, as Porter quickly cleared his throat and began to talk. “So I heard through the grapevine that you’re a bit of a football fan, right? That’s awesome, dude. Anime and football, just like me! I don’t think I’ve seen you at any of our games though.” His voice was deep and commanding, but there was also a bizarrely comforting quality to it that Joey couldn’t help but appreciate. It was even enough to distract him from what had actually been said. If his professional football career doesn’t work out then he’d probably make for a great broadcaster with that combination of good looks and a great voice, Joey surmised, only to immediately feel confused and conflicted about how quick he had been to sing Porter’s praises, even if it was only in his own mind.

“Wait, what? Oh- football, yeah. I- I love playing football,” Joey answered, completely running on instinct with his response. His choice of words provoked an eyebrow raise from Porter and after running back through what he’d said, Joey quickly realized the issue: nobody would ever believe that such a physically unimpressive guy like Robin could ever have played a single down of football in his life! “I mean... on the PlayStation. I play a lot of Madden.” It wasn’t the smoothest cover up in the world, but it would do.

“Then if you like football so much, why have you never come to one of our games, huh?” Porter challenged, folding his arms across his powerful chest. Joey’s heart was sent racing again as he was captivated by the sight of the jock’s biceps bulging as they framed his beefy pectoral muscles.

“I’ve totally been to the games,” he replied weakly, struggling to take his eyes away from the gourmet meal of muscle that was right in front of him. “I was at the last one and… and we won. You were really good.”

“We lost our last game and I played like total ass.” Oh. “Besides, I’ve been keeping an eye out in the stands for you, so I’m pretty sure that you’re lying right now… and that really hurts my feelings.” With the college jock standing so close and the intensity flashing behind his hazel eyes, Joey couldn’t help but feel intimidated. He was suddenly all too aware of how much smaller he was than Porter, and how the other would have no issue roughing him up if he desired to. “You know, you’re pretty hard to miss.” Wait, what is that supposed to mean?! Joey’s heart was racing as he attempted to interpret Porter’s latest comment, but the jock was already continuing: “Do you know what would probably fix my hurt feelings right up?”

It was hard for Joey to focus on anything other than how little space there was between them and his body seemed to pick up on that fact too, as his pants started to feel tighter around the crotch. “I- I don’t know,” the NFL star murmured, too afraid to move in case Porter should glance down and see the physical response he was starting to cause.

A sly smirk settled across Porter’s handsome face as he made his suggestion: “You could always come watch us practice this afternoon. I’ll even save a spot on the bleachers for you.”

Is he… flirting with me?! Every neuron in Joey’s brain was working overtime to try and comprehend exactly what the hell was going on. It simply didn’t compute that a hunky jock like Porter could actually be interested in guys, let alone somebody like him! Like Robin, Joey reminded himself. This wasn’t about him at all, it was all about Robin, but it still didn’t make any sense to him. Porter could probably have any guy on campus that he wanted - hell, even some of the male professors would probably cross a few moral lines for him - and yet he chose to flirt with Robin of all people?! Nah, this has to be a dream… or just one big old nightmare.

When Joey wasn’t forthcoming with a response, Porter’s confidence seemed to drop and his smirk faltered. Detecting the brief moment of weakness, Joey hastily took a few steps back. “I would love to but I have essays to work on and, well-- I gotta go!” Then, without daring to look back into the endless whirlpools of Porter’s dark eyes, Joey scampered away like a frightened kitten. His heart didn’t stop racing until he was back in the safety of his dorm and even then his encounter with the jaw-droppingly gorgeous jock didn’t leave the forefront of his mind until sleep finally claimed him hours later.

After rising from a blissfully quiet sleep and completing his customary check of his surroundings and reflection, Joey made a vow to put the events of the previous day into a locked box that he would then throw deep into the ocean of his memory. He only had one mission for the day (well, beyond his ongoing mission to return to his original body) and it was quite simply to avoid Porter at all costs. Can’t be too difficult, right?

Having spent the entirety of his morning catching up on the latest anime releases and then playing a few hours of Dark Souls III, Joey was pretty eager to get up on his feet when midday rolled around. He had always been an active person but Robin’s body seriously lacked the stamina that his own body had, plus there weren’t exactly many opinions that wouldn’t end in his humiliation. He longed to feel strong again but the thought of going to a gym while in such a weak body was nothing short of terrifying, as Joey could only imagine how the rest of the gym’s clientele would tower over him and treat him like a clueless newbie. With that out of the question, he decided that his best course of action was to take a walk and just enjoy being out in the fresh air.

The walk also helped to clear Joey’s head and he had almost completely forgotten about the woes of being in Robin’s body until he heard the name being called. His legs had carried him off the college campus and into the city streets, where he had been spotted by Hannah, who had been seated at a table outside an independently-owned café. She eagerly waved him over and not wanting to be rude (plus actually craving conversation, not that he’d admit it out loud), Joey obeyed and took the available seat across from her.

For the next twenty minutes Hannah led him through a rapid-fire conversation about a number of topics - their shared classes, her issues with the girls in the dorms on either side of her and even the problems she was having with her “maybe boyfriend”. While none of those topics were historically ones that Joey would have cared about, he happily sat and listened just to give himself something new to focus on. Hannah had a natural charisma about her and being in her presence put the body-swapped football player at ease and before he even knew what he was doing, he had accepted an invitation to get drinks at a bar with his new friend that evening.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur until suddenly it was only half an hour before Joey was expecting Hannah to show up at his dorm door to collect him for their night out together. She had informed him via text that she’d invited a few other friends to join them and that they’d be heading out to “Tommy’s Tavern” which was apparently “their usual”, although Joey hadn’t bothered to research the place. He was too busy tearing through Robin’s wardrobe to try and find something that looked half presentable and didn’t make him feel too terribly insecure about the slender body he was currently in possession of. It seemed like Robin owned nothing but pastel-coloured shorts and aggressively tight skinny jeans, neither of which were Joey’s usual choice, so he resorted to leaving the decision to the flip of a coin and ended up squeezing himself into the latter. He paired the skinny jeans with a navy blue shirt, rolling up the sleeves and leaving the top few buttons undone, and although he wasn’t exactly thrilled with the reflection that greeted him in the mirror, even Joey had to admit that Robin had a certain cute factor about him.

If that past week had taught Joey anything, it was that he was surprisingly good at the whole “fake it until you make it” ordeal. Aside from a few odd looks from Hannah, he hadn’t had anybody call him out for acting strange or out of character and while he didn’t exactly take all that much comfort in knowing that he could pull off a good Robin impression, he definitely preferred their casual acceptance rather than them digging for the truth. It wasn’t as if they would believe him if he tried to explain what was really going on but Joey was still glad that he hadn’t been caught out. The last thing he needed was to get fitted for a straightjacket or shipped back home to live with Robin’s father out of a mental health concern.

Unfortunately for Joey, his Oscar-worthy performance as Robin Cassler immediately faltered as he stepped out of the taxi with Hannah and the rest of her friends. Looking around at the sights of “Tommy’s Tavern”, Joey quickly realized that this wasn’t the kind of bar he frequented. The neon sign above the doorway featured a rainbow flag on either side and Joey could faintly hear the sounds of Britney Spears music playing from within. Hannah had brought him to a gay bar! Oh no no no, this isn’t gonna end well. Before he could even begin to formulate a plan for how he might escape, Hannah looped her arm around his and surged forward, pulling the terrified twink with her. They were quickly waved in by the bouncer after flashing their IDs (Joey had been surprised to discover that Robin was daring enough to own a fake ID in the first place), but the former football player didn’t fail to notice the way the doorman’s eyes traversed the length of his lithe body and the smirk that appeared upon the man’s lips. It was enough to send a shiver down Joey’s spine, although he couldn’t work out if it was out of disgust or excitement.

Once they were well within the establishment, Joey used the sea of sweaty bodies as cover to break away from Hannah and make his way towards the bar. In his own body he would have had no issue pushing through the crowd - in fact they likely would have parted like the red sea - but he had a much more difficult time with it while he was in Robin’s body. While there were a number of other twinks present (Joey loathed the fact that twink was a word he now understood and casually accepted), the vast majority of the club’s clientele were beefy bears or gym gays that didn’t seem to even notice Joey trying to squeeze his way past. By the time he finally reached the bar, he was covered in sweat, all of which was from other men, and more in need of a drink than he had potentially ever been.

While the bar area was a little less crowded than the dancefloor, Joey still found himself fighting to make room for himself. Eventually he made it to the front of the small crowd and found himself standing next to a beefy older guy with a thick beard who wouldn’t look too out of place as an offensive lineman on a football field. As they waited for the bartender to take their orders, the larger man fixed his attention on Joey and moved a little closer so that their bodies were making physical contact. “Haven’t seen you here before,” the man growled, pulling Joey’s attention towards him. “You a college student?”

Why is he talking to me? Joey wondered to himself, although he had a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn’t like the answer. “I… yeah, I’m a college student,” he replied hesitantly before attempting once more to get the bartender’s attention. Almost as soon as he had turned his attention away from the bearded beefcake though, Joey suddenly felt a hand pressing against the small of his back and there was a strange stirring deep inside of him.

“You’re cute,” the man declared, leaning down to further invade Joey’s personal space. “Just my type, actually.” A shiver ran down the former football player’s spine as his already tight pants began to feel even tighter, particularly around the crotch region. “You know, the bathrooms here are pretty private. Nobody would know if we…”

Joey had heard enough. He rapidly pulled away and shuffled back into the crowd of people that had been waiting for access to the bar, putting as much distance between himself and the overly-handsy man as possible. His heart was racing but his cock had also completely sprung to life at the slightest physical contact and the sensation of the man’s hot breath hitting his cheek. Not for the first time, Robin’s body was betraying him and Joey knew he was going to end up in serious danger if he remained in such a volatile environment. He wasn’t going to allow himself to kiss another man, let alone go as far as the guy at the bar had been suggesting! I’m not gay! I’m not…

The journey back to Robin’s dorm room went by in a flash, although that was easily attributed to the fact that Joey spent the entire taxi journey replaying the events at the bar in his head. In the short few seconds that he had been in the other man’s presence, Joey had managed to commit his entire physical shape to memory and his untrustworthy brain was insisting on picturing how the guy might have looked beneath his clothes. By the time Joey had made it into his room and slammed the door behind him, his cock was painfully hard and he knew that his week of abstaining from self-pleasure was over. He desperately needed to get off!

After some difficulty, Joey eventually managed to shuffle his way out of the infuriatingly tight skinny jeans and mere moments later he was seated at the desk with one hand in his boxer briefs and the other loading up the computer. His cheeks flushed red as he navigated through folders until he had located the one containing hundreds of photos of NFL players, some of them in uniform and others wearing very little at all. When he had discovered the pictures on his first morning in Robin’s body, Joey had been weirded out by the collection. Although there was still a voice in the back of his mind insisting that what he was about to do was very wrong, it was easily ignored. 

It didn’t take Joey very long at all to find a picture that grabbed his attention and sent his arousal into a whole new stratosphere. He had very quickly scrolled past the pictures of himself and Nick, but it was a picture of another set of brothers that caused Joey to let out a low moan of delight. His cock twitched in excitement as he soaked in the trio of beefy studs and his mind began to wander towards places that Joey had never before felt compelled to even consider! He imagined himself in the same room as the trio of hunky football players, down on his knees and jerking his cock just as he was at that very moment, while the brothers towered over him. TJ curled dumbbells, causing his massive biceps to rise, while JJ popped his pecs in hypnotic fashion and Derek (who had once been a teammate of Joey’s on the LA Chargers) stroked his thick length through the front of his shorts. It was a heavenly sight and given Joey had spent a whole week putting off the act of self-pleasure, it really wasn’t all that surprising that he rocketed towards orgasm in less than a minute!

As he came down from the incredible high, Joey expected to feel ashamed of his actions, but shockingly that shame never actually manifested. Not wanting to consider what that meant for his sense of self, he quickly cleaned himself up with some tissues and transitioned from the desk to his bed. His mind refused to leave the hot images of the three Watt brothers all but taunting him with their sexiness behind and every time he closed his eyes, Joey’s imagination went into overdrive. In an attempt to make sure he didn’t spend the entire night lusting after guys he’d shared locker rooms and beers with, Joey switched on the television and loaded up some old episodes of his favorite childhood anime. Just as it always had, the reruns settled him enough that sleep was quick to follow and the sexually confused athlete escaped into an innocent dream.

That sleep was only destined to last for two hours though, as the body-swapped athlete was awoken suddenly by thundering blows to his door in the middle of the night. Joey jolted awake instantly and was both confused and concerned when he checked the alarm clock to discover that it was only three in the morning. The screen was still playing old anime episodes at a quiet volume but all else was so quiet that Joey thought he must have imagined the knocking until it returned for a second round. Too curious for his own good, Joey abandoned the bed and crept closer to the door, being careful not to make a sound so that the late night visitor wouldn’t hear him. Glancing through the peephole revealed Porter, clad in a tight black t-shirt and some sweatpants, rocking back and forth in a surprising display of nervous body language.

Despite his earlier promise to avoid the college jock at all costs, Joey couldn’t resist and slowly opened the door. His heart began to race as he got a proper view of the school’s starting quarterback, with his princely good looks and photoshoot-ready muscular body. Porter’s eyes darted around the room behind Joey, taking in the anime that was still playing and the various items of Arizona Cardinals merch that adorned Robin’s dorm room. “Wh-what are you doing here? It’s the middle of the ni--”

Joey flinched and broke off as Porter surged forward, but the smaller man’s fears of being attacked by the college jock were completely unfounded. Instead, gentle hands found their way to either side of Joey’s face and suddenly there was a pair of surprisingly soft lips against his own. Porter was kissing him! Not just that, but before he could even realize what he was doing, Joey was kissing the other man right back…



Great continuation! Feels like a lot of potential for where things can go and the burgeoning love story is sweet!