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This story is based off an eight-word request by Brandon Twice. Make sure you're a member of the patron-only Discord server so you can submit ideas for me to consider! I believe this is also only my first or second time writing a shrinking story, and I had fun with it. I hope you all enjoy!

Antoine Vaillant liked to consider himself a pretty progressive guy, especially in the sport of bodybuilding (which could unfortunately be rather backwards at times). He welcomed anyone who was serious about wanting to make improvements to their bodies, their gender or sexuality really didn’t matter to him. In fact, the vast majority of gay men he had met during his bodybuilding career had been wonderfully respectful towards him. Even though there were the occasional few that attempted to hit on him, they had backed down immediately when he politely but firmly informed them that his heterosexuality was not up for debate. Unfortunately there was just one guy who didn’t seem to get the hint…

Brent was almost five inches taller than Antoine, with a full head of golden blond hair and runway-worthy looks, but he was also about fifty pounds lighter and far less defined. Unlike Antoine, Brent didn’t seem to take his bulk and cut cycles as seriously as he should, which was probably why the other man had never won any of the categories he entered. It was at a competition when their paths had first crossed and he had seemed nice enough at first, but in no time at all Brent was unleashing a series of crude remarks about how physically attractive he found Antoine. When the usual polite refusals failed to do the job, Antoine had been forced to resort to a method that had never let him down before: a simple but efficient “fuck off”. At once, that overconfident grin slipped off of Brent’s face and with haste, he quickly scampered away in rejection. Unfortunately for Antoine, it was only a few weeks later when Brent began showing up to his favourite gym.

Whenever they happened to be in the establishment at the same time, the shorter-but-heavier man could feel Brent’s eyes on him, like a predator stalking its prey. Never in his life had another person been so successful at making the three-hundred pound bodybuilder’s skin crawl. It was getting so bad that he was actively thinking about calling in a favour from the gym owner to get Brent banned. Sure, it would be a little embarrassing for him to admit that he was getting flustered and frustrated by Brent’s actions, but it was putting Antoine off of his game and he simply couldn’t allow that to happen. Unlike Brent, he wasn’t content with being a runner-up. He wanted to be centre stage with a medal around his neck and he wouldn’t reach that point if he was constantly looking over his shoulder.

It was only after Antoine caught Brent watching him in the shower and beating his (admittedly quite impressive) meat that the champion bodybuilder finally decided enough was enough. He needed the obnoxious pervert out of his life, and as such he didn’t feel at all bad about pulling strings to get Brent’s membership at the club revoked. Hell, the guy was lucky that Antoine wasn’t pressing charges for sexual harassment! He simply wasn’t worth that amount of trouble and the last thing the French-Canadian bodybuilder wanted was for his career success to be overshadowed by a scandal. The sooner Brent was in his rear view mirror, the better.

Unfortunately for Antoine, that was much easier said than done, as Brent wasn’t the type to simply quit when he was campaigning to get something he wanted.

Several days had passed since Brent’s supposed departure from his life before Antoine finally noticed that something wasn’t quite right. His workouts through that three day period left him more exhausted than was usual and his pumps didn’t look quite as good as they should have either, but it wasn’t until his boxers failed to remain up around his waist that the bodybuilder realised he was actually shrinking. At first he didn’t want to believe it, but the numbers didn’t lie: his weight was down by twenty pounds and he measured several inches shorter than his usual six-foot height. How the hell was such a thing possible? Even as the question first formed in his mind though, Antoine quickly realised that there could only be one person to blame.

Brent, of course, didn’t even attempt to hide the glee from his face when the infuriated bodybuilder showed up at his door. He welcomed Antoine in as if they were old friends and didn’t even flinch when the French-Canadian pressed a hand against his chest and slammed the other against the wall of his own entranceway. “You did something to me, I know you did!” Antoine spat, allowing his anger to drive him. “Whatever it was, you’re gonna undo it and maybe I won’t report you for all the creepy shit you’ve been pulling. I’ve got guys who will testify for me, bro. The whole world will know what a fucking creep you are!” The simple fact that he was now ever so slightly shorter than the other man was infuriating for Antoine and his blood continued to boil at the fact that his attempt to intimidate the other seemed to have absolutely no effect. Indeed, the other man actually started smiling.

“Drag my name through the mud all you like, little guy. It won’t change the conditions of that curse I put on you,” Brent hissed in response, seemingly enjoying that he finally had Antoine’s hard muscular body pressed up against him, even if it was in an aggressive manner rather than sexual. “Every hour that goes by you’ll get just that little bit smaller, but when things really get going… oh, you’ll be getting dwarfed by ants before you know it! They’ll have to invent a brand new measurement for how tiny you’ll end up.”

Despite his best efforts to remain strong, a shiver of fear rippled down Antoine’s spine. He’s talking shit. There’s no way that could happen. Brent’s threats lingered in the air; they had taken Antoine’s mind hostage and refused to be shaken off. His anger was tainted with a sudden wariness and when he spoke again, it was with notable caution: “What’s the catch then, huh? What do I gotta do to stop this?” Before the words had even fully left his lips though, Antoine realised just how obvious the answer was. What could Brent - a guy who had gone to great lengths to highlight just how sexually attracted to Antoine - want from him?

A vindictive smile crept across Brent’s lips, sending a rare shiver down Antoine’s spine. Considering his awe-inspiring muscles, he very rarely found any reason to experience fear, but if what the other man was saying had even the smallest amount of truth to it then it was impossible for him not to be at least apprehensive. “Oh I think you know,” the other started, clearly savouring the power he suddenly held over the champion bodybuilder. “You just have to make another man cum. Easy, right?” Brent seemed to glow with excitement, as a lottery entrant with the winning ticket might, while Antoine was left to despair. Even though he had anticipated the condition, having it spelled out loud for him brought about a fresh wave of horror.

That sick fucking bastard, the bodybuilder thought, caught between the animalistic urge to charge at the man and the uncharacteristic desire to sob like a baby. “Even if you’re not lying through your teeth, I would still never let you be that man. I’d rather shrink down to atoms before I demeaned myself by giving you what you want,” he spat, even as he felt another inch of height drop away, forcing him to tilt his head further up to continue holding the other man’s gaze. The inopportune shrinking took some of the bite out of Antoine’s remark, especially as his stomach began to twist into a knot as a result. It seemed all too clear that the other man’s remarks about the nature of Antoine’s curse weren’t just wild stories.

Despite the now-shorter man’s best attempt at being intimidating, Brent’s smile didn’t falter once. If anything, it only grew wider. “Sure thing, little guy,” he retorted, voice dripping with mockery. “All straight guys talk a big game, but I’ve never met one who was able to stick to his word. Trust me, I’ll be seeing you soon, stud!” The taller man’s smug face was just begging to be smashed in by Antoine’s fist, but the shrinking bodybuilder knew that it was likely a bad idea - Brent would probably find a way to accelerate the shrinking process to retaliate. Instead, Antoine settled for spitting at the man’s feet before storming out of the property. They both knew that Brent deserved a hell of a lot worse, but it was still an effective way the message across. Antoine was determined to prove the other wrong: he’d find a way to stop his unwanted changes without giving the perverted bastard the pleasure he was trying to strong-arm out of him. Yeah, he’ll rue the day…

Unfortunately it really wasn’t long before Antoine’s defiance started to waver. Just twenty-four hours after his confrontation with Brent, the bodybuilder had shrunken down to five feet. Everything around him looked so damn huge and all of the size XXL clothes that had once been stretched over his Herculean muscles now hung loosely off of him. Antoine was too damn scared to leave the house on the off chance that somebody recognised him and spread a picture of his shrunken state on social media. He had hoped that devoting his time to scouring the web for some sort of resolution might help him out, but he’d found absolutely nothing that could be of any help and with the hours ticking by, he was only getting smaller.

As such, Antoine was forced to consider the solution that Brent had offered him. If he made another man orgasm then he’d regain all of his size, and Brent hadn’t even specified that the other man had to be him. Would one of Antoine’s gym buddies be willing to do him a favor? If he just explained to them what Brent had done to him then they wouldn’t think any less of him for his proposition, would they? Of course, they all knew that Antoine was as straight as a ruler, but offering to give another man a handjob (as if he’d ever use his mouth!) wasn’t exactly the most heterosexual of conversation starters. It was miles better than having to resort to a complete stranger though! The thought of having to download one of those gay hook-up apps just to find another man to help him out made the bodybuilder’s skin crawl and he knew for certain that they would want more than just the rushed handjob he was offering.

While neither option was inviting, it was pretty clear which was the lesser of two evils, so Antoine decided to scroll through his contacts list until he found a name of somebody that he could trust. This was a secret that he would be relying on them to keep all the way to the grave, after all. Eventually he settled on Nick Walker, a younger bodybuilder who he occasionally partnered with for some intense gym sessions. The kid had a damn impressive body and even made Antoine feel a little self conscious at times, but he had both a good heart and an incredible sex drive, so the French-Canadian felt confident that his friend would help out with his unconventional need but still keep it secret.

The text message Antoine had sent had been deliberately shy on details, but mercifully Nick agreed to swing by his place in a few hours to see what was up. The two bodybuilders had barely come face-to-face (or more accurately, given Antoine’s shrinking during the waiting period, face-to-chest) before the younger bodybuilder swore loudly. “What the hell, dude? How are you shorter?!” Nick exclaimed, frozen in the doorway. Antoine quickly ushered the giant wall of muscle inside, hoping that nobody had seen past him and caught sight of the French-Canadian in his reduced state. “Seriously bro, what’s going on? That shit ain’t natural. Did you take some experimental gear or what?”

“I got cursed,” Antoine explained through gritted teeth. “That asshole homo from my gym, Brent. You remember him, right? Well he was pissed about me getting him banned so he did this to me.” The shrunken bodybuilder’s frustration only grew when he caught sight of the other man’s cynical expression. “Why would I make this shit up? It’s the truth, dude, and I need your help to fix it!”

“What do you want me to do?” Nick asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion. He had maintained a considerable distance away throughout the exchange, as if he thought that getting close might trigger him to start shrinking too. As Antoine delicately explained the rules that Brent had laid out for him though, the expression on Nick’s face transitioned from apprehension to outright disgust. “Fuck no, dude! There’s no way I’m letting you touch my junk. What if that shit’s contagious, huh? You could ruin my competition chances!” Antoine knew that it was going to be a tough sell, but to be outright rejected so coldly felt like being punched in the gut. “Besides, I’m not a queer and I didn’t think you were either!”

“Of course I’m not a-- fuck!” Antoine’s voice had taken on a tone of desperation as he replied, but his words had been cut off by a sudden spinning of his gut, as if he was completing a loop on a rollercoaster. Then, the world around him (including Nick) seemed to get even larger. No, he was getting rapidly smaller! The other bodybuilder rose higher and higher above Antoine until he was level with the other man’s crotch. At that point Antoine’s shrinking mercifully ceased, but he had still lost somewhere between two and three feet in a matter of mere moments. He couldn’t be any taller than three feet anymore!

“Fuck that, I’m outta here!” Nick exclaimed, eyes wide in terror at the shocking sight he had just witnessed. He fled the apartment as if being chased by ghosts, leaving Antoine to call helplessly after him. Once the door slammed shut though, Antoine knew that it was a lost cause. He was a goddamn freak! How would he ever convince anyone to do anything gay with him when he looked like a labratory experiment with all of his huge muscles packed onto such a tiny frame?

The coffee table in his living room was now above waist-height and as he grabbed at his phone, Antoine was flustered by just how large it now appeared to be. Hell, it was almost bigger than his head! With trembling hands, he navigated to one of Brett’s social media pages and shot him a direct message demanding to know why his shrinking had suddenly escalated. It took a mere ten seconds for the “read” notification to come through, but infuriatingly no reply followed. Antoine fired off several mone messages, all of which were read, but Brent continued to give him the silent treatment.

Ten minutes of agonising panic later, there was suddenly a thundering at the door and Brent’s unmistakable voice emerged from the other side: “I know you’re in there, little guy. Let me in and I’ll explain what’s going on!” Antoine didn’t exactly love the idea of letting Brent into his home, but what choice did he have? The other man was the only one who could provide him with any answers, and truthfully Antoine’s resolve had completely broken down in the face of Nick’s rejection. If Brent was his only shot at getting back to his rightful size then he’d have to swallow his pride and give the other man what he had always wanted…

A shiver ran down the shrunken bodybuilder’s spine as he opened the door and came face to face with Brent’s bulging crotch. He wasn’t sure if the other man had deliberately worn tight pants but Antoine could make out all eight inches of the other man’s hard shaft and it was dangerously close to his face! This motherfucker is getting off on my humiliation! He had expected as much, but being confronted with proof of it was a whole other ordeal. The other man absolutely towered over him and his cock looked like a weapon that would be capable of destroying Antoine if it was given the opportunity, something which was unfortunately looking more and more likely!

“So it turns out I forgot to mention something about this curse,” Brent began, closing the door behind him and advancing on Antoine with a twisted glee creeping onto his face. “The shrinking accelerates whenever a man rejects you, so I’m guessing you tried your luck with one of your straight buddies, huh?” He faked an expression of sympathy before breaking out into cruel laughter. “Now that you know how the bitter taste of rejection feels… Do you have something to ask me?”

I’ll get him for this. Somehow, someway. He can’t get away with this! Still, for the time being Antoine was left to Brent’s mercy. He simply couldn’t let himself get any smaller. “Can I… Can I jerk you off?” he asked quietly. His tormentor laughed and told him to speak up and show some manners. Fighting back the urge to cry, Antoine tried again: “Please let me jerk you off!”

Brent’s smile was so wide as he closed the distance between them that he looked practically demonic. He ran his hand over Antoine’s smooth head in a manner that felt awfully mocking, before leaning down and uttering his response: “No.”

Wait, what?! Antoine couldn’t hold back the cry of despair as the rejection caused another sudden acceleration of his shrinking, forcing him down over a whole foot to leave him under two feet tall. Brent was a goddamn colossus, looming over him like some ancient Greek statue. It suddenly seemed clear that the other man didn’t just want to force Antoine into a position where he was desperate to pleasure Brent, but he also wanted to intensify the humiliation as much as possible.

“P-please!” Antoine whimpered desperately, “I-I can’t blow you while I’m this small so it’s all I can do, just let me--”

No.” Another rejection, another chunk of height lost! Antoine had plummeted all the way down to ten inches tall. Brent could easily crush him with his foot if he desired so! The once-dominant bodybuilder was as helpless as a baby to defend himself, so when Brent knelt down and grabbed him with a ginormous hand, he didn’t even try to resist. What good would it even do? He could only hope that Brent would finally show him some mercy because he couldn’t afford to shrink any further…

If Antoine was losing himself to endless despair then the opposite was happening to Brent, who looked like a man of faith finally meeting his god. From his trapped position in the other’s grip, Antoine couldn’t help but tremble at the thought of the wicked ideas coursing through the other man’s mind. Brent had already proven that he was willing to go the extra mile to make sure Antoine regretted ever turning him down, so the tiny bodybuilder had absolutely no idea just how far the other man might take it. As such, there was undeniable danger in the giant’s next words: “Now, do you want to ask me one more time?”

What could Antoine even afford to do anymore?


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