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As promised, chapter four of "Bolt Up, Bosa Up" is an extra release for this month! Make sure you've read the previous three chapters before this one! Thanks go out to Soul-Controller as always for helping to beta read this one.

Robin never particularly enjoyed nights where he found himself dreaming about Max Harding but the dream he had the night after his latest harassment by the jock was particularly alarming. It was bad enough that Robin found himself trapped in an endless maze with his tormentor pursuing him while decked in football gear, but his dream had also seen fit to revert him back to his child self - small, slow and weak - seemingly just to make things worse. The padded-up Max looked like the minotaur of the labyrinth in comparison and Robin had spent the whole dream running for his life. Unfortunately he couldn’t quite run fast enough and it was only a matter of time before the monstrous figure finally caught up with him. With his meaty paws grabbing at Robin’s slender shoulders, Max opened his mouth as if to let out an almighty roar - only the sound that emerged was not an animalistic growl but rather the shrill ringing of a cell phone...

It was this shrill ringing that seemingly pulled Robin out of his slumber, although he was confused about its origin considering he had his phone permanently switched onto silent mode. As if that confusion before even opening his eyes wasn’t enough, he realised that he had somehow ended up sat upright and now had a considerable pain in his neck and back as a result! With a slight wince as he turned his head from side to side in an attempt to loosen his neck muscles, Robin finally opened his eyes and was greeted by a third and even more alarming source of confusion: he was no longer in his dorm room.

While it was a difficult challenge, he had done his best to make his small dorm room feel homely with various decorations that showcased his love for both football and anime. This room had no such enrichment and was instead completely minimalist in design, with stark white walls and black leather furnishings. Despite the unfamiliarity of the room it took Robin mere moments to identify it as a living room, albeit one that was likely nestled in the heart of a property that was far beyond his family’s price range. The television mounted onto the wall across from him had to be at least seventy-five inches from corner to corner and was accompanied by a surround-sound speaker system. Robin was no expert but he had his doubts that such purchases could cost anywhere under three-thousand dollars.

The foreign surroundings had succeeded in distracting the college student not just from the aching pains in his neck and back but also the ringing phone. It was only once the screeching tone came to a stop that he actually remembered what it was that had pulled him out of his nightmare. A quick glance around the immediate area didn’t help Robin establish the location of the cell phone but rather he uncovered something much more perplexing: he was no longer in his pajama pants (instead, he found himself wearing a pair of light grey joggers) and even more bizarrely, his legs looked huge!

Reaching down to grab at them, Robin was startled to discover that underneath the soft fabric of the joggers he encountered nothing but hard muscle. He had always had slender legs without much definition but from his brief groping it seemed as if he had suddenly come into possession of a pair of powerful pillars, as large and firm as watermelons. The longer he stared down towards his lap though, the more differences Robin began to notice. For one, his fingers appeared to be thicker and the span between his thumb and little finger was wider than he remembered it being. Not only that but his larger hands were connected to sturdier forearms, and those forearms led up to massive upper arms with herculean biceps and well-defined triceps that stretched out the sleeves of his tee, and those bulging upper arms were connected to much broader shoulders...

“Holy shi--” Robin started, only to encounter yet another surprise. Woah! Why is my voice so deep?” He had always been something of a softly-spoken young man and there was absolutely nothing soft about the strong dulcet tones that had left his mouth. “This has gotta be another dream, right?” It wasn’t like he had actually woken up with a suddenly buff body in an unfamiliar house like he was the subject of some straight-to-video Sci-Fi movie… or one of the kinky stories he had saved deep in a folder on his laptop that he would read late at night. Okay, so it’s a body swap dream, he rationalised. That’s cool. Kinda hot. Definitely preferable to that mess with Max, but who have I dreamed myself into?

Pushing himself off of the leather sofa, the college student almost tumbled right over and into the coffee table due to his unfamiliarity with just how much heavier and taller he now was. His dreamself had to be at least six-foot-five and probably in the mid-two hundred pounds range! Despite his certainty that everything he was experiencing was just a product of his slumbering mind, Robin had to admit that it all felt pretty darn real and he was enjoying himself. He only hoped that he wouldn’t be plucked out of his dream until he’d had enough time to properly explore the hard body currently hidden under loose-fitting clothes.

First objective: find a mirror. That was much easier said than done though, as Robin had absolutely no idea where he was and he seemed to have dreamed up a house that might as well have been an evolution of the labyrinth he had just been trapped in with Max. Each room seemed to be larger than the last! He had stumbled out of the living room (still unsteady on his feet) and into the dining room before then happening upon the kitchen. Finally from there he was able to find a door that led into a spacious downstairs bathroom and built into one of the walls was a floor to ceiling mirror! With a thundering heart he stepped in front of the reflective surface and immediately gasped when he recognised the face gawking back at him: he was Joey frickin’ Bosa!

“Now this is awesome,” he declared after several long seconds of standing completely still and trying to process what the hell was going on. “Best dream ever.” That much was certain at least! This was certainly one that he wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.

With a sudden burst of energy and a devious idea in mind, Robin grabbed at the collar of his navy blue shirt and tugged. Just as he’d expected, the fabric began to shred in response to his strength, exposing the hard muscles of his chest beneath in a drool-worthy reveal. Joey’s chest was completely smooth which allowed for an unobstructed view of his firm pectorals and the tight expanse of his abdominals. Holy shit, I’m ripped! Robin didn’t even hesitate to squeeze at the meaty pecs once he had discarded the rags of his shirt and after a few seconds of having fun with them, he moved his hands down to trace the cobblestone pattern of his rock-hard abs. Much to his bemusement, he actually had more chest hair on his own body than Joey seemed to have on his, although there was no comparison when it came to the amount of strong muscle packed onto the athlete’s frame!

Unsurprisingly his physical exploration caused an awakening below the waistline of his pants and there was a noticeable rising in the crotch area. Eager to experience the goodies that were contained beneath, Robin grabbed at the top of the joggers and pushed them down to his ankles. Joey’s body was wearing a pair of mustard yellow boxers but they appeared to be at least one size too small and they struggled to contain the growing hardness currently housed within. Although he was incredibly keen to get his hands around Joey’s manhood, Robin had enough restraint to pause for a few moments so he could inspect the tattoo that adorned his right thigh. The design was intricate and featured numerous colorful pieces of artwork, but before the college student could quite identify each piece - KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!

The sudden interruption of those thunderous knocks startled Robin and caused him to jump, almost losing his balance once again. A second round of hammering at some distant door established that whatever visitor had arrived to disturb Robin’s erotic exploration didn’t have much patience, so he reluctantly pulled the joggers back up and made his way out of the bathroom to try and locate the source of the noise. For a few moments he had suspected that the knocking was coming from outside his dream but he didn’t feel the familiar pull back into the waking world, so it seemed as if he’d continue to exist as Joey in his dream for a little while longer. Hopefully he’d be able to get rid of his visitor quickly and go back to exploring the hunky athlete’s body before he really did snap back into consciousness.

If it wasn’t for the persistent beating at the door, it likely would have taken Robin a lot longer than the thirty seconds that it did to actually find the entrance hall. As soon as he’d pulled open the door though, his plan to quickly dismiss the other was instantly purged from his mind, as the man standing on the doorstep was none other than Keith Addison, his former neighbor. I guess it makes sense to dream about him considering he phoned right before I fell asleep, Robin attempted to justify. Still, it felt strange to see the other man before him, especially as he was several years older and rocking a lot more silver hair than he had been when they were neighbors. “Mr Addison?”

“That’ll be Coach to you from now on, son,” the older man said gruffly, looking him up and down with a serious look fixed on his face. “Now do you feel like letting me in, Robin?” The use of his real name delivered Robin his tenth - or was it twentieth? - surprise of the dream so far, and his jaw went slack in response. “Yeah, yeah, I know it’s you in there. I’ll explain it all once I’m sat down. Oh, and I think you should probably put a shirt on, kid. Go on, I’ll make us some coffee while you do that.”

This is the weirdest dream ever. Stepping aside to allow his former neighbor - and his new coach, apparently - to enter the property, Robin then continued to follow Mr Addison’s instructions by heading up the staircase in search of Joey’s bedroom. Much to his surprise though, the first door he tried actually led to a walk-in wardrobe that was almost the size of Robin’s own dorm room. Rich people have the craziest houses, he mused while grabbing the first thing he saw - a pullover adorned with the Chargers logo. Rather than immediately returning downstairs, he paused in front of the mirror and inspected himself again. The reunion with Mr Addison had mercifully caused the tenting at his crotch to decline but Robin was no less aroused by the sight of his reflection.

“How does this all feel so real?” he wondered, still amazed by the bassy tone of his voice as he spoke. Although he wasn’t really in a hurry to leave such a wondrous dream behind, Robin was still struggling to understand just how a dream could feel so lifelike. “Maybe if I pinch myse--ow!” There was no denying that the pain he felt in response to pinching his forearm was authentic, and it certainly hadn’t snapped him back into reality like the old cliché suggested it would. Did that mean… this was all real?

“Robin! Get your ass down here!” Mr Addison’s booming voice called from downstairs, seizing the younger man out of his confusion. Although they had never been overly close, Robin remembered that his former neighbor could have something of an impatient streak so he figured it was best to do as he was told, especially on the off chance that this wasn’t a dream! Upon returning to the ground floor of the house, he navigated his way through the kitchen and dining room before finally finding the older man waiting for him on the same leather sofa that he had supposedly awoken upon that morning. Mr Addison had a cell phone in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other, while a second mug waited for Robin on the table in the center of the room.

Once Robin had collected the cup from the coffee table and taken a seat on the second leather sofa, his former neighbor threw the cell phone across to him. Much to Robin’s surprise, he managed to catch it in his free hand without spilling any of his drink. “That’s yours now,” the Los Angeles Chargers coach explained. “I just had to block your old number for you. Talking to Bosa would be much more of a distraction than we can afford right now. I told him he wasn’t to do it, but he’s never been good at listening to my instructions. Let’s hope you’re better at that. You haven’t spoken to anyone this morning, have you?”

Even as the other’s words washed over him Robin struggled to come to terms with what he was hearing. He vaguely remembered the promise he had made to Mr Addison on the phone the previous night, that he wouldn’t speak to anyone else until they were in contact again, but he had never considered that it would come under such circumstances. “No, no I haven’t, but-- that opportunity you told me about with the Chargers… was as Joey Bosa?” he asked, barely believing that such words were actually leaving his mouth. When his conversation partner nodded, Robin couldn’t help but launch off several more questions: “But how? Why? Isn’t Joey one of the best players on your team? And again, how? Are you saying that he’s in my body right now? That we body-swapped?

The barrage of questions brought forth a brief chuckle from the usually stern and serious older man. “That’s precisely what happened,” he explained, using a casual tone as if what he was saying was no more interesting than the coffee in his mug, “Joey was losing his focus so he volunteered for an experimental process that will let him take a backseat and gather himself without us losing our star linebacker. As I said last night, I know how much you love the sport and this seemed like the perfect fit for you, so I spoke to your old man and he agreed. You don’t need to worry about the how - that’s beyond both you and I - just know that it was a perfectly safe transaction.” He took a long swig from his mug and savored the taste for several seconds before finishing his explanation in the same casual tone: “That brings us to now.”

“So… this really isn’t a dream?” Robin desperately wanted to believe that it wasn’t but it was so hard to put faith in the idea that his impossible fantasy had become a reality. He’d jerked off more than once to the fantasy of switching bodies with a football player (both willingly and against their wishes, it depended on the dream) and although it was JJ Watt who was the most frequent subject of those dreams, Robin absolutely wasn’t upset with the body he now found himself in. Joey Bosa was one of the most respected defensive players in the whole NFL and he was hot as hell to boot. Why would he scoff at the opportunity to have all that for himself for a while?

“It’s not a dream, kiddo. Before we move on though, there’s one small thing I’ve gotta stress to you,” the coach growled, holding Robin’s gaze with a steely glare. It was an intensity that Mr Addison had always exhibited but having been without it for so long, the younger man had almost forgotten how intimidating it could be. “Your focus has gotta be on football and being the best team player you can be. You’ve gotta be my right hand man for the duration of this and I can’t have you getting distracted by that anime shit I know you like, okay?” Robin blinked in surprise, somewhat startled by the severity of the other’s tone and the strangeness of his demand. “I need to hear a verbal agreement from you, boy. Tell me that you’re not going to waste time with any anime crap.”

As much as Robin did love anime, he would always choose football over it, so he knew that there was only one logical answer for him to give: “I won’t waste any time watching anime. You have my word, Mr… Coach Addison.” His correction of the other’s title brought a rare smile to the older man’s face and reassured Robin that he’d made the right decision. Anime could wait until this little project was over; he’d probably enjoy marathoning all the episodes he’d missed in a catch-up binge anyway. There was only one thing that was still nagging at the corner of his mind, an anxiety that was bubbling away under the surface. “But Coach, surely you can’t expect me to play at the same level as Joey Bosa… I’ve never even worn cleats before, let alone sacked an NFL quarterback!” Between high school, college and his professional career in the NFL, Joey had over ten years of experience; people would surely notice if the uneducated Robin took over for him!

“You don’t need to worry about that, son,” the coach assured him, “You’ll have all of Joey’s muscle memory and physical skills. Once you’re out on that training field nobody but me will know the difference.” It almost seemed too good to be true. Hell, it should have been too good to be true, but here Robin was in the body of another man, no longer able to deny that this was all really happening. It wasn’t even just the body of any man either, but a professional football player with a hunky physique and great reputation. Even better, it seemed like he would be staying that way for at least a couple of weeks! A smile had unconsciously begun to form on his face as he thought about the incredible opportunities that now lay ahead. “So, Joey, are you ready to get to work?” the coach asked, one eyebrow raised and his lips curling into a smirk.

There was no hesitancy in Robin’s response: “Yes coach!” He’d waited his whole life for this, after all, and he was more than ready to get his new (temporary) life underway!


Despite Coach Addison’s assurances, Robin had still been rather nervous as he made his way into the locker room at the heart of the Los Angeles Chargers training facility and came face-to-face with a number of his new teammates. He was greeted by various calls of “Joey!”, “Bosa!” and even “Big Bear!”, all of which were a thrill to hear, although mercifully nobody immediately sought him out for a conversation. From the little that Robin knew about him (much of which had been researched while he was in the passenger seat of the coach’s vehicle on their drive to the facility), the older Bosa brother was fairly reserved as far as the typical expectations of a football player went, so he was relieved that he wouldn’t be expected to suddenly perform as an extrovert just to keep up the mirage.

It had been something of a challenge for Robin to keep his cool as he stripped out of his casual clothes and into the workout gear that was stored in Joey’s locker. He wanted nothing more than to take his sweet time exploring every inch of his new six-foot-five frame but such actions would likely be considered inappropriate considering the relatively public setting. Instead he was limited to sneak peeks at the massive chest he had enjoyed earlier that morning and the muscular thighs that immediately forced his athletic shorts to get stretched out around their bulk. Robin spared a brief moment to revel in the insanity of the situation as he glanced at the number ninety-seven on the back of his training tee before pulling it over his head and letting it settle over his torso. Then, after slipping into the cleats he’d found at the bottom of the locker and grabbing his helmet, he followed the rest of the Chargers team out of the locker room and onto the practice field.

Over the next hour Robin was put through his paces as part of the warm-up, completing sprints, various bodyweight exercises and numerous stretches, all of which were designed to get the athletes ready for another physically taxing day. From there he was guided into the on-site gym with the rest of the defensive team, where they each took turns at the six squat racks set up there. Having never even attempted a weighted squat before in his life, Robin was somewhat nervous, but the strength contained in Joey’s body meant that he was able to perform his first set of squats with perfect form all while having one-hundred and thirty pounds resting on his shoulders. After that initial set the weight only increased, but so did Robin’s confidence, and by the end of their hour in the gym he had successfully squat two-hundred and sixty pounds for a full ten reps. He’d kept his eyes trained on his reflection throughout the duration of the movement and marvelled at how his quad muscles flexed under the strain of such incredible weight. 

By the time that they moved back out onto the practice field, Robin had built up a healthy sweat and it was beginning to show through the light grey of his training tee. Out on the field he was reunited with Coach Addison and listened intently as the older man talked through each of the drills that the defensive team were about to perform. Although there was no time or space for them to talk in private, Robin knew that his former neighbor was looking out for him, as Addison never picked him to demonstrate any of the activities and always let him observe before he gave the drill a try. For the first hour or so of these drills, Robin’s performance hadn’t exactly been exemplary, but as the bright Californian sun settled high above them in its midday glory, the undercover college student finally began to relax into the natural instacts of the body he was currently occupying. Just as the coach had promised on their drive that morning, Robin really could access all of Joey’s football skills, he just had to switch his own brain off a little and not overthink it.

It was towards the end of their lunch break that Robin finally had the chance to speak to Coach Addison in relative privacy. As soon as their eyes had met, a smile had sprung onto Robin’s face. “I take it you’re having fun out there?” the older man asked, his tone as gruff as ever, but with something that maybe might have passed as fondness in the depths of his steel gray eyes, although that disappeared almost as quickly as it had arrived.

“Yes Coach!” Robin quickly agreed, his smile turning a little sheepish. “Best day of my life, actually.” He spared a glance back to where the rest of the team were all dining together. He hadn’t done much to engage with them yet aside from chuckling along with their jokes, but he was confident that he would settle in shortly. It was clear as day that Joey had the respect of his peers and that alone was something Robin would have to get used to; he’d never been part of anything that evoked such a feeling of community, especially not surrounded by other guys. It was an invigorating experience, to say the least.

“That’s good, kid. I’m glad.” The coach then stepped in closer and lowered his voice: “Then I’m sure I can trust you to follow my every instruction if you want to keep this going, can’t I?” The sudden shift in tone of their conversation sent a shiver down Robin’s spine as the older man continued. “We’re on the same page here, aren’t we, kid? After all, I could have asked your old man to fill Joey’s spot for me, and that’s still on the table if you step out of line…” 

The threat lingered in the air and Robin couldn’t help but flashback to various moments in his childhood when he’d been intimidated by the very same man. He had to remind himself that wasn’t a kid anymore though - hell, he wasn’t even a college student anymore! He had the body of a stud athlete and he needed to stand up for himself and be a man! Straightening his posture and relaxing his smile, Robin gave a single nod.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Coach,” he insisted, keeping his tone serious in a stark change to the boyish wonder of his previous exclamations. “I’m your guy.” And then, for emphasis: “I’m the only Joey Bosa you need!”


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