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This story was inspired by my buddy The Craftsman and our shared love of Critical Role hunk Travis Willingham.

Colin had never considered that Dungeons & Dragons might be something he’d want to try his hand at, but he was eager to make new friends at college and when a couple of the other freshmen on his dormitory floor extended the invitation, he figured it was worth giving it a shot. Back in high school Colin had mostly kept to himself; he’d secretly longed to fit in with the various cliques - the jocks, the band geeks, the academic bookworms - but he struggled to start or maintain conversations and eventually he had just faded into the background, overlooked by his peers and a good number of his teachers. College was supposed to be a fresh new start for him and he wanted to make the most of it.

Scared of making a fool out of himself at the group’s first session, Colin had purchased a copy of the Player’s Handbook but found himself overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information it contained. How was he expected to remember all of his character’s abilities and actions, as well as the expansive lore of the game universe? The brief conversation he’d had with the other players suggested that they all had prior experience with the role-playing game, so as the sole newbie Colin was nervous about holding the session up or fumbling his performance.

After searching online to see if there were any helpful videos that might help him get a better grasp of the game’s rules, Colin stumbled upon a recommendation that actually seemed quite useful. A number of people on a Reddit thread suggested that they had learned to play the game through watching episodes of a livestream called Critical Role. The series featured various voice actors from video games that Colin had previously played all gathered together to play through a D&D campaign and it certainly sounded less laborious than pouring over a three-hundred page rulebook.

Setting up the first episode of the show’s second campaign on his desktop computer, Colin then settled down on his bed with his back against the wall and his feet hanging over the side. His dorm room was a little lacking in space, so he had to make do with what he had available to him. It wasn’t all that bad really and he’d apparently been lucky enough not to get lumped with neighbors who blasted music into the late hours of the night or had frequent late night booty-calls who weren’t shy about being vocal. Everybody on his floor seemed to be nice and normal, a refreshing change of pace from what he’d experienced back at school. Hell, none of them had even made a snarky comment when they saw the rainbow flag hanging above his desk, which was a serious relief to Colin. He’d never been open about his sexuality back in his hometown, but like he’d said, college was a fresh start and he was going to finally be true to himself.

It didn’t take long for Colin to get absorbed into the entertaining content and he was fascinated by how easily the cast members were able to slip into their roles and interact with each other. While each character was unique and interesting, he took an immediate liking to the half-orc Fjord, although a good part of that was probably down to the guy playing him. Colin didn’t know much at all about Travis Willingham but from the little he had seen so far, it was clear that the man was a slice of prime muscular beef while being an adorable nerd too. Talk about a perfect guy! Colin hadn’t even known that such perfect combinations of body and personality existed; they had always seemed like a myth told to single girls and lonely gays to keep them in the dating pool. Now there was one right in front of Colin and he couldn’t bring himself to look away, even when the action was focused on one of the other players. Although Travis was straight and apparently married to one of the other players, the hunk had Colin absolutely hooked!

It was the subtle popping of Travis’ pecs after he rolled a natural twenty that first caused Colin’s cock to twitch in excitement, and the tensing of the voice actor’s large biceps just a moment later only sealed the deal for the horny young man. The thick southern accent that Travis was using for his character also helped spur along Colin’s arousal, and he reached full hardness in almost record time, his modest five and a half inches tenting the front of his pants. Glancing towards the door to ensure that it was locked, the college student allowed his hand to slip beneath the waistband of his boxers and wrap around his shaft before gently stroking from the tip to the base and back again.

Happily falling deeper and deeper into his newfound lust for his latest celebrity crush, Colin bit down on his lower lip to muffle the groan of excitement that threatened to burst forth. There was already pre-cum dribbling from the tip, so Colin happily used it as a makeshift lube until his hard length was slick and throbbing. His final release was rapidly approaching, he could feel it, but no power on Earth would have been able to get the college student to slow down. As such, it was hardly surprising that he failed to notice his body’s more unexpected responses to his actions...

The transformation started with Colin’s manhood: with each frantic stroke, the length of his shaft extended until he was working with an impressive eight inches, albeit rather thin for its length. This issue was solved just seconds later as Colin’s grip was forced to broaden in response to the thickening of his cock, now almost as wide as a coke can while still as sensitive to the touch as ever. Not to be left out, his marble-sized balls started to swell until they were closer to the size of eggs and packed full of testosterone and masculine virility.

Colin’s eyes remained transfixed on the screen although he ignored everything other than Travis; the other players and the various text that appeared on screen were mere distractions from the main event. The musclebound voice actor had an iron grip on Colin’s attention, nothing short of a cataclysmic disaster would be able to pull the college student away from his self-pleasure session in that moment. After getting a poor result on an attack roll, Travis let out a deep growl of frustration, and the noise caused Colin’s enhanced manhood to tremble, bringing him dangerously close to the point of climax.

With a surprising amount of self control, the young man slowed down the stroking of his thick shaft, wanting to prolong the state of near bliss he had unexpectedly entered. A new idea entered his mind not long after, and with ravenous intentions, Colin collected some of his pre-cum onto the tip of a finger and brought it up to his lips for a taste. While he savoured in the salty taste of his own seed, his hands grew larger and the digits thickened. His once smooth palms were decorated with newly-arrived calluses, and the finely manicured nails shifted to feature rougher edges like they had been clipped hastily rather than filed down with great pride.

The actual content on the screen had become something of a mystery to Colin, as he struggled to focus on what anybody other than Travis was actually saying. Evidently somebody had made a joke though, as the big man was laughing, his bassy voice rising into a surprisingly high wheeze. Colin wasn’t sure why but he found himself laughing too, unconsciously matching the sound coming from his computer’s speakers. As he laughed, his thin neck widened and his Adam's apple became more pronounced; he wouldn’t know it for some time, but the young man’s voice had dropped several octaves and his soft city boy lilt was definitely a thing of the past.

Colin had never been the hairiest guy in the world, and didn’t have much to show off in the way of body hair at all. His fair hair made the few hairs on his arms and legs almost invisible to anybody not up close, but this was beginning to change as the fibers faded down to a much darker shade. More hairs were sprouting along his forearms, and within seconds the rapid expansion of his body hair spread not only to Colin’s legs but also to his chest. By no means was he suddenly sporting a whole forest of hair underneath his t-shirt but there was a large enough patch for him to eventually run his fingers through once he discovered it.

Having spent the past several seconds sucking on his finger like it was a lollipop - or something more suggestive - Colin finally removed the digit from between his lips and brought his hand down to play with his balls. They were as sensitive to the touch as his enlarged manhood was, and even the smallest bit of pressure sent waves of pleasure rippling through his body. That wasn’t all that happened either, as further changes were triggered by the action, this time focusing on Colin’s lower half. Given he had never learned to drive and thus walked everywhere, the young man already had a good pair of legs on him, but any definition on them was hidden behind the baby fat prompted by an uninspiring student diet. This baby fat dissipated over several seconds, allowing for the muscle beneath to make its presence known. Then, like a balloon being filled with helium, Colin’s thighs began to expand and the sweatpants he wore were pushed to their very limit by quads that could rival the size of watermelons.

At the bottom of his newly muscular legs were Colin’s size nine feet, although they didn’t remain that way for much longer. It was a small mercy that the college student had kicked off his sneakers upon returning to the dorm room, as they surely would have been torn to shreds by the amplification of his hairy feet, with both the length and width seeing prominent increases. There wasn’t a single pair of shoes in Colin’s dorm room that would fit him anymore, as nothing less than a size thirteen extra-wide fit would be competent to store his mammoth feet.

Trapped in the midst of a lust-fuelled haze, Colin didn’t even notice that he was no longer struggling to understand the rules of the game and whenever the Dungeon Master - Matt, his brain unexpectedly provided - prompted one of the players to make a saving throw of any sort, Colin’s facial and vocal responses perfectly matched Travis’. Of course, given his predicament, he wasn’t sure he’d remember anything of the narrative being established, but at least he was getting more comfortable with the various intricacies of the game. He was already thinking that he might like to play a half-orc warlock like Travis’ character Fjord; it felt like an obvious choice for him.

With one hand continuing to slowly but surely pump the proud length of his manhood, Colin brought the other to his chest. As his palm travelled across the miserably flat surface, the muscles underneath began to expand in the same miraculous fashion as the rest of his body. Nowhere on his torso were these changes more prominent than with his pecs as the two mounds of muscle rose like dough in an oven, eventually forming thick slabs of meat. He briefly brought his right hand away from his cock so he could pinch and lightly twist at both nipples at once, a move which sent pleasure rocketing all the way down to his cock and provoked a desperate whimper to burst forth from his lips.

Knowing that his orgasm was rapidly approaching, Colin spared a moment to run his hands across his hairy pecs and then down the soft expanse of stomach that was hiding a strong core underneath. He took his quivering shaft in his hand again while allowing the other to travel further, reaching between his legs and using a single finger to begin teasing his hole. As he did so, Colin’s ass cheeks grew round and plump, as if he’d completed one-hundred heavy squats in a row and was still enjoying the post-workout pump. His hole meanwhile became tighter, as if this was his very first time daring to play with it, rather than a semi-regular occurrence during the moments when he found himself a slave to his lust.

In the final moments before blowing his load, Colin’s breathing became low, heavy and husky. The transformation subsequently washed over his facial features, the last part of him to remain unchanged, and his boyish features were rearranged into a more mature visage with a strong brow, a less-pronounced nose and sharper jawline. His hairless face was decorated by dark stubble that travelled up and around his full lips and then began speckled with a scattering of silver hairs. Colin’s mop of blond hair retreated into a much higher and tighter cut, while his hairline pulled back and the overall pigmentation darkened to match his beard, complete with the same peppering of grey.

Now completely transformed into a perfect duplicate of Travis Willingham, the former Colin was finally free to reach the point of climax and he did so in explosive fashion. As cum burst from the tip of his shaft like a volcano erupting, the college student’s eyes fluttered shut for a brief moment. That single moment was more than enough time for the world around him to change though, as the claustrophobic dorm room was replaced by a much larger bedroom that featured large windows looking out over the Los Angeles skyline. The man was no longer resting upon a small and difficult colt with an uncomfortable mattress, but rather a king-sized bed adorned with expensive sheets. 

Travis opened his eyes and glanced down at the mess he had made of himself. To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. He couldn’t remember what had prompted his bout of self-pleasure, but as his large chest rose and fell with each deep breath, there was no denying that the post-orgasm sensations really were rather blissful. It was a brief moment of pure relaxation before he had to go back to being the responsible father of an adorable toddler.

Checking his watch, Travis grunted in surprise at the time. Laura’s gonna be home soon, he realised with a small bit of panic. His wife had taken their offspring out to visit friends for the day and would be returning soon under the impression that dinner would be ready and waiting for them. Travis always tried to be the best husband and father that he could be, even if there was no denying that he could lapse into boyish immaturity from time to time! That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing though: more people needed to understand that growing up didn’t have to mean that you shut your personality away. He was a grown man with three clearly defined loves (his family, the gym, and role-playing games) and he hadn’t had to sacrifice any of those to lead a successful life.

As Travis reluctantly removed himself from the comfortable bed and made his way into the en-suite bathroom so he could clean himself up, he spared a brief thought back to what he was pretty sure had been a recent dream. He’d been a shy and introverted college kid with no real idea how to make friends or what he wanted to do with himself. The whole world had felt so overwhelming! With a gentle chuckle, the voice actor shook himself free from the strange recollection, never even suspecting that the young man in his dreams had actually been him just a short time before. By the time Travis’ family returned home he would have completely forgotten about the dream and would instead be thinking about the happy life ahead of him - a life that included a whole lot more Dungeons & Dragons!


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