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Despite warnings from the rest of the Teen Titans, Superboy had ventured into the mysterious energy field to prevent the powerplant from exploding and killing the hundreds of nearby civilians. He had escaped without any injuries and none of the scans that the medical team did on him suggested any amount of radiation poisoning or any other non-visible damage to him, so he figured it was something he could thank his half-Kryptonian nature for. Exposing himself to that strange energy had in fact caused an invisible change to the Superman clone, although he wouldn’t find out until he went one-on-one with Bane, a dangerous rogue that Red Robin had warned him against facing off with alone.

After ten minutes of getting thrown around by the titanic brute, Superboy was understanding why his best friend and teammate had warned him against going up against the villain solo, but he was also too stubborn to give up on a fight. If only I could take away all those huge muscles of his, Superboy thought bitterly as he pushed himself back up to his feet and wiped dirt and dust off of his cheek from his hard collision with the wall and floor. As much as he had many of Superman’s powers, being his partial clone, Superboy still had some human elements in his DNA and wasn’t completely immune to the villain’s insane drug-fuelled strength.

Much to his surprise, Bane didn’t seem to hit quite so hard as the fight continued and Superboy instead began landing more hits that sent the villain staggering back and forced onto the defensive. Soon though, the reason for the change in their fortunes became clear, as Bane’s muscles dwindled and depleted until he looked no more impressive than an average gym-going bodybuilder and not long after that had the slender build of a short distance sprinter. Meanwhile Superboy became thankful for his super-suit’s stretching fabric as his muscles exploded with power and sent him barrelling over the three-hundred pound mark, all of it hard muscle that he had stolen directly from Bane!

Eventually the villain had no choice but to surrender and Superboy had knocked him out with a single headbutt. He’d gotten quite the stares as he dropped the villain off at Arkham Asylum; the orderlies incredibly dubious that the short and skinny man being left with them was really the legendary Bane. Some of them had even eyed up Superboy hungrily, although he was more interested in seeing what Red Robin’s reaction to all of his new muscles would be. He’d caught his best friend checking him out in the past and he’d even stumbled out compliments about Superboy’s muscles before so he was certain to have an opinion on his incredible new size!

Sure enough Red Robin had been completely flustered by Superboy’s new appearance when he returned to Titan Tower, although he attempted to hide his arousal behind claims that he was concerned about Superboy’s apparent new powers. Could he simply wish things into existence? Superboy silently wished to transfer some of his size to Red Robin but when that failed to happen he surmised that it wasn’t the case but there was instead something else at play. The answer wouldn’t properly present itself until the Teen Titans came up against a supervillain who had the ability to shapeshift and had infiltrated Titan Tower.

This would be so much easier if they couldn’t shift anymore, he thought bitterly as he eyed up each of his teammates, wondering which one was secretly the villain. As he stared, Beast Boy’s skin rippled and the slender green frame of his teammate gave way to the pale gnarled flesh of the villain! Woah. After that it wasn’t long until the Teen Titans had managed to subdue the villain and even get the location of where the real Beast Boy was being held captive.

Later that night, Superboy curiously stood in front of a mirror and thought about taking on the image of Superman. He watched in amazement as he grew taller and his huge muscles leaned out somewhat, while his face took on a more mature appearance. Within moments he had transformed into his hero and mentor! I’ve got his power! Holy crap, I’m absorbing their powers! In the hour that followed he tested out his newfound ability by shapeshifting into Red Robin, Batman, Aquaman and The Flash, taking his time to appreciate every inch of their lean bodies. It was a totally invigorating experience and even as he shifted back into his usual appearance - albeit, still with the muscles he had stolen from Bane - Superboy had plenty of ideas about how he could use his new ability. Maybe he wouldn’t tell the rest of the Titans, at least not at first, until he’d had some fun at their expense…

Of course, he could also use it to help Red Robin pluck up the courage to open up about his feelings. Maybe the young sidekick could use a mentorly word from Batman, for instance. Plus, it would no doubt create some fun situations in the bedroom in the future, and that wasn’t even considering any other powers that he could absorb along the way. In time he’d be the strongest Teen Titan of all - hell, stronger than anyone on the Justice League - and Superboy would be known as Supergod, the world’s greatest superhero, instead!


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