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Seven days after the swap, Scott Evans was no closer to finding out exactly how the hell he had switched bodies with his older brother. He was also no closer to telling his boyfriend the truth about what had happened to them. Neither of those things was for lack of trying either, and the continuing failure to make any sort of progress was really starting to get Scott down in the dumps.

It had been a whole week since he’d been able to hold Steve in his arms and feel the other man’s tender lips against his own, and he severely missed both of those things. Sure, he was still able to converse with his boyfriend to an extent, but the atmosphere was incredibly different when Steve was under the impression that he was talking to Chris rather than Scott. There was none of the fun flirtatious banter, for one thing, and that pained him more than anything else. Scott was a naturally flirty person and having to hold that in was torture!

The atmosphere in the home was complicated, to say the least. The two brothers were doing their best impressions of the other - it was lucky they were both actors, Scott supposed - but every now and then Steve would glance between them with a curious look on his face. Scott innocently hoped that his boyfriend was able to detect that the ‘Scott’ he cuddled up to every night wasn’t actually him, but if he had any suspicions then he’d continued to keep them to himself. Scott didn’t exactly love the thought of his older brother cuddling up with his boyfriend, and when Chris had let that slip during breakfast one day, it had caused quite the uncomfortable twisting in Scott’s gut.

Back in his own body, Scott had never been the biggest fan of exercising. He loved going out on long hikes in the hills with Steve but that was about his limit in terms of cardio. On the very rare occasion that he had let Chris drag him to the gym, he turned his nose up at the concept of weight training. He could stomach some gym time if it was for a role, but most of his acting jobs hadn’t required him to be in action hero shape, so he’d never actually had to push himself. Chris was on the other end of the spectrum though, and even though his time as Captain America was over, he was still getting calls for roles that would involve him getting his shirt off or needing to appear physically intimidating. As such, the older Evans had hired a personal trainer who he met with five times a week, and Chris had made it perfectly clear to Scott that he expected his brother to go in his place.

Much to Scott’s absolute surprise, the workout sessions with Chris’ trainer weren’t actually all that bad. Louis was a nice guy (handsome too) who was incredibly knowledgeable about how the body worked and was seemingly determined to earn his paycheck by putting his clients through intensive workouts! After ninety minutes of gruelling exercise, Scott was absolutely blown up and panting for breath, but he actually felt damn good for it. The tire flips and sled pushing were new experiences for Scott but they served as suitable distractions for the man, keeping his attention from wandering back towards his brother and boyfriend. For the duration of his time under Louis’ watchful eye, Scott was Chris. He didn’t have to pretend or force anything, it just came naturally.

Once they were back under the same roof though, Scott found himself sinking back into that irritated feeling that refused to drop away. He entered the living room to find Chris and Steve cuddled up on a couch, watching a recently released rom-com that Scott had told his boyfriend a few weeks back that he was looking forward to watching. Jealousy sprang through Scott all of a sudden as he watched the pair. They looked like a real couple, with Steve cuddled up at Chris’ side. Any outsider might find the sight adorable, but Scott was left feeling uncharacteristically bitter. Uncertain as to how well he could hide his inner turmoil, he quickly excused himself to go and shower up after his highly physical morning.

Soaping up his older brother’s body was still a very strange experience, even after a whole week of showering as Chris. Scott did his very best not to think about how weird it truly was, and hurried through the experience as quickly as he could. It was impossible for Scott not to compare the body he was currently occupying to his own though, and he was surprised by the truth that he actually did enjoy the hard muscles of Chris’ body. He carried none of the softness around his waist that Scott had possessed for much of his adult life, and there was truly something awe-inspiring about watching the muscles in his arms flex as he moved.

That led Scott to his last point of frustration: it had been a whole week since he had let himself reach climax. Using his older brother’s body for pleasure felt like a step too far, but holding out was doing just as much harm to him too. He was getting aroused at the smallest of things and the impressive length of Chris’ manhood made it difficult to hide the tenting of his pants in front of the other two men. It wasn’t as if there was anything he could do about it either, he was determined to remain faithful to Steve even while he was trapped in the flesh of a single man. Besides, Chris was straight and Scott wasn’t about to spark rumours that his older brother was interested in men by being seen meeting in private with anyone.

There is definitely some higher power punishing me for something, he surmised finally. What other explanation could there be for this torment he was forced to experience? He prayed that a solution would emerge soon, because another week was surely going to be the death of him.


Fourteen days after the swap, Scott was really starting to feel nervous. They were no closer to finding a method of switching back - their scouring of the internet had turned up results suggesting that some people actually got off on the idea of switching bodies, which was unique to say the least - and Steve and Chris had been forced to depart, leaving Scott alone in Chris’ massive house. He had begged them to stay for a while longer but Steve was out of days off from work, and Chris had privately insisted that it was “in character” for him to join Steve back home.

The very same night that his boyfriend and brother left, Scott finally caved into his desperate need for stimulation and let himself go to town on Chris’ body - stroking his long shaft, tweaking his nipples and even teasing at his virgin hole. The orgasm that followed was doubtlessly one of the most intense Scott had ever experienced and that pleasure mitigated the guilt that persisted. He was completely breathless after reaching climax, with Chris’ seed spread out across his powerful tattooed chest, and incredibly surprised that he’d actually gone through with the salacious act. It’s fine, he attempted to justify to himself, Neither of them ever need to know…

Now that Chris and Steve had left, Scott’s only other company in the home was Chris’ faithful dog Dodger. The pup had displayed some initial hesitation towards him in the days after the swap, as if he was somehow aware of the truth, and Scott wasn’t about to completely rule that possibility out. Weren’t dogs supposed to have a supernatural sixth sense or something? Thankfully it hadn’t been long before Dodger warmed back up to him and most evenings were spent with the pooch cuddled up next to him on the sofa.

Chris had notified Scott that he’d be video calling that evening as Steve was out with work friends, and truthfully Scott was just happy to have the opportunity to catch up with his brother. They were limited in how they could properly converse, as they couldn’t text about the body swap for the same inexplicable reasons they hadn’t been able to write it down or say it out loud when there was company present. Anything that might clue others into their situation was completely prohibited by some supernatural power and eventually the brothers had given up trying and only communicated through phone or video calls when alone so they could speak freely. In the past several days Chris had been a little more quiet than Scott would have liked; the updates weren’t quite as frequent as he’d been hoping for them to be. Chris was quick to reassure him that things were still going well with Steve and he hadn’t jeopardized his relationship at all, but that avenue of conversation only left both brothers feeling awkward, so Scott was more than happy to divert to a more pressing topic.

“Have you had any luck on the information hunting?” he asked with a heavy sigh, “I’m not sure you wanna hear this but there’s a shit ton of people on the internet who’ve fantasized about switching bodies with you, bro.” Then, to try and add a little levity: “They have no idea what a shit deal it really is.”

Chris laughed, but there was a little extra colour to his cheeks as he did. “One, that is definitely news to me, and two, you’re an ass. Being me isn’t that bad,” he fired back. Scott took note of his brother’s jittering leg at the bottom of the video frame. Chris had always been the more anxious of the pair and such body language wasn’t uncommon from him, but it was still startling for Scott to see it displayed on his own body. “But in answer to your question, not really. I’ve been doing what research I can while Steve’s working in the office, but I keep getting redirected to the plots of old eighties B-movies. Hey, maybe we should go find some culturally insensitive fortune teller and convince them we need to walk a mile in each other’s shoes or something.”

It was Scott’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, that’ll definitely work,” he remarked with a smile, knowing full well that his older brother had been jesting. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m… okay. It’s odd, but you know that,” Chris replied, offering a faint shrug of his shoulders. “I actually got a couple scripts in for you. They’re not filming for another six weeks or so, but I can send them through to you so you can decide what you want to do.”

“Oh, same here. In fact there’s like twenty scripts here, who knew you were so in demand?” Scott couldn’t help but tease his brother, it was how their relationship had always been and would always be, the stresses of a body swap be damned. “But I trust you to pick out the good ones for me so don’t worry about posting them. Just make sure they’re not making me play straight or expect me to get into the gym, okay?”

His request was met by a gentle chuckle. “Yeah, noted. Why don’t you sort through mine for me too?” Chris suggested, his face - Scott’s face - drawn into a thoughtful expression. “You know the trash I don’t like. Just try not to book anything too close and hopefully this’ll all be over before we have to go to work.” Despite the optimism of Chris’ words, his facial expression added some doubt to the remark. Unfortunately Scott was in a similar boat with his own feelings towards events. They were trapped between a rock and a hard place with no easy way out, and it was a struggle to keep the conversation positive given as such.

After twenty minutes of exchanging stories about what had transpired over the previous few days for each of them, and asking any personal questions they thought might be necessary (Chris frequently asked for more details about Scott’s relationship with Steve), they were finally interrupted by the sound of the door on Chris’ end. Scott knew immediately who it would be, but that didn’t much lessen the sinking feeling in his stomach when he saw Steve enter the frame, lean down and press a fond kiss to Chris’ forehead. Only after that did Steve seem to notice the camera on them, and a blush decorated the other man’s handsome face. “Oh, sorry Chris, I didn’t mean to interrupt” Steve apologised, unknowingly directing the words at his real boyfriend. “I’ll leave you two to it.”

“No, it’s cool. We were just finishing up,” Scott insisted, hoping that his tone hadn’t turned sour enough to expose the sudden inner turmoil that he felt. He’d seen a number of moments like that between Steve and Chris when they’d still been staying with him, but it didn’t get any easier. At the very least it encouraged Scott to get back on the hunt for answers, so once the call had ended he brought up a new internet browser and began searching through the darkest corners of the internet, looking in exasperation for anything about body switching that wasn’t part of somebody’s kinky fantasy.

After two hours with no new results, Scott finally relented and closed down the laptop. He was frustrated but ultimately unsurprised. While it was most definitely frustrating that they hadn’t come up with any solutions for their rather unique situation, what more could really be expected of them? It really didn’t help that they were only further hampered by the limitations placed upon them which meant they couldn’t openly convey any information about their body switching event to anyone but each other. The odds were well and truly stacked against them, but what choice did they have other than to simply persist?

It wasn’t as if they could just give up… right?


Twenty-eight days after the swap, Scott was pretty sure he had turned temporarily straight. He had been innocently browsing through Chris’ Instagram feed when he came across a selection of pictures of a model in their underwear. Scott was no stranger to thirst traps on social media, but most of the ones he saw were of men with rippling muscles and serious masculine allure. The current model captivating his attention was a mature woman though, with long legs and curves in all of the right places. Scott’s eyes lingered upon her supple bosom and, much to his surprise, his pants began to tighten in response.

It was a startling discovery, but one which Scott lacked the willpower to rebel against. He’d done his best to curtail his sex drive while continuing to occupy his brother’s skin but he couldn’t eliminate it entirely, and after breaking the dam two week previously, the best he’d managed was two days without needing to get himself off again. In previous days his mind had drifted back to encounters with Steve but now… well, the fantasies being produced by those feminine curves simply came through stronger.

After he had achieved his orgasm and cleaned himself up though, Scott was suddenly hit by a thought that was equal parts alarming and amusing. If he was beginning to experience heterosexual urges, surely that meant Chris was starting to think, feel and fantastize like a gay man. Did that mean he had allowed for something to happen between him and Steve? Scott’s boyfriend would likely have gotten suspicious if their sexual activity stopped altogether, and Chris had assured Scott that the relationship hadn’t hit any speedbumps, so logic dictated… Okay, this is a weird train of thought. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the idea of his brother having sex with his boyfriend. Was he outraged? Upset? No, both of those words seemed too intense for what he was feeling at that moment. There was a twisting in his gut, for sure, but he also felt a vague sort of disinterest in the idea. It’s better to just put it out of mind, he told himself. It would be much less of a headache that way.

The bewildering switching of his sexuality wasn’t the only thing bothering Scott, though, because his days were becoming plagued with brief moments where the memory of the body swap was pushed to the back of his mind, as if it was ultimately unimportant! He no longer hesitated to respond to the name Chris rather than Scott, and found himself unconsciously reaching for Chris’ favourite beers of an evening rather than the cans of pre-mixed gin and tonic that he usually favoured. He no longer flinched when he saw his brother’s face and body in the mirror, nor did he find any issue with the body language that his brother typically exhibited that he was now starting to use, such as slapping a hand over one of his pecs when he was really caught up in laughter. Scott had previously teased Chris for doing it and now he was unconsciously using the same behaviour. Those little moments added up to create a more troubling whole, especially when the shifting sexuality involved itself: was he becoming Chris in mind as well as body?

These were concerns that Scott was eager to share with his brother, but their struggles to find time to speak to each other in complete privacy had persisted. Chris was doing his best to keep up appearances, meeting up with Scott’s friends for bar nights or going out on dates with Steve, and Scott was doing much the same himself. His older brother had always been a little more introverted than him and didn’t have quite as large a social circle, but it wasn’t as if his options were limited: he was a Hollywood megastar, after all. When someone like Ryan Reynolds extended an invitation to a private party, Scott rationalised his acceptance to himself as something Chris would have agreed to. Truthfully though, he was excited to hang out with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, particularly as a main attraction rather than just tagging along as Chris’ plus-one.

Scott had entered the party with a thundering heart, but he quickly settled down into a more comfortable psyche when he had a beer in his hand and was able to “catch up” with a whole host of people that he was positive he’d never had a one-on-one conversation with back in his own body. Should he have still had his homosexuality, he probably would have been incredibly flustered at all of the attention he was receiving from so many handsome men, but now he only recognised them to be his friends - or, more cynically, competing leading men. One or two of them even teased ‘Chris’ for relying on his muscular body rather than his acting prowess and even though Scott laughed it off, he was secretly offended. He told himself that his response was only out of allegiance to his brother, but he had suspicions that it ran deeper than that too.

Work was indeed one of the most frequent topics of conversation at the party, and Scott confirmed to a number of Chris’ former Marvel co-stars that he would be returning to record some dialogue for the company’s new animated show What If? That had been a conscious decision on Scott’s part; getting into a recording booth was a much less intimidating step than committing to a live action film, and Chris had requested that he try and not book anything too soon. This was technically going against what he’d agreed to, but it felt like a safe choice. Besides, Scott was reminded of the dream he’d had on the night of the body swap, where he’d been playing Captain America in Chris’ place - he was feeding the curiosity that the dream had awoken within him.

Several hours later and emboldened by a number of shots that Jeremy Renner had convinced him to take, Scott found himself back in his brother’s residence with some female company. She had been part of the wait staff at the party, dressed in a short skirt and an open-collar shirt that did little to conceal the ample bust that she possessed. Her hazel eyes had lit up with excitement the first time Scott had made eye contact with her and winked, and after a few more drinks, the actor knew that there was no way he was going home alone. She looked at him like he was a god among men and there was something rather intoxicating about that.

Once they were back in the safety of Chris’ home, his new acquaintance was all too eager to get his clothes off and run her delicate hands over his hard muscles. She was murmuring about how beautiful his physique was and Scott had to agree; he was incredibly proud of the results of the intensive workouts that Louis put him through on the regular. He’d never anticipated that he would actually grow to enjoy working out, but there was something about performing feats of strength that was intoxicating, and he put that strength to good use as he carried his new female friend up to the master bedroom and freed her from the constraints of her clothes.

When the morning finally rolled around and the pair had truly exhausted themselves after several hours of lovemaking, Scott was surprised to discover that he didn’t feel ashamed of his actions. He was a red blooded male, he couldn’t be expected to abstain from sex forever, could he? Besides, Chris was definitely getting some from Steve, whether he’d admit it or not, so it was fair game for Scott to finally have some fun of his own. Despite it being his first time with a woman, he hadn’t felt any nerves or hesitation - it was natural to him in his new body, and he’d definitely proven himself to be a talented lover judging by how she’d been moaning as he introduced his tongue to her pussy.

If this body swap was going to persist for the long haul, Scott supposed that it wouldn’t really be all that terrible. He’d already proven that he could have a good time as Chris, and it wasn’t as if his brother led an unrewarding life. He had awesome friends, great career options, and women were clamoring to be noticed by him. It was impossible for Scott to deny that he was really starting to have fun as Chris, so perhaps this wasn’t the nightmare the brothers had initially perceived it to be...


Two months after the swap, Chris Evans was finally back on a movie set. Nobody knew of course that the impressive physique of the former Captain America was actually being operated by Scott, but even he was beginning to forget that. He’d answered to his brother’s name so often that it finally felt more suitable than his true name, and as such he informed his brother that they should probably start going by the names that properly matched the bodies they were occupying. Much to his relief, his brother had instantly agreed.

Before starting on his next project, Chris had stopped in to visit Scott and Steve for a few days and even though the spacious apartment had once been his own, he was surprised by how foreign it felt. He didn’t think twice about making himself at home in the guest room rather than the master bedroom, and his conversations with Steve were pleasant but fairly impersonal. The romantic and sexual feelings he’d once held towards Steve had completely dissipated, which was for the best considering Chris had started up a relationship with the beautiful woman he’d met at Ryan’s party the previous month. Chris hadn’t yet shared that information with his brother, but he was sure that Scott would be supportive when he eventually offered it up. Right now he was enjoying actually keeping a secret from his brother for a change, and sneaking around with her made the sex even hotter.

When Steve slipped out to make a delivery, Scott approached Chris in the guest room with the faintest frown on his face. “So… you still haven’t found anything that’ll switch us back?” the now-younger brother asked.

“I haven’t,” Chris confirmed, shrugging his broad shoulders. That wasn’t the total truth though. It had been over three weeks since he’d last bothered looking for a way to switch back into his own body. The longer he’d spent in the older brother’s flesh, the less concerned he was about leaving it behind and going back to being a gay man. He was quite content with the higher profile he now had that got him invited to exclusive parties, as well as the more muscular build that he was regularly reaffirming with commitment to the gym. It was a life he had never considered that he might enjoy, but there was no longer any denying that Chris was having fun. Going back to his former life just no longer felt like a priority. It wasn’t as if their research had ever led to anything anyway. All they were doing was wasting their time and energy. What would be, would be, right?

“I think… I’m actually okay with this,” Scott mumbled after a moment of hesitation. The confession caught Chris off guard, but it wasn’t an unwelcome revelation by any means. “It’s kind of nice to live a bit more lowkey and Steve’s been great… Is it so bad if we don’t switch back?”

His brother’s words were a relief to Chris’ ears. There had been a small part of him that felt guilty for his desire to stay as Chris, but if the same could be said in reverse then he was more than happy to let that guilt go. “I think I am too,” he agreed. “Besides, I definitely make a better big brother.” Just like that, they were right back to their usual brotherly banter.

Now days later and having finally closed the chapter on the life he’d left behind, Chris stepped onto the set and waited for the director to call for the cameras to start rolling. It was finally time for him to flex his acting muscles again, because it was a simple truth that he was no longer just acting as Chris Evans. He was Chris Evans, and as far as he knew, he would be for the rest of his days.



Love a nice ending for two great bros