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This one is very heavy on the humiliation vibes and there are elements of dubcon so if that isn't your thing then give this one a skip, otherwise go right ahead! This is one of my favourite things I've written all year, so that probably says a lot about how twisted I am so let's just ignore that...

Revealing to his wife that he was turned on by the idea of watching somebody else make love to her was easily the worst mistake of Owen’s life. Sure, it had been arousing as hell when they decided to translate his fantasy into a reality, but then things had truly spiralled out of control. Well, for Owen they had. Jenna, his wife, was still having an absolutely wonderful time and it was all thanks to his old high school bully: Chad McDavis.

Owen was pretty sure he had the worst luck in the world. He’d had no idea who he would find waiting for him when his wife had text to say that she’d brought home the guy who’d fixed up her car. Seeing Chad’s face for the first time in twelve years made Owen’s heart sink immediately, although his cock had hardened in tandem. Chad had made his high school years a living hell and yet there had always been a secret part of Owen that found the bully attractive.

The years since then had only done the other man favours: his body had filled out with muscle, his upper chest and arms were decorated in ink and a thick beard had grown out along his square jawline. Absolutely every part of his image screamed out “I am more of a man than you’ll ever be” and Owen found himself sinking into the depths of misery immediately. He’d had the briefest hope that his former tormentor wouldn’t recognise him, but there was no mistaking the glee that flashed in Chad’s eyes when their gazes met. He knew, and even once it was all said and done, he’d never let Owen forget it!

Unfortunately for Owen, things weren’t “all said and done” even after that first intense lovemaking session between Chad and Jenna.

Without even asking for Owen’s permission, Jenna had invited the other man to stay for dinner and even hinted that he might be able to stay the night. Owen was aghast. Now that he’d gotten himself off - sat in the armchair in the corner of the bedroom like he was the intruder rather than Chad - his mind felt much clearer and he wanted nothing more than to escort the other man from the premises, but when his former bully’s deadly gaze met his own, Owen’s resolve shrivelled away into nothingness.

That was how it had started, and it had been a full three weeks since then. Chad had slept in Owen’s bed - and fucked his wife - every night during that period of time, while Owen had been forced to sleep on the couch like some squatter. He’d been expected to prepare meals for his wife and self-proclaimed “boss” while only ever having scraps for himself. Chad helped himself to the beer in the fridge and all of Owen’s nice clothes, while Owen himself was only allowed to wear the same shirt and pants to work every day. He was even restricted on when he was allowed to shower; Chad loved the humiliation aspect of Owen working up an unpleasant funk and then receiving looks of disgust from his coworkers when they detected the source of the stench.

Owen desperately wanted to put a stop to the twisted situation he had unwittingly started but it was clear that he was the only one in the household who did. Jenna was absolutely loving life and happily joined Chad in humiliating her husband, commenting upon how he wasn’t even half as good in bed as her new lover was, or that the only thing he was actually good at was making money for them. It stung deep every time she made such a comment but there was also a part of Owen that continued to be turned on by his humiliation. There was very much a war going on within his mind, with his love of the kink and his dwindling self-pride going at it time and time again with matched ferocity.

Unfortunately Owen could never bring himself to stand up to Chad and banish the man from his life for good. Every time his old bully’s steely gaze met his, Owen was just a weedy high school sophomore again. He felt totally helpless and Chad took advantage of that whenever he wanted to. In fact the tattooed hunk insisted that it was “destiny” for them to be in their current roles - how else would they have crossed paths again under such circumstances if it wasn’t fated to be? Owen simply didn’t want to believe that was true. What higher power could be so cruel as to punish him like this when he was a man of good faith and good will?

By far the most embarrassing moment came when Chad held Owen down over his knee, exposed the round cheeks of his ass and spanked him like he was some naughty child. Jenna had watched from a nearby chair, giggling and playing with herself, seemingly uncaring towards the feelings of the man she had vowed to cherish and trust back on their wedding day. Chad wasn’t holding back with his strikes either. Tears sprung into Owen’s eyes almost immediately, although to his shame his cock also responded to the humiliation by hardening, yet another betrayal by his own body. It seemed he wasn’t the only one aroused by the situation either, as he could feel Chad’s own hardness (longer and thicker than his own, of course) pressing against his stomach as a constant reminder of who was in control.

That encounter ended up being the tipping point for Owen. He knew he had to do something, and if he couldn’t confront Chad face-to-face without crumbling back into a beta mentality, he’d just have to get creative. It was impossible for him to plot his revenge while at home, as his tormentor and wife kept him busy cleaning up after them or forcing him to act like a dog for their amusement, but thankfully Owen had nobody monitoring him at work, so he was able to get in contact with an individual on the dark web who promised they had just what he’d need.

Owen’s spirits slowly rose in the days after putting his plan into motion, but he knew he’d have to act fast. Jenna would surely discover the massive payment he had made from their joint account to an unknown party, and Chad would no doubt give him the most severe punishment yet, should he get the chance. Mercifully it was only one more day before the key ingredients arrived at Owen’s office and he knew it was time for his revenge to finally begin.

It was by pure luck that when Owen finally got home from work Chad was alone in the house, Jenny having gone to spend Owen’s money at afternoon drinks with her girlfriends. Usually he dreaded being alone with Chad but this time he saw it for the prime opportunity that it was.

The door had barely closed behind him before the other man was barking insults at him, demanding to know why he was so late in and why he hadn’t prepared any meals for Chad to snack on throughout the day. Heavy stomps echoed through the house and within seconds Owen was confronted by the lumbering beast who had made his life a living hell. Strong hands grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him hard against the wall. Chad leaned in close, leaving only inches between them, and wrinkled his nose in disgust. “You’re revolting, you know that?” he growled, speaking with such venom that spittle decorated Owen’s face while he spoke. “A good for nothing fag who still hasn’t learned his place all these years later!”

Despite Owen’s cunning plan being well in motion, the familiar fears that Chad always triggered within him weren’t completely eliminated. Still, he was proud of himself for not flinching as much as he might have under other circumstances, and this lack of extreme reaction only seemed to add fuel to the other man’s fire. Something he had learned about Chad a long time ago was that when his tormentor got mad he also got sloppy, and Owen was able to take advantage of the other man’s blistering rage by slipping out the syringe from his pocket. He had prepared it back in the car and kept it well out of sight until it was time to be used, and that moment had finally come. With one swift movement he jabbed the needle into Chad’s thigh and quickly pushed the pale pink liquid right into his rival’s bloodstream.

The unexpected attack prompted Chad’s grip on Owen’s shirt to loosen and he staggered back, looking down in shock at the syringe that was still sticking out of him. “What… what the fuck did you just do, faggot?” he growled, pulling it out with a wince and then throwing it to the ground. “What was in that?” With every passing second Chad’s words began to become more and more slurred, and his eyes glazed over as if he’d downed a line of shots at a bar in record time. “I’m gonna… gonna kill…” Chad staggered back further, hitting the wall behind him and slumping down to the ground. It was the most vulnerable Owen had ever seen the other look and he loved it.

Of course, Owen was fully capable of explaining what the liquid he’d injected into Chad was doing at that very moment, but he wasn’t some villain in a Hollywood film. He wouldn’t give away his secrets. In fact, he rather enjoyed the turmoil Chad would experience from not knowing what was happening - at least until it was too late for him to do anything about it.

Crouching down in front of the man who had previously struck such fear into him, Owen grabbed him by the chin and angled his face up so they were looking eye-to-eye. “You’re revolting, you know that?” he hissed, repeating Chad’s own words back at him. “A good for nothing fag who still hasn’t learned his place all these years later!” Then, just to rub salt in the wound, he pressed his lips against the other man’s and stole a violent kiss from his bully.

That kiss was the last thing needed to trigger the effects of the serum that was pumping around each of their bodies. It hit the pair of them like a freight train, causing Owen to stumble back and fall onto his ass, but he’d injected himself with the serum ten minutes earlier and that had given him the time to get over the initial dizziness and nausea that Chad was currently suffering from. Still, he was playing with some powerful stuff and he’d been warned that it wouldn’t be the most comfortable of processes, although his contact had agreed that it sounded like a necessary one.

The two men remained face to face as the change of a lifetime began for the duo, allowing each of them to see the other’s slowly transforming physiques. Owen took great glee in watching Chad’s huge muscles start to drain away, the man was deflating like a rubber doll! All of the hard work Chad put in at the gym over the past ten years had gone down the drain in an instant, leaving him with a small stomach pudge and slender arms and legs that simply wouldn’t impress anyone, much less the vain woman Jenna had exposed herself as being.

His natural arrogance dropped away in tandem with all of his size, exposing a vulnerability that he had never allowed another man to see before, much less someone he had taken such joy in humiliating time and time again.

Much to the bully’s dismay, the changes didn’t stop there though: the masterful artwork that had adorned Chad’s chest and arms faded into nothingness, while the overall bronze tan of his skin transitioned into a milky white. The man’s thick beard retreated back into his face while the hard lines of his jaw softened into a much less intimidating shape.

The rest of Chad’s facial features were also rearranged into a strikingly familiar visage, and the hair on his scalp thinned out while the hairline itself receded. Unfortunately for Chad, he was in the process of adopting the traits of a man who had spent the better part of his adult life fighting back against his family’s tendency towards male pattern baldness. Finally there remained no visible signifier of the man’s true identity, instead he looked just like the man he had tormented all those years ago and right up to the current day.

In his dosed up state Chad might have thought he was hallucinating, but Owen really was going through his own changes across the floor from him. He very quickly inherited the other man’s muscular bulk, his slender body blossoming into a canvas of hard lines and masculine power. His pasty skin warmed into a healthy bronze glow while colour flooded across his pecs and down his arms to deliver him a beautiful tapestry of ink.

Owen watched as his six-pack of abs popped in one by one and his quads began to swell like they were being pumped full of air. Even his average-at-best cock was getting in on the fun, growing to a mighty eight inches with enviable girth, while his balls were pumped full of testosterone and baby-making juice.

Owen retained enough awareness to reach down and play with his new and improved shaft while his changes continued: feet growing longer and wider, calves firming up, the palms of his hands becoming calloused and rough. A tickling sensation across his jawline prompted him to bring his free hand up to feel the thick beard growing from his face and then even further up to the thicker hair upon his head.

His heart continued to race even as he felt the changes come to an end. He’d hoped and prayed that his plan would work and it actually had! In the long-running war between himself and Chad, Owen had finally won!

Well, technically speaking he was Chad now, so maybe it should just count as yet another win for the infamous Chad McDavis…

Rising to his feet, the new Chad shrugged his broad shoulders and ran a hand over his hard abs before ripping away the ragged remains of his work shirt. All the while the other man continued to stare up at him in abject horror, probably still believing he was on the worst acid trip of his life. Cling onto that belief while you can, Chad thought mockingly as he stepped out of his pants and stood proudly before his former tormentor wearing only the briefs that did little to hide his massive arousal.

The new Chad felt absolutely no remorse as he roughly grabbed the other man by the hair and forced his cock between the other’s lips. After the torture he had been put through over the past several weeks, this was only the very beginning of his revenge! The other didn’t even try to resist within his grip, in fact the new Owen became a willing participant and put that mouth to work in ways that would surely surprise himself. “You look so good on your knees,” Chad growled, pulling out his cock and striking the other across the face with it. “This is where you were always supposed to be, wasn’t it?”

“I- I don’t-” the new Owen stammered, tears welling up in his eyes. Chad was delighted to see the other’s turmoil, it was music to his ears after everything the other had done to him.

Before he could resume the face-fucking session, Chad’s attention was caught by the opening of the front door and the arrival of his wife, Jenna. She stared at the scene before her with her mouth slightly agape before a hungry lust flashed in her eyes. “Well this is new,” she said sweetly, her eyes darting between who she believed was her husband and who she presumed was her lover.

Owen clearly saw this as an opportunity and scrambled towards her, still on his hands and knees. “Jen, please, he switched our bodies!” he cried out, almost choking on the words. “I’m not Owen, I’m Chad! He stabbed me with something and then--”

His words were drowned out by Jenna’s laughter. “What a ridiculous story,” she exclaimed with a gentle shake of her head. “How pathetic can you be, dear husband?” At this point Chad joined her in front of the pleading Owen and leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Owen was forced to endure the display while tears trickled down his cheeks - and his cock throbbed in delight. He couldn’t understand why he was so turned on by watching Jenna make out with an impostor in his body, but there was simply no denying his arousal!

Much to Chad’s delight, the other’s defiant attitude wasn’t broken so easily. That gave him the excuse he needed to get the other spread across his lap with his cheeks exposed, ready to receive the spanking of his life. By the time Owen broke down into desperate sobs and agreed to cook their evening meals like the good little beta cuck he now was, an imprint of Chad’s meaty paw had been left on the pale skin.

As the new Owen was slaving away in the kitchen, the new Chad got to work familiarizing himself with Jenna’s body. He most certainly appreciated how rough she begged him to be with her; his new body was packed with so much masculine power that being rough felt like the only option anyway! He made her cum several times just using his tongue before he had her bouncing on his majestic cock like she was a jockey and he was her prize stallion.

After wearing out his slut of a wife, Chad returned to where Owen was putting the finishing touches on their dinner. Grabbing a piece of chicken from the plate, Chad tore a piece off with his teeth and chewed it for a few moments before spitting it out onto the floor. He fixed a harsh glare on his former tormentor and barked out an order: “Lick it up!” The other remained frozen in place for a moment, eyes wide in a mix of terror and confusion. “Do I need to repeat myself? Get down on your knees and lick it up, bitch!” Chad relished the booming bass of his voice and it most certainly did the job as the other dropped down onto his hands and knees and began to lick the clean floor in a display that exposed just how far he had fallen from grace.

Once the lovers had dined on the feast prepared for them and Chad had made Owen eat scraps off of the floor like he was a dog, they invited the other man to watch them play around in the bedroom. Chad particularly relished how Jenna was exclaiming that he was “better than ever” and put her “cuck husband to shame”. Once they’d had their fun and were tired of entertaining, they banished him back to the couch and settled in for the night. As Jenna slipped into a night of blissful dreams, Chad remained awake and listened to the sounds of sobs coming from the living room. Serves you right, he thought to himself, even as he put the next steps of his plan into place. His former tormentor would forever rue the day he had stepped back into his life!

The next day, after returning home from a torturous day at a job he didn’t even know how to do, the new Owen was greeted by yet another unpleasant surprise. After announcing his intention to Jenna and getting her agreement, the new Chad had gone on a little shopping spree - using Owen’s credit cards, of course - and returned with a few new items for the lesser man to wear. The first was a dog collar that pressed tight even around Owen’s skinny neck, and simply bore the word “faggot” on the tag. The next was even more humiliating for the former alpha: a cock cage that locked away his reduced manhood and kept him from pleasuring himself without Chad’s permission! Owen cried as the device was placed onto him, all too aware that he had been the one to unwittingly craft his own downfall.

Once he had truly settled into his new body and position as the master of the house, Chad started to extend his gaze outwards. Sure, the sex with Jenna was the best it had ever been, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy him anymore. He was a goddamn alpha and he wasn’t supposed to be contained by any one woman. Besides, back in his old body she had relished in his humiliation even when things went too far so fuck her, she didn’t deserve his loyalty!

It wouldn’t be long before he left both Owen and Jenna behind, their marriage in shambles and a divorce looming. Until then he’d drain them for every dollar they were worth and make sure both of them put their lips and holes to use servicing him. This was the life of luxury he had always deserved, he knew that now. In fact, he supposed that the former Chad had been right on at least one occasion: it really had been destiny for them to cross paths again!


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