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This story is based off of an idea from patron Ninjakeyblader who you may all know as The Great Storyteller. Thanks for letting me run wild with this one!

Bryan was living a rather unique life. To be fair, whether he was actually still alive or not was debatable, but his circumstances were definitely remarkable nonetheless.

It had all started when he’d been the unfortunate victim of a traffic accident. He’d been a pedestrian minding his own business when a vehicle spun out on the road and the tail end clipped him. The impact had sent him hurtling into the hard stone of a nearby building for an even harsher collision, and that was the last time Bryan remembered being in his own body.

Rather than waking up in a hospital bed, which would have been unfortunate but completely understandable, Bryan instead rose from his deep slumber in a king-sized bed, underneath the most comfortable sheets he had ever felt. The bedroom was not his own, nor as he very quickly discovered, was the body he was currently in possession of. Bryan himself was of an average build. He had been a track star back in high school but the grind of working retail had drained his motivation to attend the gym with any regularity. As such, it had been rather easy for him to identify that the muscular body he had awoken in was not his own.

After swinging his heavy legs out of the bed and carefully padding into the en-suite bathroom (yet another identifier that he wasn’t in his own home - on his wage, he wouldn’t be able to afford such a luxury even after saving up for years), Bryan was finally introduced to his new reflection. Much to his surprise, it was the face of Tyson Fury, the British professional boxer, with his wide jawline, thick stubble and clean-shaven scalp. Bryan was something of a sportaholic, it didn’t matter what sport it was, he liked to keep up with it all. Fury had been on his television screen just a few nights before Bryan’s accident, when he had purchased a pay-per-view just to watch the six-foot-seven giant’s big money fight. To go from spectating on a screen to seeing through the man’s eyes… it was no surprise that he immediately presumed he must be dead and experiencing his own personal afterlife!

Although grappling with the idea that his own life had come to an untimely end was difficult, the struggle was assuaged by the thrill of getting the chance to live the life of the self-proclaimed Gypsy King. Bryan wasn’t a big reader but he had taken the time to read the boxer’s autobiography, and now that he was given the opportunity, he tried to live Fury’s life as authentically as possible. It had taken several hours for him to even begin feeling comfortable in the other man’s body considering the massive difference in both height and weight, but as the afternoon rolled around, Bryan was really starting to enjoy just how strong he felt. This was only furthered during his exploration of the sprawling Fury family home, when he discovered the home gym in the basement with all of the workout equipment he could ever possibly need.

The intense weightlifting session that followed was both exhausting and invigorating for Bryan. He could hardly believe just how much weight he could deadlift! Fury’s body may not have been designed with aesthetics in mind but that wasn’t an issue at all. His strength and athleticism was sexy enough as it was. Bryan felt practically kingly as he struck a few poses in front of the mirror to properly inspect his new giant frame. As demanding as the workout had been though, the real challenge came when Fury’s wife arrived home with their assortment of children, having apparently been visiting family for a short stay. Playing husband and father was a whole different ball game to playing boxer, and Bryan had to fight off a number of questions about why he was “acting so weird” from the professional athlete’s wife. Sure, he could have always told her the truth, but would she have believed him? He hardly believed what was going on, and he was the one living through it!

By the time the sun was down and all of the kids had been put to bed, Bryan had come up with the perfect solution to distract “his” wife from any further questions. Making love to another man’s wife was morally wrong, sure, but if Bryan was supposed to be living Tyson Fury’s life, didn’t that technically make her his wife? It was that justification that Bryan held onto as he helped the beautiful woman out of her clothes, then lowered her onto that comfortable bed and ravished her delectable body like he was a horny teen all over again. The lovemaking was so intense that by the time they were finished and had cleaned themselves up, it didn’t take much at all for them to fall asleep, with Bryan’s large arms wrapped protectively around her petite body to hold her close.

Everything Bryan thought he knew about his rather extraordinary circumstances was thrown out of the window the very next morning. Rather than waking up to Tyson Fury’s beautiful wife and extravagant home, he found himself greeted to brand new surroundings and a body that was remarkably different from the one he’d possessed the day before. For one, his skin was a completely different colour, and he was absolutely packed with muscles like he was a champion bodybuilder. Once again though it was a familiar face that greeted Bryan in the mirror, although it wasn’t anybody he knew from his own life. The face and body staring back at him was that of DK Metcalf, a wide receiver for the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks.

Bryan himself was a Los Angeles Chargers fan, but anybody who was into football could recognise Metcalf’s skill as a player. Not only that but he had one of the best built bodies in the whole sport, and he was fast on his feet too. In fact, Bryan had even drafted Metcalf onto his fantasy league team in the previous season, to great success. He’d always been a fan, but from inside the football player’s body it was a whole different experience! Fury’s body had been built like an indestructible wall; Metcalf’s was like a living weapon. They were both incredibly powerful, but in remarkably different ways.

While he certainly wasn’t opposed to occupying such an incredible body, the lack of consistency between the days raised a number of questions for Bryan. What was going on with him? A quick check on Instagram confirmed his own profile still existed, but it hadn’t been updated since the day before he’d been involved in the traffic accident. So I at least still exist. It wasn’t much to go on, but it was at least a start. Bryan didn’t think he had too much to worry about, so he set the cell phone down and decided to get on with living the life of DK Metcalf for the remainder of the day. The NFL had started its training camps for the upcoming season and Bryan was delivered with a more physical challenge than even the heavy lifting workout from the day before.

Although there had once again been some awkward moments where those around him questioned “DK’s” strange choices in behaviour or dialogue, Bryan managed to make it through the training day without much scandal. The coaches had noted that he wasn’t running as first or breaking tackles as ruthlessly as he had been in the previous season, but it was still early days in the training camp so he didn’t end up in hot water for it. By the time he made it back to Metcalf’s sweet luxury pad, Bryan was feeling rather proud of himself and invigorated by being back in the locker room atmosphere.

He wouldn’t have to wait long to experience it again. Just the next day Bryan was back in the body of an athlete who played in a team sport, only it wasn’t Metcalf and the NFL. Instead, he now occupied the flesh of Max Muncy, an equally handsome Major League Baseball player. While baseball wasn’t high on Bryan’s list of favourite sports (it was alright, but it never got him hyped to the same extent as football, hockey or soccer), being in the body of a local hero was something he absolutely relished. Bryan was an LA guy through and through, so living the life of an LA Dodger was a more than welcome experience for him.

After a few minutes of enjoying Max’s furry chest, and the beautiful sight of the athlete’s sleeping wife next to him, a sudden and rather alarming thought entered Bryan’s mind: it was the middle of the baseball season, and he was pretty sure the Dodgers had a game that very night! He’d only ever played baseball sparingly back in high school, and he’d never been the best at it. There was no way he’d ever be able to convince anyone with his lack of skills. He’d ruin Muncy’s reputation!

A desperate search through the calendar on the athlete’s cell phone soon reassured Bryan. There was indeed a Dodgers game scheduled for later that day, but there was also a morning appointment with an ankle specialist. Further investigation of the phone revealed messages between the real Max and his coach, suggesting that the baseball player was dealing with an injury that would likely keep him out for a couple of games. A bummer for Max, sure, but a lifesaver for Bryan. From what he’d seen of the guy in interviews and on the television, he seemed nice enough, and Bryan would hate to be responsible for getting him bad press after a shitty game.

There was no denying that the day that followed was great fun for Bryan, but it wasn’t too wildly different from what he’d experienced in the two previous days. Day four though certainly forced him to try something new, as he awoke to find his physical form in an incredibly different state. For one, there was none of the muscular bulk of D.K. Metcalf, or the furriness of Max Muncy, nor even the height of Tyson Fury. Instead he was incredibly petite, with a pair of perky tits in the place of pecs, lavender colored hair cascading around his slender shoulders, nails painted to match, and a notable absence between his legs. As if that wasn’t all startling enough, there was also a decidedly male arm wrapped around his waist, keeping him trapped in the bed!

With great care not to make any sudden movements, Bryan reached out to grab the cell phone from the bedside table and opened up the camera app to give himself a view of his latest face. It took him a few moments to place the remarkably pretty features that greeted him in return. Back as a child Bryan had been a huge fan of professional wrestling, but his love had dwindled over the years, and the vast array of other options meant it was rare that Bryan remembered to tune into an episode of WWE’s NXT product. The last time he’d done so had been almost two months ago, but it was mercifully recent enough for him to not only remember the name of the woman whose body he occupied, but also of the man who was currently spooning him.

Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano were one of the most popular couples in wrestling. They formed a formidable husband-and-wife team, racking up wins by playing dirty and even recruiting proteges to form a stable of dastardly heels. It was the kind of old-school entertainment Bryan enjoyed whenever he’d watched the show, but he’d never once spared a moment to think that he might end up in the boots of a pro wrestler, even after the madness of the previous three days. I guess it was only a matter of time before I ended up in a chick, he mused, returning the phone to the bedside table and instead using his hand to begin exploring the feminine body he would be possessing for the remainder of that day. Every part of it was oh so sensitive, and once he’d begun playing with his pussy, Bryan found himself addicted. Caught up in his sudden arousal, he was unable to stop a moan from breaking forth, and in doing so, the man in bed with him began to stir.

“What’s got you all worked up this morning, babe?” Johnny growled in a sleepy tone, although he began rapidly waking up once he saw what his “wife” was up to. “How about I take care of that for you, huh?” Within moments Bryan’s delicate fingers were replaced by Johnny’s thicker digits, and Bryan found himself being pleasured by another man for the very first time in his life. He had always considered himself to be straight - sure, there were maybe one or two moments that he’d found himself captivated by another man’s beauty, but he’d never let himself linger on those thoughts - but there was absolutely no denying the burning attraction he felt towards Johnny in that moment. He was putty in the other man’s hands, and Johnny Gargano was quickly proving that he was an expert with his hands!

The day that followed once Bryan and Johnny had wrapped up their bout of morning sex truthfully wasn’t that dissimilar from what Bryan had experienced over the past several days. He participated in the married couple’s typical workout and even found himself in a wrestling ring to practice, taking a few bumps and hitting a few flying cross-body splashes from the top rope. Bryan had been nervous as he’d ascended the turnbuckle, but a long steady breath brought out his inner confidence. He wasn’t operating with the same grace as Candice herself would - something Johnny teasingly attributed to their morning activity - but there seemed to be enough muscle memory remaining in the body that Bryan was able to do it all without injuring his temporary body.

After a day of exploring his feminine side, Bryan was back to a more traditionally masculine physique upon rising from his slumber the next morning. Although he wasn’t immediately familiar with the face that looked back at him in the mirror, he certainly wasn’t disappointed by just how good looking this man was; he truly felt like the fairest of them all with his sharp jawline, perfectly clear skin and baby blue eyes. Even his blond hair managed to look perfect fresh out of bed. How was that fair? Some guys get all the good genes, Bryan mused. But hey, I guess I’m one of those guys now too!

An investigation of the few personal possessions in the hotel room uncovered a wallet, within which was a Swedish driving license that revealed the identity of his latest host body. Apparently he was within the flesh of one Gabriel Landeskog, who Bryan discovered from a quick internet search played for Colorado Avalanche in the NHL as their forward and captain. Further sleuthing revealed he had a wife and kid, but being away from home during the hockey season meant that Bryan would miss out on playing husband and father. Still, there was plenty of fun to be had, as he once again got to enjoy the camaraderie of being in a locker room full of like minded red-blooded men. Learning that he had the nickname “Gabe the Babe” certainly gave him a chuckle, although Bryan had to admit that he could easily understand why. Perhaps it was just a leftover from his time in Candice, but he was a little captivated by just how good looking Gabriel actually was. It was only a shame that he couldn’t properly take advantage of those good looks without being unfaithful to the man’s wife… or so he thought.

Much to Bryan’s surprise, it turned out that the guys in the Colorado Avalanche locker room had an unwritten rule that could be summarised as “it’s neither gay nor cheating if it’s with a teammate”. As such, he was rather caught off guard when one of the handsome Canadian studs offered to get him off in the showers to work off a bit of built up tension. Upon learning that it wouldn’t be a first time thing, Bryan quickly agreed. It seemed like a shame to leave Gabe’s body behind without experiencing a little bit of carnal pleasure!

Over the next few months Bryan continued to hop between bodies of all different sports - tennis, gymnastics, volleyball and more - while relishing every unique opportunity. He also began an investigation into what had happened to his own body, and after several weeks of digging was able to learn that he was apparently comatose in his local hospital, and doctors were uncertain if he’d ever wake up. That had prompted quite the twisting of his gut, but Bryan’s new life was full of distractions, and it wasn’t long before he had his mind and hands occupied with something far more enjoyable.

After one-hundred days of jumping between the lives of athletes he’d both admired and never heard of, Bryan finally got his wish and woke up in the body of an LA Charger. Even better, he wasn’t just a random player, but rather their star defensive end: Joey Bosa! Back in his own life Bryan had owned multiple Bosa jerseys and wore one of them to every home game he’d attended. He’d even been lucky enough to snap a selfie with the six-foot-five football player, although even the elation he’d experienced in that moment couldn’t compare to how he felt upon seeing the handsome face of his favourite player in the mirror!

“This is gonna be one hell of a good day, bro!” Bryan remarked in Joey’s deep Floridian rumble as he ran a huge paw over the strong chest and meaty pecs. He absolutely wasn’t going to waste a single moment while he had Joey’s flesh. In fact, he could only hope that after one-hundred trips into different bodies, his adventures would finally cease and leave him in the football stud’s body for good...