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Hey folks, this is something very different for my page! It's strictly a male-to-female story so if that's not your thing, you might want to give this one a miss! It's based on the results of this recent poll, of which two of the answers actually tied for the win. It's the last Kelce Tier story until I return from my mini-hiatus at the start of April so I hope you all enjoy it!

Oliver Stark was the kind of guy who liked to keep busy, so while production on 9-1-1 was on its seasonal break, he was on the lookout for projects to be working on in the meantime. His portrayal of Evan “Buck” Buckley in the firefighting drama show had garnered him a fair amount of attention from various casting directors in the industry, and his agent had sent through a fair few scripts and the attached offers for him to consider. One such project was a production from Ripanaugh Films, the same studio that had recently sought out and cast Oliver’s castmate Ryan to star in a superhero flick, which is what had caused it to stand out to him in the first place.

The script they’d Oliver’s way was for a comedy film with the working title “Bro-Friend to Girlfriend” and had a rather silly plotline that provoked a low chuckle from the actor when he read it. His character, Jake, was a down on his luck guy just out of a relationship with a girl who had turned him against his friends and family and then left him high and dry. Out of all of his lost connections, the person he missed most was his lifelong best friend Nick, and he’d confess as such to the bartender at a mysterious establishment, who would promise to help them reconnect. From there, Jake would find himself transformed into a woman and upon being reunited with Nick would discover that they were just as compatible as lovers as they were as friends, eventually living happily ever after together. There was no denying it was a dumb concept, but it had a certain charm to it. Nick, the best friend, was going to be played by Superman & Lois’ Tyler Hoechlin, and Ryan had spoken highly about Tyler from their time working together previously, so Oliver was looking forward to meeting him.

The real motivational drive for Oliver to sign on with the project though was the money: the script only called for him to be in the first twenty minutes of the movie, but he was still getting paid the full salary of a main star! Simply put, it promised to be the easiest money he’d ever made, so no matter how ridiculous the film ended up being, it was pretty much a no-brainer! He’d have time to take on more ambitious projects after his one or two weeks of filming before returning to 9-1-1 as well, so it fit perfectly into his schedule. Sure, he’d probably get a little bit of teasing from his co-stars for agreeing to appear in such a trashy film, but he’d be laughing all the way to the bank!

Just as with Ryan before him, Oliver met the director of the project for the first time at the table read. He was momentarily surprised to discover that it would be a woman behind the camera, before quickly accepting and feeling excited. He was very much in support of the film industry becoming more accepting of the female gender in more prominent roles, and he’d worked with a number of female directors on 9-1-1 before who were incredible at their jobs. He supposed his surprise mostly came from the fact that the movie idea just seemed so… bro, like it had to be the work of some manchild. How wrong he was! Jane Krauffman was anything but a manchild. She was beautiful, with her curvy frame and long blonde hair, and carried herself with regality as she made introductions between the cast and crew, like a monarch among their people. Her mere presence demanded respect and as her gaze locked with Oliver’s for the first time, the actor found himself standing a little straighter. Wasn’t that something?

“Ah, our main star!” she exclaimed, her voice as smooth as velvet, “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, my dear. I’ve always been a big fan of your show and I just knew you’d be perfect for this role.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed him on both cheeks. It was a surprising greeting but not anything Oliver was about to complain about. In fact he found himself rather captivated by the sweet flowery smell of the perfume that wafted over him as she’d stepped close. “We’re going to take good care of you, my dear, you can be sure about that. We’ll have the critics raving about you!”

Truthfully Oliver thought she was rather overestimating the level of success a film with such a corny premise could possibly achieve, but he was hardly about to rain on the parade of the woman who was effectively his boss for the next few weeks. Instead he politely smiled, shrugged his broad shoulders and offered a friendly response: “Well, I’m hardly the main star. I’m only in the start of the film and a couple flashbacks, but I’ll take the flattery anyway.” He didn’t consider himself to have much of an ego, but the British actor wasn’t about to turn down a bit of sweet talking, especially not from such a beautiful woman.

“Oh, of course you’re our star,” the director assured him with a hearty laugh, guiding him towards the table where the cast and crew were gathering to begin the table read. His seat happened to be right next to hers. “Now, we’d like you to read the lines for your character post-transformation too. Can you do that for us?”

The request prompted Oliver to raise an eyebrow. “Uh, sure. Have you not cast the lead actress yet then?” he inquired. No response came though, as Jane had turned to speak to the producer on her other side in hushed tones, leaving the actor to begin glancing through the script. It didn’t make much sense to him that they’d be having a table read without the actress who would actually be starring in most of the scenes, but he supposed that was an issue for the higher ups to deal with rather than himself. He was just there for the paycheck, so it was best to keep his head down and do what was asked of him. He was going to be there for the full readthrough either way, so there wasn’t exactly any harm done.

Production started soon after and yet still it didn’t seem like the production had cast their lead actress. Oliver was curious as to what the hold-up was, but he kept his mouth shut and got on with what was required of him. The first few days of shooting went by rather smoothly and just as he’d expected, Jane Krauffman was a professional with a great eye for cinema. Even though the film’s plot was nothing shy of hot garbage, there were some pretty cool shots coming up in the dailies. All seemed to be going well and Oliver thought nothing of it when Jane requested a meeting with him on the evening before what was due to be his final day of filming.

“You’ve done admirable work on this film,” the director began, after pouring out a glass of champagne for him. The actor had been all too happy to accept it, and was delighted by the fine fruity taste that greeted him upon raising the glass to his lips. There was an almost magical quality to it that kept him taking frequent swigs from the glass. “Really, you’ve done everything I’ve asked for and more. You really are this character.” Her beady eyes watched him intently as he finished his glass in record time. Just a few seconds later and she had filled it up with a second round from the bottle.

“Thank you again for casting me,” Oliver replied politely. He noticed that his voice seemed a little higher and lighter than usual, so he cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m sure the rest of the production will just fly by.” Strangely, his voice remained soft and almost effeminate. He tried to clear his throat again and fought back against the minor irritation he felt. “It’s really been a-- a lot of fun working on this project.” With every word his voice lost more and more of its bass, until it was distinctly feminine. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with him?

“I’m glad to hear that. Please, do keep drinking,” Jane encouraged, her smile widening like a predator eyeing up its prey. After two weeks on her set, Oliver was used to following the woman’s orders and instinctively did as he was told, raising the champagne glass to his lips to take another big swig. “I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy your time on the production with us over the next few weeks. Now, I know you weren’t planning on staying with us for such a long time, but you’re such a central part of this film that there’s no way we could possibly let you go!”

As he struggled to understand the meaning behind her words, Oliver was suddenly alerted to the wolfish look on her face and felt a shiver run down his spine. He wasn’t the type to be easily intimidated - especially by someone he easily outsized - but Jane might as well have been a hulking brutish Mr Olympia for the nervousness she awoke within the British actor. “I-- I’m not sure I--” Once again Oliver’s voice sounded different to his own ears, only this time it wasn’t the pitch of his voice but rather the accent. He sounded like some ditsy Californian valley girl! His heart began to race. “I don’t understand… What’s happening to me?”

“There’s no need to sound so alarmed, dear. We’re just making sure the project retains its most important asset,” the director replied, lacing her fingers together and watching him like a hawk. There was smug satisfaction written into every morsel of her face, a sharp contrast to the sheer panic evident upon Oliver’s own. Despite that, he simply couldn’t stop himself from taking another long sip from his glass. The heavenly nectar within was nothing short of intoxicating; it sent a number of blissful sensations hurtling through his body as if they’d been fired from a gun. Among those feelings were pleasure and arousal, although they were manifesting themselves in a different manner than anything he had experienced before. His pants didn’t seem to be tightening around his impressive endowment as they usually would - in fact, if anything, they felt a little looser than ever. Instead the excitement was buried somewhere deeper within and prompted a hot flush to spread all the way up to his cheeks.

Taking in a number of shallow breaths, the actor was startled by the presence of an invisible hand that seemed to be pinching his waistline between its forefinger and thumb, reshaping his body to a more hourglass figure with admirable hips but a slender mid-section. That same hand then moved up to compress his broad shoulders, giving Oliver a much slimmer build, before beginning to massage his pecs. He could do little more than stare down as the solid slabs of muscle were redesigned as pert breasts, easily enough to fill up a c-cup. His nipples were sensitive against the rough fabric of his ill-fitting shirt and he couldn’t help but place his hands around the two new growths and give them an experimental squeeze. It wasn’t the first time he’d ever held a pair of tits in his hands, but it was certainly the first time those tits had belonged to him, and he was caught off guard by just how much he actually enjoyed playing with them.

Oliver was so caught up in playing with his new chest that he hardly even noticed the transformation to his lower half. The powerful muscles of his quads dwindled away, leaving him with long elegant legs completely devoid of hair, as if only recently shaved. His well-muscled ass became even rounder and perkier, but the biggest difference was certainly in the crotch of his pants, as his manhood retreated into his body and morphed into a perfect recreation of a woman's sexual organs. The sensations of his magic-induced transition across the gender spectrum made him desperately wet already and an inquisitive hand moved down from his tits to sneak under the waistline of his pants and begin exploring.

The director watched her perfect creation come to life as the final aspects of the new Oliver settled into place: his blond hair grew rapidly down past his shoulders and lightened to a platinum blonde, while his face adopted a rounder shape with much softer features to completely eliminate any obvious signs of masculinity. With the exterior completed, the magic contained within the champagne the actor had been consuming began warping the neurons within his mind, tugging and tearing away at his thoughts, feelings and memories until he had become precisely what Jane needed him to be. “How are you feeling, my dear?” the director asked, putting the stopper into the top of the bottle of champagne and then tucking it away in a desk drawer.

Oliver - no, Olivia - reluctantly tore herself away from her self-pleasure to smile appreciatively at her director. “I’m, like, so ready to get back to filming!” she exclaimed in a high-pitched squeak. “I can’t wait to film my scenes with Tyler Hoechlin! Do you think he’d maybe wanna hook up for real?” She had such a hunky co-star and why let that go to waste when they could be having so much more fun in their trailers together? Considering she was a total babe, Olivia was sure that Tyler wouldn’t need much convincing!


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