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This story is based off of a six-word request from patron peepshow321 who wanted to see "Gym Lost & Found; Transforms Wearer". I hope this 3,044 word story lives up to your idea! Warnings for homophobic language and perspectives.

“Hey man, I don’t suppose you could help me out? I’m pretty sure I left my headphones in here during my workout yesterday. I don’t suppose any have been handed in, have they?” Considering his wireless headphones had cost nearly two-hundred bucks and were only a month old, the last thing Jon wanted to do was shell out for another pair, but he’d always found it difficult to train without his favourite music blasting in his ears. The playlist that his gym offered wasn’t all that bad, but nothing got him hyped like the dance remixes of his favourite pop songs, and he couldn’t think of anything more mortifying than asking the employees on the desk to add some Ariana Grande or Kylie Minogue to their mix. He was a fairly straight-presenting guy other than his music tastes and while he wasn’t ashamed of his sexuality, he didn’t want anybody to look at him and only see him as “the gay guy”. He was so much more than that, and while he didn’t think outing himself would provoke any hostilities towards him, he didn’t trust that he wouldn’t become the punchline of jokes between the hardcore lifters who were currently at least cordial with him.

“It must be your lucky day!” Greg, the well-muscled redhead behind the desk that morning, replied with a bright smile. “We found these on the gym floor during our closing inspections last night.” As he spoke, he placed a familiar pair of wireless headphones on the desk in front of Jon. “I gotta say, dude, they look pretty pricey. You should keep a better eye on them!” The admonishment was still partnered with that wonderful smile, but Jon felt suitably embarrassed nonetheless. He quickly accepted the headphones, gave Greg his thanks, and then hurried off to get his workout started. Strangely the headphones didn’t immediately connect to his phone when he started up his playlist, but a quick syncing between the two devices got the job done. Someone must have been pushing buttons on them, he suspected, not putting much thought into it. Honestly he was just glad that he wasn’t going to be subjected to ninety minutes of the classic American rock that Greg was always fond of playing whenever he was on desk duty.

For the next twenty minutes Jon thought nothing more of the headphones debacle. Instead he was laser-focused on his workout and his attempts to trim away some of the extra weight he’d gained over the holiday season. He’d started with ten minutes of cardio on the running machine and had progressed to the bench press. He wasn’t usually much of a big lifter but he liked having some firmness to his chest and the guys he’d met up with through Grindr had always remarked that they liked grabbing and kneading his pecs as they rode him, so he figured there was some benefit to adding a few varying lifts into his training regime. Although he never went all that heavy - a forty-pound bar with forty-five-pound weights either side - he was surprised to find that his relaxed fitness schedule over the holiday season hadn’t actually cost him any strength. Indeed, he was actually feeling rather strong, so he dared to add an extra fifteen pounds to both ends of the bar and still found himself able to push out a full twelve reps with little struggle. With adrenaline pumping through his brain and body, Jon loaded up the bar further until he was pressing two-hundred pounds and only then did he struggle, having to re-rack after six shaky reps.

As he returned the weights and wiped down the bench after the completion of that final set, Jon finally noticed that at some point during his escalating sets his playlist had shifted from an extended remix of Britney Spears’ “Stronger” to what he could only presume was a Kanye West song. He couldn’t remember ever downloading such a track and quickly skipped over it, relieved instead to hear Beyoncé’s familiar heavenly voice greeting him on the next track. With his music restored to a more suitable fashion, Jon moved from the bench to the free weights and picked up two fifteen-pound dumbbells to begin alternating between bicep curls, pinwheel curls, and tricep kickbacks. Again, he wasn’t the sort of guy who wanted his arms to be the size of watermelons or anything, but he’d always appreciated the way they filled out the sleeves of his shirts and some of his past hook-ups had commented favourably on them too, so he figured it was well worth continuing to keep them looking good.

Before long though, Jon realised that the dumbbells he was using were a little too light to have any effect, so he traded them in for the thirty-pounders. After a single super-set with them, he came to the same conclusion, so returned them and grabbed the fifty-pound dumbbells instead. These finally presented him with something of a challenge and he found himself grunting with exertion as he progressed through each curl and extension. By the time he’d finished up his sets and took a moment to inspect himself in the mirror, Jon had a pretty good pump on. While they weren’t watermelons, an argument could be made that the muscles in Jon’s upper arms were nearly the size of footballs and his sleeves were no longer just filled but actually being stretched out.

Once again, as he moved from the free weights area to the squat racks, Jon realised that his music had again shifted to some rap song he’d only ever heard in passing before and always rolled his eyes at. Although he felt immediately compelled to turn the song over to something more his style, he unconsciously acknowledged that it had a pretty good beat behind it and was maybe worth listening to for the time being. Besides, fidgeting with his phone to get a song he preferred was only going to distract him from his workout and he’d always hated guys who seemed fixed to their phones while they were in the gym, and he didn’t plan on exposing himself as a hypocrite.

After that first rap song came another, with an equally hard-hitting beat, but more explicit lyrics about taking a “girl with them cakes” home from a club to “see her moves on the pole”. By that stage though, Jon was already achieving a new personal best with his squats, and was far too in the zone to acknowledge the misogyny of the lyrics. He’d always made time for squats in his workouts because he was a big fan of having a sculpted derriere, but he had left his previous maximum of two-hundred-and-twenty pounds in the dust and was instead getting reps at three-hundred. With every push, a deep growl escaped his lips and Jon was even beginning to earn the attention and appreciation of a few of the regulars who usually overlooked him. By the time he returned the bar to the supports his shorts were just as stretched out around the muscles of his quads as his shirt was around his chest and arms; he was decked out in mediums when larges would have made for a much more suitable fit.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and hitting a few poses to highlight his strong muscles, Jon observed something about the headphones he had failed to notice when Greg had turned them over to him. Back when he’d ordered them from the online store there had been a number of options for the color of the pattern on the exterior. He had gone for his favourite color, blue, but the pattern on the headphones he wore red. His initial confusion was soon replaced by alarm. There was only one other regular attendee of his gym that had the same pair of headphones as him, only with that red decal, and that was Rick Tressway. In fact, it had been because of Rick that Jon had been inspired to get the headphones in the first place, although he never would have admitted to such a thing.

Rick was the gym’s alpha. There was simply no denying it. While he wasn’t the largest guy to be a member - there were a few guys who looked like muscle had exploded out of their very core - he wore a confident attitude so well that it made him appear like a titan among men. Rick stood at a proud six-foot-five and had a number of bodybuilding classic physique trophies to his name plus an IFBB Pro card. He was a known womanizer who had enjoyed the company of many of the women registered to the gym, including staff members, and was always accompanied by one of his friends with a camera to chronicle his workouts for his highly-active social media accounts. Jon had never dared talk to him, he was too intimidated, but he was also wildly attracted to him. The other man had been the subject of a number of his fantasies, to put it mildly, and more than once he’d had to fight off chubbing while watching Rick put his strong muscles to good use over in the weightlifting area.

Mercifully Rick didn’t seem to be present to see that a nobody like Jon was currently wearing his headphones. The very least thing Jon wanted was to be confronted by the intimidating wall of muscle. Strangely though, the thought of interrupting his workout to return the headphones to Greg at the desk made him feel somewhat bitter. He was having the best workout in recent memory and didn’t want to ruin the flow he had going, especially when Rick wasn’t there to call him out for his accidental theft. No, he’d just continue and then return the headphones to the front desk once he was finished. That was the most sensible plan.

Abandoning his plans to do some more cardio to balance out his workout, Jon instead decided that it was time to try his hand at deadlift. It was an exercise that he’d always avoided in the past for fear of embarrassing himself with poor form, but he was feeling strangely confident and wanted to take a risk. Once he’d loaded up the bar with a weight that he felt was suitable, he got into position, wrapped his calloused hands around the bar and pushed through his hips to get the proper range of motion without putting strain on the muscles of his back. The movement felt like a knife slicing through butter and it was a no brainer for Jon to increase the weight once he’d made it through the first set. As he did so, one of the gym regulars approached him, a camera in his hands. Jon identified him as Kade, one of Rick’s friends who had never spoken to him before, and was surprised by both the other’s sudden appearance beside him and what he had to ask: “Want me to film your next set, bro?”

“Yeah, sure,” Jon grunted in response, catching himself off guard with the lack of any hesitation. Adding to his surprise was his realisation that despite his prior beliefs, Kade wasn’t actually any taller than him, and was maybe even a little skinnier than Jon in his pumped-up state! Both of those things were quite the ego boost for Jon and fuelled him to power through a three-hundred-and-fifty pound deadlift, getting out a solid five reps before letting the bar crash back to the ground, drawing even more eyes towards him. He didn’t mind the attention though, in fact he was actually starting to relish in it!

“You’re an absolute beast, man!” Kade praised, slapping Jon on the broad muscles of his back. “Real life Hercules, bro.”

“Careful bro, you’re starting to sound like some kinda fag,” Jon fired back thoughtlessly, only to freeze up when he heard what he’d said. He’d never use that kinda language! Sure, he wasn’t a big supporter of homos or anything but he’d never been openly homophobic before. The words left him temporarily rattled but Kade didn’t seem nearly as horrified and merely gave him a soft punch to the shoulder in response. Jon wasn’t sure what else he could do other than laugh it off and begin preparing for his next set, this time at an even greater weight.

As he collected the weights from their rack, Jon passed by the mirrors once again and was startled by the face he saw looking back at him. It was still his own, but his jawline was sharper, his nose was thinner and his eyebrows were bushier. He could have sworn that his eyes were supposed to be blue as well, but there was no denying the hazel irises that looked back at him in his reflection. Dismissing the oddities as distractions he didn’t have time for, Jon returned to the deadlift platform and instructed Kade to film his next set at a different angle, which the other agreed to do without hesitation.

After powering his way through the next set, Jon reached down to the bottom of his tight shirt and, with some difficulty, pulled it up and over his head to expose the hard muscles of his torso. He raised his arms in a double-bicep flex and tensed his abdominals, admiring the ink that spread across his left pectoral and the tribal sleeves down both of his cannon-like arms. Kade moved around to film him transitioning through the poses he had made such masterful use of on stage before and the bodybuilder relished at the envious looks being cast his way - envy that he had no doubt was hiding desire for a real man like him, as if he would ever let some queer enjoy anything more than what they were currently getting!

Once he had finished up his posting routine, he began to instruct Kade on what else he wanted the other to film, when hands grabbed at the muscular globes of his ass and squeezed. Already smirking, he turned to find Jenny, a buxom blonde with shiny pink lips, batting her eyes at him and all but pressing herself against his side. “Hey Rick,” she purred in a voice that was dripping with desire. The name caused only the slightest moment of hesitation, but he wasn’t quite sure why after the fact. Of course he was Rick! Who else was he supposed to be? He had the IFBB Pro card, the social media accounts and the headphones to prove it.

“Hey sexy,” Rick greeted the new arrival, his voice a bassy drawl as he reached around her slender body to return the favour and give her thick ass a grope. She’s definitely got them cakes, he remarked to himself. He could remember enjoying them just a few nights ago too and was already hoping for a repeat of that night’s events. Judging by the proximity of their bodies, he wasn’t the only one with such desire. Unfortunately, they weren’t alone. “Hey Kade, why don’t you stop being such a fuckin’ creeper and go work out or something. I thought you wanted to get big, huh?” he challenged, flashing a smug grin over at his friend. Despite being a fairly decent-sized guy, Kade looked momentarily flustered before disappearing to start his own workout, giving Rick some much-desired privacy with Jenny.

Things progressed in natural fashion from there and it wasn’t long before Rick was ordering everyone out of the sauna so he could have some alone time with the blonde babe. She put those pretty lips to good use with his eight inches of manhood and followed it up by riding his lap while he enjoyed a handful of her perky tits for good measure. Once the pair of them were finally tired out, Rick left her to clean herself up and swaggered back into the main gym to pack his stuff up. The previous thirty minutes had been more than enough cardio for him, especially after ninety minutes of pumping iron like an absolute beast!

Throwing his bag over his shoulder, Rick used the facial recognition to unlock his phone and accessed his Instagram account. He replied to a few of the flirty messages from the fitness chicks he had on the go, then blocked a number of the thirsty gays who were embarrassing themselves on his most recent upload. Not a chance in hell, he thought, amused that those queens thought he’d ever lower their standards enough to accept even a handie from another dude! He’d sooner let a fat chick do the job, and that was saying something given the scores of skinny bitches all lining up for a piece of him!

Rick made it to the desk just as some dude departed with a sour expression on his face. The bodybuilder glanced over at Greg. “What the fuck was his problem?” he asked, nodding back to where the miserable-looking pale guy with a slender physique was walking. He’s probably only in the gym three days a week and thinks that’s commitment. Rick could only scoff. He couldn’t stand those part timers. They were the same guys that were scared of “looking too big”. What a bunch of pansies.

“Said he misplaced his headphones here yesterday,” Greg replied with a casual shrug, “We haven’t got anything in the lost and found though, so he was shit outta luck. Apparently they’re the same make as yours, actually.” Just like everyone else in the gym, Greg regarded Rick with his full attention and admiration. The gym staff always went out of their way to appease the champion bodybuilder, even giving him free energy drinks and protein bars whenever he hinted at wanting something. He supposed it was because he brought more attention to their place of employment whenever he tagged the gym in one of his posts.

Thinking about what the other had said, Rick chuckled to himself at the news about their headphones. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard about somebody buying things just to copy him. Probably just another loser who only wishes he was me! “Sucks to be him, I guess.” And then, a blissful thought crossed the titan’s mind: Thank fuck I’ll never know!



Definitely a new favorite of mine, love the gay to straight stories


Thank you so much! That's the kindest compliment a story could receive. I personally love gay to straight stories too, and writing this felt as easy as could be. The words barely stopped rolling right outta me!


Of course! I’ve been into the male tf scene for nearly a decade and I think your content has to be my favorite. Other writers post some things I really Enjoy every now and then but your taste is consistently satisfying :)


That's spectacularly kind of you to say and I'm glad you're left consistently satisfied! I hope you enjoy all the stories that are yet to come!