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This 2,111 word story is another entry into the 'Redchester Family Christmas' series and features a male/female bodyswap.

Looking around at the gathered Redchester family, it was still a little overwhelming for Emilia to find herself among them. They were the richest family in their little town and Emilia… well, she had never really had much of a family to begin with. A mom who had taken off when her daughter was only three, and a father who had been emotionally distant after losing his battle with the bottle. Growing up, she’d had to take care of herself and that meant maturing at a much faster rate than any child should have to. Her father had eventually succumbed to his early fate during Emilia’s first year away at college, but by then she had already found her first real taste of home in the arms of Jonas Redchester, and the Redchester family as a whole became the tribe of people she’d desperately been craving.

Julia and Darren treated her as if she were their own daughter, and Jonas’ older brother Greg and his husband Kevin always ensured that she and Jonas had plans with them during her breaks from school. Only the eldest son in the Redchester family, Ben, had remained aloof, but Jonas had assured her that it was simply how Ben responded to everyone. Indeed, she had seen many encounters between the three brothers that led her form the opinion that Ben was not all that pleasant of a man, although if she wanted to be part of Jonas’ family then she would have to accept his eldest brother, flaws and all.

Her unlikely relationship with Jonas had begun in their junior year of high school. Jonas was a kicker for the school football team and Emilia was the newest recruit on the cheerleading team. It wasn’t exactly her thing - she’d only tried out because of pressure from her friends - but she’d been crushing on Jonas since her freshman year and him striking up a conversation with her shortly before the first game of the season convinced her to stick around. She enjoyed the dancing aspect and an enjoyment for football was one of the few things that she shared with her dad, so she figured it was a tolerable enough way to pass the time, plus it meant she was surrounded by empowered women who helped build her up, not at all like the cliquey divas years of teen television had encouraged her to believe they would be. Life was beginning to look up, and it was only getting better when Jonas asked her to the Homecoming dance.

While there were doubtlessly some who thought that Jonas Redchester would eventually bore of the pretty but impoverished Emilia, their blossoming relationship only moved from strength to strength. It continued throughout their junior and senior years at high school and even though they were faced with the tough task of attending different universities, they survived through that too. Now they had finally returned to their small hometown where they were renting a small cottage together, with Emilia working as a current affairs reporter for the local newspaper and Jonas starting his own construction company with a loan given to him by his parents. They had the makings of a happy life together and Emilia was anticipating that her beloved boyfriend of almost six years would soon be proposing to her. There wasn’t even a single bit of hesitation in her mind as to what her answer would be when that moment came either: yes.

The holiday season had been going rather smoothly until the morning of Christmas Eve when Ben Redchester had arrived with his new girlfriend in tow. It had been impossible to ignore the tightness of Lila’s dress or the thick coating of make-up that had been applied to her face, and Emilia had instinctively glanced towards Julia to confirm that the Redchester matriarch felt the same way as she did about Ben’s most recent airhead. Emilia didn’t like judging people from just a first impression, but over the course of the day Lila didn’t do exactly anything to suggest that she was worthy of being reconsidered. In fact, Emilia thought she might get more intellectual conversation out of a toddler, but that didn’t stop Ben and Lila from recounting the typically trashy story of how they had fallen in love while the whole family was gathered around the warm fireplace that night.

Finally enough was enough for Emilia. She leaned forward and whispered in Jonas’ ear that she would be waiting for him in bed, then crept out of the room as quietly as possible. She didn’t think that the storytellers would have noticed her leaving even if she hadn’t attempted to step softly, as they were so wrapped up in each other that it was as if nobody else in the room even existed. It was actually rather sickening to behold from a spectator’s perspective, although she didn’t trust that either of them was self-aware enough to notice as such.

After making a cup of herbal tea, Emilia ascended up the stairs until she’d reached Jonas’ childhood bedroom on the third floor of the house. It had recently been redecorated to adopt a more mature style, although Emilia still had a soft spot for the more garish display that had greeted her upon seeing it for the first time as a teenager, with the various band posters and sports trophies. Even then there had been elements hinting towards Jonas’ deeper sophistication such as the vinyl record player and the hardback collection of classic literature on a shelf. Both of those things had remained after the redecoration and she traced her hand over the books fondly before stripping down and getting into the silk nightgown that Jonas had gifted her for her most recent birthday.

Sparing a moment to look out of the window and up at the sea of stars in the night sky, the young woman let out a sigh of contentment. Despite the dull experience of listening to Ben and Lila drone on, she was truly thankful to have been made to feel at home within the family. To think that it might even become official soon… well, she simply couldn’t wait to become a legitimate Redchester! Following a few minutes of quiet contemplation, Emilia finally retreated to the king-sized bed and slipped under the quilted duvet. She wasn’t sure she’d ever experienced a mattress quite as comfortable as the ones in the Redchester family home, and almost as soon as her head was resting against the pillow, she was swept off into the land of dreams.

It was a mere twenty minutes before Jonas entered his bedroom, having finally hit his limit for his older brother’s bullshit, but by that point Emilia was already fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, Jonas crept around the room as softly as he could, stripping out of his clothes until he was only in his boxers, and then joined his girlfriend under the covers. With the same careful tenderness he wrapped an arm around her petite waist and moved in close until her back was pressed against his front. Sleeping alone while they had both been at different universities had been nothing shy of torture, and Jonas had no plans to ever spend a night in a bed without Emilia again. As if sensing his thoughts, his girlfriend unconsciously shifted to fit better against him as the little spoon. It was only a minute longer before he too found himself succumbing to the lure of the dream world for a night of peaceful sleep, ready to wake up and celebrate with his family on Christmas Morning.

While the pair of former high school sweethearts would indeed be getting some much needed rest, the night would not be totally uneventful for them. In tandem their bodies began to shift and warp, taking on new dimensions in a perverse realisation of Emilia’s earlier eagerness.

Her petite body started to expand and stretch as both her torso and especially her legs lengthened, ceasing only when her feet were nearly at the bottom of the mattress. Those slender limbs swelled with a sudden influx of physical strength: the biceps and triceps both bulged until her upper arms were the size of footballs, while her thighs and calves both blossomed into powerful tree trunks. Her hands enlarged and fingers thickened, with her soft palms becoming riddled with calluses from countless hours of manual labour, and her long nails adopted a freshly trimmed look. Her round ass lost some of its soft cushioning, but the glutes were soon firming up to keep her derriere pert and desirable. The mounds of flesh on her chest flattened down, her modest bosom reduced to a pair of faintly emphasized pectorals. Each of her feet elongated by three inches, bringing her up several shoe sizes, while dark brown hairs sprouted across the top of them. The hair soon began spreading up her legs and down her arms, as well as creating a treasure trail from her belly button to her crotch. It was there that the biggest change took place, as her womanhood was replaced by seven thick inches of masculinity, an experience that sent pleasure rippling through Emilia’s dreamstate.

The changes finally progressed up past her collarbone, first thickening her neck and then sharpening her soft jawline. Two days worth of stubble burst forth next, decorating the lower half of her face with a multitude of little dark hairs. Behind her eyelids her green eyes dimmed to become a deep brown, while her blond eyebrows took on a darker shade to match the facial hair. That darkening continued to the hair on her head as it rapidly reduced in length, with the ends pulling back from her shoulders to settle around her ears and become a slightly unkempt brown mane rather than the glossy blonde she was used to. With a slight widening of her nostrils and a small scar above her right eyebrow, Emilia’s transformation into Jonas was complete, although in her sleeping state she was none the wiser as to what she had just experienced.

Behind Emilia, the real Jonas was undergoing similar changes, only his transformation worked in reverse of hers. First, his wild hair grew out until it reached his shoulders, all while brightening to become a light shade of blonde. His eyebrows similarly lightened while his facial hair made a hasty retreat back into his pores. His jawline then smoothed out while it took on a rounder appearance, his relatively thin lips plumped up and his nose thinned to adopt a shape more befitting of his softer features. With his face fully transformed, the changes progressed south: his broad shoulders slimmed down and the powerful arms that had been built up through the hard work he carried out with his construction company dwindled down until they were as skinny as a pool noodle. His rough hands acquired a fresh gloss as the numerous calluses were wiped away in an instant and the nails that he always found himself biting down extended in length and adopted a carefully applied pink varnish.

Jonas’ body soon shrank, sending him tumbling from six-foot-three down to five-foot-four, and during this process his legs lost their muscular definition and his large feet similarly dwindled. Had he been awake, he might have even felt a slight discomfort in his feet from Emilia forcing them into a new pair of heels in recent days. It was likely though that he would have been more distracted by the strange sensation of the physical embodiment of his masculinity retreating inside him and instead thrusting him directly into womanhood, with his cock becoming a pussy that he was all too familiar with thanks to the regular nights of lovemaking he shared with Emilia. Just as with his partner, a tidal wave of aroused bliss spread throughout Jonas and left him with an overwhelming contentment that only prompted him to sink deeper into his slumber.

The two formed quite the image, with the petite feminine body acting as the big spoon to the large muscular man, but this soon changed when the pair rolled over by tandem. Emilia wrapped her strong arm around her boyfriend’s dainty body and pulled him in close, all while beginning to let out a rumbling snore. Jonas meanwhile relaxed back against the warm muscular body behind him, unconsciously delighted by the security that it provided. The couple would remain in those positions for several more hours as if they had spent every night of their relationship in those exact roles, but when Christmas morning eventually dawned, the lovebirds woke up to quite the strange surprise...


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