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Rooming with the star of the college wrestling team was nothing short of torturous for a constantly horny young gay man like myself. I was nothing special in the physical department and when put next to Cody I might as well have been a real-life troll. He was a real life Hercules with his godly physique, the unholy length between his legs and the confidence of somebody who knew just how hot they were. Cody was without a doubt the most popular guys on campus and despite sharing a room with him, I was about as far from him as could be. I wasn’t just a nobody, I was outwardly loathed by the other guys on campus who wished they had been the lucky ones to share a living space with the wrestler. As far as they were concerned I was nothing but a waste of space and it wasn’t as if Cody went out of his way to correct anyone. More than once I had heard him refer to his “loser roommate” and “live-in homo”, even when he knew I was within earshot. That was just the kind of guy that he was: an arrogant sonofabitch who never had to answer to anybody.

My desires for Cody were undeniable - numerous times during the night when I was sure he was asleep I would jerk off just looking across at his hunky body - but over the months they progressed from simple lust to something more complex. I didn’t just want him to pin me down and ravish me like I was nothing more than a cheap whore, I wanted more from him. I wasn’t even sure what that was until I realized it wasn’t just lust for him that I felt but jealousy. He had the perfect body and the perfect life and I wanted all of that for myself. Even though I’d never once stepped foot on a wrestling mat or even worn a singlet, I wanted everything he had. I wanted to be Cody and I was willing to do absolutely anything it took to make that a reality. My momma always said I could achieve anything I put my mind to and I was gonna prove her right by getting the alpha body I deserved and living a life that would undeniably be more rewarding than the miserable nothingness I was currently experiencing.

Of course, taking Cody’s life from him wasn’t going to be an easy task. Switching bodies would be out of the question because even in my shrimpy body I knew he’d find a way to make my life hell. No, I needed to make sure he couldn’t blab to anyone about what I had done and, after some deliberation, the perfect idea finally popped into my mind. I’d long admired how tight his wrestling singlets hugged his body and the prospect of trapping him within the fabric confines of one of them… yeah, I was already starting to get hard just thinking about it. Then stretching him over his own muscular body under my control? Yeah, I had my endgame in mind, now I just had to make sure things played out exactly how I wanted them to and that meant planning. Thankfully I was a master of patience and even my desire to experience his body for myself wouldn’t get me to rush through without being confident with my plan. Play it smart, play it safe, I reminded myself, even as I stroked myself to completion at the thought of what I was going to do to my obnoxious jock roommate.

Enduring Cody’s snide remarks and even physical abuse was so much easier knowing that in due course I would get my revenge and he’d ultimately be helpless to stop me. For all of his physical strength he could never have even hoped to match up to my mental prowess, my mind was light years more advanced than his own. He thought in the typical mundane fashion of a jock whereas I had always been able to see outside of the box, which was why I knew that I could use magic to get what I wanted. All the ingredients I needed for the two spells I was going to cast were easily accessible: some of Cody’s hair, an item of clothing and a few drops of his cum. Cody wasn’t the type of guy to clean up after himself so I was able to extract a few hairs from a dirty jockstrap on the dorm floor, steal a wrestling singlet from his wash basket and get some samples of his seed from a tissue he had used to clean himself up after his morning jerk-off. I had everything I needed, I just had to wait for him to fall asleep that upcoming night so I could be within range of him to cast the spell and not have him attempt to beat the shit out of me. Unfortunately the long wait for the sun to set and then Cody to return back from a party at a nearby sorority house was torturous and the situation was only made once by the fact he had brought back a blonde bimbo-type with him. I’d had to pretend to be asleep as they fucked for an hour before I was finally reassured by the gentle sound of the pair snoring.

The first spell I cast was the one that would let me take on Cody’s image. I’d already brewed up the potion using the hair and juices I’d collected, as well as a simple base fluid I had ordered from the online magic market that had been recommended to me. Holding the creamy-white potion in front of me and waving it in a clockwise motion, I whispered the latin incantation I had spent most of my afternoon studying. Once I was finished I brought the glass to my lips and downed the potion in three gulps. It was most certainly not a welcoming taste, my stomach turned in disgust and I had to fight the urge to hurl up the contents immediately but I was able to stay strong and keep the concoction down. I held my breath for a moment before the effects finally began to take hold: all of my clothes tightening as my slender body began to expand with muscle. The pants in particular became uncomfortably tight as my cock not only grew in length and girth but also hardened from the sheer arousal of the situation. Holding in the groans of pleasure that threatened to spill forth from my plumper lips was another challenge all in itself but I knew I couldn’t risk Cody discovering me in the process of stealing his identity, lest he ruin everything.

Standing up onto powerful legs, I stripped out of the restrictive clothes even as they began splitting at the seams from my rapid muscle growth. My perspective of the room changed too, everything looking just a little bit smaller, and I was amazed at how heavy I felt and just how much I actually enjoyed that weight. Catching sight of my reflection in the mirror on the door to Cody’s closet, I couldn’t help but settle into that arrogant smirk he always wore. I looked just like him, not an inch out of place, and I fucking loved it.

With phase one complete, I buzzed in excitement as I knew it was time for the real revenge. Holding the stolen singlet in one hand, I approached the sleeping pair and carefully laid my free hand over Cody’s skull. Chanting the second spell, this one in Spanish, my body hummed with energy as I felt my tormentor’s essence begin flooding right through me and into his singlet. I pilfered parts of his memories and skills, mainly the ones that would allow me to perform as admirably on the wrestling mat as he did, and let the remainder flow into the lycra that would become his permanent prison. With each passing second the real Cody’s body became less and less corporeal before he vanished completely and I guided the last of him right into his new home.

Barely a second had passed before I opened the singlet up and stepped into it, pulling the tight fabric around my muscular body. Every single part of my new body was tensed and hard and the sensation of the lycra singlet wrapping around every muscular curve was nothing short of intoxicating. I was painfully hard and edging on blowing my load without even having to touch myself. Once Cody was pulled up and over what had once been his own body, I finally let out the deep grunt of delight I’d been holding back. I could ever so faintly hear a whimpering voice in my mind: Cody’s voice, reduced to a pathetic state he would never escape from. 

Taking his place in the bed, I wrapped my heavy arm around his female companion and pressed the hard length against her perky ass cheeks. The action made Cody’s quiet whimpers intensify in delightful fashion. His pleasure was of little concern to me though, I was more thinking about what I wanted. In the wrestling jock’s big beefy body I had every right to act like a selfish smug prick - because that's who I now was! “Wake up, babe,” I groaned in Cody’s deep dulcet tones as the bimbo began to stir, “It’s time for round two…”


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