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“Hey man, my rent’s gonna be a little late this month, hope that’s not a problem I’ll get it to you ASAP, bro!”

The first time Luke’s flatmate had made such a statement to him he’d been willing to let it slide. He had only lived with Kyle for a few months by that point and every other time he’d been good for the money so one slight delay wasn’t really that big of a deal. Then a similar excuse emerged the following month and then again the month after that. Each day the delay between the statement and Luke getting reimbursed for covering both of their rents increased, from a week to ten days and then fifteen. On the fifth month he didn’t pay anything at all. By the sixth time Luke had heard such an excuse though, he’d officially had enough. It was time for some drastic action to make sure Kyle didn’t mess him around and cost him anymore money than he already had.

Although he was the kind of person who liked to see the best in everybody Luke had begun to see the ugliness underneath Kyle’s handsome exterior. He was a looker for sure, with his high cheekbones, clear skin and toned body, but he had a wily and manipulative character. Luke watched as Kyle wrapped guys around his finger and played them like fools before dropping them for the next shiny thing, all while his flatmate played a longer game with him. It hurt at first when Luke realized that Kyle saw him not as a friend but as someone he could use to coast through life with ease but he toughened up and made a plan. Kyle was a guy who took whatever he wanted and never gave a damn thing for anybody else’s benefit but that was all going to change.

Ultimately it wasn’t even difficult for Luke to get Kyle in position to be taken advantage of. The other man was so confident in himself and dismissive of Luke that he had no idea his flatmate had actually figured him out and was going to beat him at his own game. Kyle had absolutely no reason to suspect there was anything strange that fateful morning when Luke placed a cup of coffee beside him. It was a typical gesture for Luke - he was always putting other people’s comfort ahead of his own - and that lulled Kyle into a false sense of security. As he brought the mug to his lips he noticed that the drink had a slightly different taste than what the other usually made but he continued to drink and within the next five minutes had consumed the whole thing without ever taking his eyes off of the phone he was religiously tapping away on. 

He didn’t even say thank you, Luke had noted bitterly. At first Kyle had been all sweet and manners but over the months they had dropped away as he started to expect more and more from Luke. I guess I should be the one thanking him anyway. He continued to watch his handsome housing partner from the safety of the other side of the room, Kyle being far too wrapped up in his phone to notice the other’s hawk eyes on him with such intensity. As a look of discomfort flashed over Kyle’s face though Luke was forced to hide his smile by taking a sip of his own uncontaminated drink. So it begins…

Kyle’s discomfort soon turned to confusion and then transitioned into panic as his limbs grew weaker. His cell phone dropped out of his hand and clattered to the floor as his hands fell limply against his chest. “He… help,” he wheezed in a thin voice, incapable of doing little more than turning his head in Luke’s direction. The long-suffering flatmate made no move from where he stood and instead continued to watch in fascination as Kyle’s body began to deflate, his firm muscles sagging within themselves and leaving him utterly helpless. Luke reminded himself that he had no reason to pity Kyle when he saw the terror flashing in the other’s eyes for a brief moment before they turned glassy and still; he’d had it coming. 

Finally all that remained of the manipulative Kyle was an empty flesh suit, totally hollowed out and ready for a new occupant. That was Luke’s perfect plan all along. If Kyle wouldn’t willingly pay his share of the rent then Luke would damn well make sure that he still contributed. One of the reasons the other was able to float through life so effortlessly was because of his good looks and those looks could be put to use to earn enough dollar to cover the rent each month and let Luke have a little fun. It wasn’t as if he was ugly by any means, he was just rather plain in comparison to his gorgeous flatmate. He never turned heads the way Kyle did, but all that was about to change.

Leaving his perch, Luke crossed the room until he was right next to the new bodysuit and ran his hands over it, tracing the lines of Kyle’s abs. The little pill he’d slipped into the other’s morning coffee hadn’t killed his flatmate entirely, instead it had trapped him within the constraints of the bodysuit so he would still be able to feel everything whenever somebody wore him - and Luke was already planning to get a lot of use out of him! In fact there was no better time to start than the present and he began to strip out of his clothes, his heart beating an excited rhythm in his chest as he prepared himself for what was to come.

Reaching between the suit’s lips, Luke pulled them wide and was fascinated to discover that they stretched without any sign of damage. He was able to place one foot inside of the suit, fix it into place, and then do the other. He scrunched his toes experimentally and was delighted to find Kyle’s toes obeying his command. He could even feel the carpet beneath him, as if Kyle’s feet really were his feet!

With his excitement building, Luke began to pull the suit up around his calves and thighs, appreciating just how quickly his body seemed to adapt to its new outer layer. He ran his hands over the muscular quads and was delighted by the strength he felt there. The next step was bringing the suit up around his hips and, in the process, inserting his own five-incher into the seven inch shaft that Kyle had never been humble about. The sensation had him stiffening almost instantly and he couldn’t help but give his new length a few quick strokes, delighted by the pleasure that was sent shooting through his body in response.

Although he was sorely tempted to continue playing with his new cock for a while longer, Luke instead continued bringing the bodysuit up around his torso and, with a little difficulty, navigated both of his arms into the mighty clubs of the Kyle suit. As he stretched out and then clenched his fingers into a fist he was enraptured by the tensing and flexing of the muscles all up his arms, particularly the mountainous peaks of Kyle’s biceps. The presence of a six-pack of abs and two neatly defined pecs certainly weren’t missed either and Luke was already envisioning coating them with a load of his cum when he had his first proper exploration of the suit.

As the suit settled over his shoulders, his frame became considerably wider and his back felt stronger than it had before, his strong lats complimenting the firm delts of his shoulders. All that remained was to bring the face of the suit up and around his own and that was perhaps the most exciting part of it all. Lifting Kyle’s face up and over his own, Luke enjoyed the moment of everything sliding right into place and, after a few shallow breaths and quick blinks, felt comfortable with the knowledge that he was safely tucked into the bodysuit of his (now former) flatmate. Nobody would be able to tell the difference by looking at him and besides, who would suspect that meek little Luke could have planned something so devious?

Fighting off the temptation to begin jerking off right then and there, Luke instead navigated to his laptop and loaded up the live-streaming site he had created a profile for Kyle on. He’d had a busy morning using Kyle’s pictures to start the new profile and now he was going to get to use it. Upon hitting the “Go Live!” button he was shown the spectacular sight of Kyle’s naked body right there on display for the world to see. 

Within minutes the stream was being watched by hundreds of viewers and the number was only climbing with each passing second. Luke started slow, moving his hands over every inch of his delightful new body and by the time he finally got around to toying with his cock, he had well over five-thousand live viewers and had already made eight-hundred bucks in donations, many of which were accompanied with requests for him to present his ass to the camera, which he was more than happy to do.

The livestream only lasted an hour but by the top Luke wrapped things up he had made eighteen-hundred bucks, all just from jerking off twice and fucking himself on a toy he had secretly purchased earlier in the week. That was more than enough to cover the rent cost for the month but Luke wasn’t stopping there. He’d been sure to drop the link to “Kyle’s” new OnlyFans account in the livestream chat and the subscription number was rocketing up as well, earning him a second round of easily-earned coinage just from a couple nude selfies and the upload of his livestream.

“I’m not gonna have to worry about rent any time soon,” Luke told himself proudly as he watched his subscription numbers continue to rise. “Thanks for paying your share, Kyle. I knew you were going to help me out eventually. Just don’t be surprised if I spend more time in your skin than my own…” Indeed Luke was already looking forward to his next livestream, but first he wanted to enjoy a night out with all of Kyle’s beautiful friends and see if any of them would be up for fucking him all night long!


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