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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy! 

It seemingly didn’t matter how many times Tobi explained to Mike that their relationship was over and he was done with the other because the other man continued to bother him on a daily basis. The dick pics kept coming, the long-winded messages on his answerphone did too, sometimes Mike would even show up at his door in the middle of the evening. Tobi was sick to death of hearing the words “But we’re perfect together!” because he knew it simply wasn’t true. Mike was way too clingy for him and while the frequent sex marathons had been good for a while, it was all too vanilla and the other hadn’t wanted to experiment. Mike just wanted to get fucked time and time again. He wouldn’t even switch to let Tobi’s hole get a little playtime too, the selfish bastard. No, he had to get kicked to the curb like a bad habit. Unfortunately, like bad habits, he just wouldn’t stay away.

Tobi had just returned from a Grindr hookup who had surprised him with leather straps and a number of vibrating toys, so he was feeling pretty good as he left the elevator on the sixth floor of his building and began walking towards his apartment. Spotting Mike waiting by his door certainly wasn’t one of those pleasant surprises, instead it was a rather unwelcome one. There was a flash of hurt in the other man’s eyes as he glanced over, no doubt detecting the post-sex signs Tobi wore: the scruffy hair, the ravished lips and the flushed face. You don’t need to feel guilty about that, Tobi reminded himself. You two are over - or you’re supposed to be, anyway. It wasn’t his job to care about Mike’s feelings anymore. He was a grown man and was allowed to go out and get some dick if he wanted to!

“You saw someone,” Mike remarked in a flat voice, although the look in his eyes said everything it needed to. “I thought I’d just wait for you to get back… so we could talk.”

“We’re done with talking,” Tobi huffed, surprised at his ability to keep his tone somewhat neutral despite his frustration and exhaustion with the situation. “We’re not together anymore and I don’t need to feel bad about leaving my own damn apartment to see other guys. Why can’t you get that?” He kept his back to the other man as he unlocked the apartment door but, as he’d expected, Mike followed him right in. The damn dude didn’t know when enough was enough.

“Why don’t you get that we’re perfect together?” Mike challenged in return, his voice little more than a whine. “I belong with you, Tobi. I know it in the deepest part of my heart. I belong to you.” The words made Tobi’s stomach turn. Mike had always been more of the soppy romantic sort than he was; just another reason why they weren’t right for each other. Unfortunately Mike would probably only insist on something ridiculous like ‘their opposite natures attracted each other’.

“If you belong to me then you’re mine to do with as I want,” Tobi pointed out, his voice taking on a harder edge as his frustration with his ex-boyfriend continued to build. “And I want to throw you aside. You’re the toy I’m done playing with, Michael. The movie I’ve seen too many times. The book I’m done reading. I’m tired of this. Of you. Leave me alone!” He hadn’t meant to explode in such a fashion but he also didn’t regret anything that he’d said. It was all true, even if that truth was harsh.

A complete silence fell over the room as the two men stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Finally Mike dropped to his knees and Tobi had to bite back a mocking remark about the other resorting to beg. “I’ll be anything you want me to be,” the other pleaded, his voice soft and weak. “I miss you. I miss your attitude, your strength, your gorgeous cock… I miss it all!”

“How about you be my underwear if you miss my cock so badly?” Tobi spat out sarcastically before turning and marching towards the fridge. He needed a goddamn beer if he was going to tolerate Mike for any longer. Much to his surprise there was no response from the other and he had the decency to allow Tobi a little freedom from his whining voice. In fact that silence lasted for so long that if he hadn’t known how desperate the other was he might have even suspected that Mike had even given up and left. No chance of that, he thought bitterly. His ex-boyfriend had always been too damn stubborn for his own good.

Finally returning to the living space, Tobi was caught off guard by two things: one, Mike really had vanished, and two, there was now a pair of black mesh briefs in the middle of the floor. The garment was positioned right where his ex-boyfriend had been on his knees and with the biting sarcastic remark that Tobi had made… “Holy shit, Mike?!”

Reaching down and taking the pair of briefs into his hands, Tobi realized there was a familiar scent coming from them and as he raised them to his nose he recognised it as Mike’s smell. What the fuck, he’s actually my goddamn underwear! 

Tobi’s first thought was that he needed to find a way to change Mike back; his next was that he would finally be free of the other’s whining. If he was to keep Mike as his briefs then in a way they would both be getting exactly what they wanted - Mike got to stay with him and Tobi no longer had to worry about his ex-boyfriend harassing him! Plus, there was something strangely erotic about the thought of rubbing one out through Mike’s new fabric body and letting him soak up his load.

As his mind continued to race at the speed of light, Tobi let his body go into autopilot. Within seconds he had stripped out of his clothes and even pushed his boxers down to leave him standing totally naked in the middle of his living room. Then, without any hesitation of being rough with what had become of Mike, he stepped into the briefs and pulled them up over his muscular thighs until his ex-boyfriend was pressed tight against the seven inches of his half-hard cock and the buns of steel that made up his beautiful round ass. 

The snap of the fabric as the waistband locked into place might as well have been the rattling of a jail cell door because the moment Tobi felt Mike around him he knew that he was never letting the other go. He had never had such a comfortable pair of briefs before in his life - it was as if the very garment was hugging every inch of his body it could reach!

“I think we’ve found a way to get what we both want,” Tobi grunted, reaching down to grope at his thickening cock through Mike’s new fabric body. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, Mike. I guess I’ll be keeping you around after all…”


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