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I was so tired of seeing all those rich pretty boys moaning about being trapped at home on Instagram. Sure, it was driving me slightly stir crazy too but there was a big difference between my situation and theirs. Based on the backgrounds in all of their posts and stories they had a gorgeous temporary prison even equipped with its own home gym and pool while I was trapped in a tiny box apartment with only the bare minimum to keep me occupied. I didn’t have any of their privileges and seeing them moan about getting bored of swimming laps in their pool or working out on their own was driving me crazy. Drastic action needed to be taken and with nothing else to use, I chose to make a simple wish on a shooting star: “I wish one of those jerks were in my shoes, then he’d really have something to complain about!”

It wasn’t the first time I’d made a wish upon a star. I’d done it all the time as a kid and nothing had ever happened, yet I still maintained that small sliver of hope that maybe one day one of my wishes would come true. I was right to hold onto that hope too because when my eyes discovered an unfamiliar ceiling above me upon waking up the next morning, I knew it was because some higher power had finally seen fit to grant me one of my wishes. I pushed myself up into a seated position, prompting the soft sheets to fall down to my waist and expose a set of rounded pectorals and washboard abs, all culminating in v-lines that teasingly travelled beneath the sheets. Judging by the sensitivity of the fabric against my skin, whoever’s body I had awoken in had gone to sleep naked the previous night and his - my - morning wood was starting to make its presence known!

Miraculously ignoring - or, more specifically, postponing - the urge to stay in bed and explore what was hidden under those sheets, I extracted myself and navigated through the open doorway to an en-suite bathroom. It was a luxury my crappy box apartment certainly hadn’t offered and I had to chuckle as I entered to find a floor-to-ceiling mirror waiting for me, showing off every inch of the gloriously smooth studly body I now occupied. Even better was the fact that I recognised the handsome face staring back at me from the mirror, with its perfectly clear skin, square jawline and straight nose. I was a vision of undeniable male beauty, but what else was to be expected when I had woken up in the body of Garrett Mann, a fitness influencer who had become so obnoxious over the past several weeks that I’d actually unfollowed him on Instagram!

“Well fuck me,” I exclaimed, enjoying the rumbling edge to Garrett’s voice, so far removed from my own soft tones. Although I had always felt comfortable in my own skin, being inside Garrett’s sent me past that. I wasn’t just comfortable, I was confident. How could I not be when a simple inspection showed off his seventeen inch biceps, his perky ass cheeks that were firm underneath the solid grip of my hands, and the whole eight inches of his beautiful cock? Truthfully it wasn’t Garrett’s fitness tips I had followed his Instagram for, it was the delightful slice of gorgeousness that his physical form presented, and discovering that his new body was my playground made me feel like a kid in a candy store. There was so much to do and enjoy that I hardly knew where to start!

Before I could get caught up in my lust my thinking brain was able to intervene and remind me of a simple fact: if I was waking up to discover myself in Garret’s body, surely soon the same would be happening in reverse. I could vividly picture in my mind’s eye his panicked, almost terrified, reaction to finding such a plain reflection greeting him in the mirror and an apartment that was nought but a prison cell compared to the luxury pad I currently had in my possession! Sparing a moment to put myself in his shows - well, my own, really - I suddenly knew what a fame-hungry influencer like him would do first: he’d get onto his social media profiles and try to lock me out so I couldn’t enjoy any of the benefits from all the ‘hard work’ he had supposedly done to reach his privileged position, as if he’d needed anything more than to be white, pretty and muscular.

Remaining in my fully nude state, I returned to the bedroom and collected the cell phone from the bedside table. It unlocked immediately as it recognized the face staring down into the camera and I navigated straight to his Instagram where I was greeted by hundreds of new comments from Garrett’s thirsty followers, men and women alike, plus a string of messages from his fellow influencers who were all bemoaning their supposed status as prisoners in their luxury homes. While I was sure that I’d have fun going through all of those, they weren’t my current priority. Instead I navigated to the account options and selected to change the account’s password. It didn’t even occur to me until after I’d written in Garrett’s existing password that I should have had no idea what it was, yet I could strangely remember that it was BigTitTina2011 after the girl he had lost his virginity to. My brain quickly digested that information to acknowledge that some of Garrett’s memories had remained and were becoming evident to me, although I was thankful it was just his memories and not his personality too. I didn’t want to become a facetious fool of a pretty boy.

Once I was certain I had successfully changed the password on all of his social media accounts and even blocked my own former accounts, I decided to relax back on the bed and begin playing with the half-hard rod that had been all but begging for my attention. At the same time I recorded a story to post on his Insta, keeping the message simple but clear - “Man, I’m so sick of these wannabes pretending to be me. If someone tells you they’re actually me, they’re insane. This is my only account. Don’t get catfished, folks. There’s only one Garrett Mann and that’s me!” Even just using his voice and faking Garrett’s usual cocky personality had gotten me harder and I could no longer hold myself back. I needed to enjoy everything Garrett’s body could give me!

I wasn’t sure how long our little exchange would last but I knew that the remainder of the lockdown would be a whole lot easier with all of Garrett’s comforts to enjoy. I was already looking forward to swimming laps in his pool and then lounging in his large backyard getting some shine on his gorgeous muscles! As the cell phone began buzzing and I raised it to inspect who was calling, I had to chuckle. That was my own number right there which meant Garrett had finally woken up and probably realized that I had effectively frozen him out of his own life. In time I’d change his cell phone number too to cut him off even further, but what was the harm in at least explaining why we were both like this?

Accepting the call, I raised the phone to my ear and with a cocky smirk decorating my pretty face, uttered the douchey line I had heard time and time again in his videos: “‘Sup dude, you’re talkin’ to The Mann.” Yeah, I can get used to that



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