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Hi folks,

As I've got all my stories queued up for this week, I thought I would open up three commission slots for any of you to claim!

By now you should be well aware of the style I write in and the usual content. I won’t do anything involving minors and would prefer to avoid beast/animal TFs. I’m aiming for a turnaround of seven days for these.

Rather than aiming for a specific word count, I will simply be writing until I feel the story has reached a natural stopping point. This will hopefully reduce any rambling just to try and might higher word counts. Therefore, you're not ordering a select word count but rather just sharing the idea and telling me a maximum price you're willing to pay and we'll see where it ends up!

Prices per total word count are as follows:

  • 1k to 1.49k - £6
  • 1.5k to 1.99k - £12
  • 2k to 2.5k - £18

I will presume you are comfortable with the top price unless you state otherwise, although this does not mean your commission will necessarily reach that length. 

Payment (through my new ko-fi page) would be due upon completion of the story and prior to delivery which shall be to the email you used to sign up to Patreon! 




I wouldn't mind the 2k to 2.5k slot. How about a guy is transported to a fantasy world where he is slowly turned into a barbarian. At first he doesn't notice the changes, but tries to fight them eventually, but ends up embracing them. Do you need a picture along with the the idea for the story?


It’s less “one slot for each price tier” and more “whatever word count your idea gets me to will be the price, unless you tell me you don’t want to spend more than £12 etc”, if you get me? I can work with that idea - I’m presuming muscle growth with some added hairiness and maybe dumbing down/mental changes too? I don’t necessarily need a picture but if you want to provide one you can!


Understood about the word count. As for the story, all but the dumbing down. Sure he will have some mental changes, but I would still want the guy to be fully aware of what he has become. Here are links to pictures for help: https://lookingtogrowbig.tumblr.com/post/189704039606 and https://lookingtogrowbig.tumblr.com/post/615839854944763904