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Based on an idea patron Justin Muna. If you want to suggest an idea, comment on this post and we'll see what inspires me! 

Anthony had never been an overly charitable man in his life. In fact he was a big believer in fate and destiny and if there were people out there who were homeless and struggling then that was the path they were supposed to lead in life. Why was he supposed to care about their wellbeing or even make it his problem by throwing his family’s hard-earned money at the undeserving unwashed masses? No, he never let that happen, not until he finally encountered a charity that promised to give him something in return for his monetary donation, something he’d previously thought money couldn’t buy: muscles. He was by no means all that bad to look at in his current state but he’d always been a little too slender for his own liking and, while he had a nice variety of women he hooked up with on the regular, he knew he could have even more fun if he more closely resembled the typical red-blooded alpha male with big bulging muscles to compliment his already lengthy cock. 

Truthfully he had never heard of the “Big On Charity” brand before but their website displayed a video featuring a number of well-built men in expensive suits giving glowing reviews. “Donating to Big On Charity didn’t just make me feel like a better man,” one of the men on the advertisement claimed, “It made me feel like a bigger man!” The comment was even topped off with a flex of the man’s mountainous bicep and wide grin that showcased perfect sparkling white teeth. Anthony thought about how often his pretentious do-gooder cousin had preached to him about the importance of charity and thought that just maybe giving a small donation to Big On Charity would help get her off his back for a little while. It was a win-win scenario!

Before long Anthony had arranged to meet with a representative from the charity organisation to discuss his donation in person and how he would go about being rewarded. He was sent the address to a pizza restaurant he had always dismissed as being too lower class for his own standing and informed to meet ‘Doug’. Somehow Doug emerged as even less impressive than Anthony had been anticipating: he was scrawny, soft-spoken and painfully awkward. He was a total do-gooder too and only seemed concerned with informing Anthony where his donation of two-hundred thousand dollars would be going. Half would help feed homeless youths and get them housed, while the other would help support those kids in school with special educational needs. The other waffled on for what felt like hours about how important it was for “people like Anthony” to put their money forward to help those less fortunate and the richer man was forced to smile through gritted teeth until Doug had finally finished talking long enough for him to input into the conversation.

“What else do you need from me?” he asked in clipped tones, glancing at his gold wristwatch to check the time. If he left soon he’d probably be able to swing by a friend’s downtown apartment for a quick fuck before she caught her evening flight to London. The pleasant thought was cut off when Doug produced a syringe from his jacket pocket with a sheepish look on his face. “What the devil is that for?”

B.O.C. needs a blood sample so we can work up that muscle growth juice for you. Each drink is made specifically for the person and tailored to their donation amount,” the younger man explained. “It was on the ‘process’ page of our website, didn’t you see it?” Anthony held himself back from snarking that he’d barely wasted a minute longer than necessary on the site. He had better things to be doing with his day than reading about how they gave him muscles, he just trusted them to get the job done! While he had some reservations about letting a buffoon like Doug take blood from him, Anthony was eager to be rewarded for his ‘good deed’ and as such allowed the other to take what he needed and thanked the heavens that their encounter was over soon after. The other assured him that his personalised drink would arrive once his donation had been properly cleared and within a week he’d feel like a whole new man!

Sure enough, just three days later there was a knock at the door to Anthony’s manor house and he answered it to find Doug stood outside with a box in his hands. The younger man’s face lit up with a goofy smile and Anthony was forced to keep his expression as neutral as possible to hide the sneer that seemed to instinctively come with such an unwanted reunion. He’d hoped that Big On Charity would do him the favour of sending somebody less aggravating but alas, there was the shaggy-haired dork once again, proudly presenting Anthony with his ‘reward’.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll be taking this in another room,” he told the B.O.C. representative once the box was open to reveal a steel canister that contained the muscle growth juice. A hint of disappointment flashed across Doug’s face at Anthony’s comment, prompting a sense of smug satisfaction for the rich man. He felt fairly certain that Doug got excited by the thought of more superior men like Anthony himself growing big and busting out of their clothes. There was something hungry in the other’s eyes that he simply didn’t like. Refusing Doug that pleasure gave Anthony pleasure in his own right.

Once he was safely locked away in his room, Anthony stripped down to his boxers, removed the lid from the container and took a long whiff to absorb the smells coming from inside. The liquid had a strange scent attached to it, a hint of cherry along with a slight trace of mint. He could hardly hold off the anticipation any longer and brought the steel container to his lips, taking a few cautious sips at first before raising the end of the flask to consume its entire contents. The liquid had the constituency of a protein shake; thicker than milk but not enough to make its consumption a chore. Within thirty seconds Anthony had worked through the entire drink and made sure to lick the remainder from the hair on his top lip.

When there was no immediate change the man’s temper began to flare. Had he been tricked? Conned out of his money? Even as an angry tirade began to bubble forth though, ready to be unleashed on Doug, a flush of warmth spread throughout his body and his muscles all contracted as one. Over the next few minutes they began to pulse, contracting and expanding, only with each expansion his muscles grew larger and larger. Two solid blocks of muscle pushed out of his flat torso, soon further supported by six firmly-defined (if frustratingly unsymmetrical) abs and sloping v-lines. His delts grew wider, trap muscles raised and his upper arms ballooned, becoming the size of footballs as both his biceps and triceps gained serious amounts of definition.

His lower half followed a similar route and he hissed at the tightening of his boxers around his thicker thighs and more pronounced ass cheeks. It sure was a lot more crowded in that area than it had been before, even with the pride and joy of his eight-inch length. Anthony adjusted his stance so he could inspect his lower legs as his calf muscles firmed up to match his enhanced quads, completing his new look. As he stepped in front of the mirror, Anthony was greeted by undoubtedly the best version of himself: he was still recognisable from his face and his hands, feet and cock hadn’t changed but everything else about him was undeniably bigger!

He didn’t return to Doug in the downstairs living room for another hour, too busy inspecting every inch of his improved body in front of the mirror. In fact he was rather surprised to discover that the other was still there, although the burning lust in Doug’s eyes was less of a surprise. Anthony arrogantly made sure to tense the muscles in his arms as he handed the steel container back over. Just as he’d expected, Doug’s gaze was drawn straight towards his flexing. "The changes look good on you," the other man remarked in clear admiration. 

Anthony merely snorted a laugh in response. You can look but you can’t touch, he held himself back from saying as the B.O.C. rep stammeringly said his goodbyes and rushed away, probably to jerk off over the image of the hunk that he'd just shaken hands with. There was no way a low-life like Doug would ever be able to donate enough to get as big as Anthony but that was just the way society was supposed to work, in his humble opinion! Before the end of the day Anthony’s bed was occupied by two women he had in regular rotation, both of whom were as delighted by his physical enhancements as he was. His stamina had increased too and the three of them were awake all night long making good use of his increased strength!

There was absolutely no reason for Anthony to suspect that his changes were anything but physical until a few days later. He had been attempting to work on some important documents for his family’s company but his mind had begun drifting back to his muscles. He broke away from working regularly to get up, flex and even grope at his muscles. He couldn’t deny any longer that he was getting turned on by himself and knew in his heart that he would only truly be happy if he got even bigger. He didn’t want to put the hard work in though - that wasn’t in his nature and never had been, thanks to his privileged upbringing - but he knew of a way he could get the ‘mad gainz’ he wanted easier. He’d just have to do a bit more charity work for it, and he was already wondering how big he could get off of a five-hundred thousand dollar donation… Maybe he’d even end up stretching to a million!



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