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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Cody Christian loved working on shows like Teen Wolf and All-American not just because they raised his celebrity profile but also because so many of the female extras were absolute hotties and almost always down to have a little fun back in his trailer. It was no secret that Cody spent almost every night with a different girl and he didn’t see any shame in that. He was young, rich and good looking - he’d be stupid to not take advantage of that!

Recently though there had been news stories about a virus that was being spread between sexual partners that was actively switching their physical gender and while there hadn’t been many cases in the US as of yet, Cody’s manager had sent him a lengthy email explaining why the young actor needed to halt his promiscuity for at least the time being. Of course, while he recognised that it could potentially present an issue, he figured that one little hook-up couldn’t do too much damage. Stacey was a cute blonde with big tits and a slim waist who just happened to give some of the best blowjobs Cody had ever experienced so he could hardly help himself when she started sending him needy texts, all but begging him to “breed her pussy” and show her “who her daddy was”.

The sex was as incredible as Cody had been expecting. Stacey had brought him to climax twice - once in her mouth and another deep inside of her and she hadn’t even bothered asking him to eat her out either! Sure, Cody knew it was a little selfish of him not to offer but he’d had a long day and was more than happy to just hit and quit it, heading back to his hotel room to crash out for the night after regaling his best buds with the dirty details over text. He scoffed as one of them asked whether or not he was worried about the virus and replied with a swift no. Stacey would have told me about that shit if she had it. Besides she was definitely not a dude when I was playing with those tits, Cody replied crudely, smirking to himself as he recalled the memory.

A few days later though and Cody was becoming increasingly concerned. His normally pumped up muscles seemed to be dwindling away every few hours and his chest felt extra sensitive around the nipples. When he inspected himself in the mirror it was hard to deny that his features looked a little more delicate - his jawline wasn’t quite as square and there wasn’t even the slightest hint of facial hair despite the fact he hadn’t shaved in almost a week. His lips were big and pouty though and his hips seemed wider to boot, making his jeans an uncomfortable fit. With his concern beginning to build, he shot a text off to question Stacey but no response had arrived by the time Cody had downed a few glasses of white wine and crashed out on top of his sheets.

The next morning brought about a surprising wake-up call as Cody’s hand ventured down to relieve his morning wood only to discover that his cock was missing. The unexpectedness jolted him wide awake and sure enough as he felt around for where his precious cock and balls should be, his fingers were instead met by the unmistakable feeling of two pussy lips. They were sensitive to the touch and he was so wet already that he couldn’t help but push a finger inside of himself to experiment. Pleasure pulsated throughout his entire body as he began to finger-fuck himself and his free hand moved further up his body to cup at his pecs, which now more closely resembled breasts with their size and roundness.

Once he had brought himself to the most blissful orgasm he had ever experienced, shame finally started to creep in as he realized what he had done. I’m supposed to be a dude, Cody reminded himself as his cheeks flushed with colour. No, not supposed to be. I am a dude! As he pulled himself off of the bed and inspected the undeniably feminine frame that greeted him in the mirror though, he suddenly wasn’t so certain of that fact. Not only were his facial features even softer than they had been the day before but his hair had also grown out over the night until it sat down against his slender shoulders and his lips were plump and seductive. Perfect cock-sucking lips, he remarked, shame continuing to burn inside of him at the thought. There was no way he was going to be sucking anyone’s dick!

Knowing that there was only one person he could possibly blame, Cody prepared himself to get ready to confront Stacey. She should have told him the truth before she’d let him fuck her! Getting clothes together was a challenge considering nothing fit him anymore but eventually he settled on a loose-fitting tee and track pants with the legs rolled up to sit better on his shorter stature. The shoes proved to be more of an issue but thankfully one of Cody’s ex-girlfriends had left a pair of heels at his place shortly before they’d broken up and they’d remained in the very back of his wardrobe. As he slipped them onto his feet - mercifully they were the right size - and took his first few unsteady steps in the heels, something deep inside him fluttered with excitement. Was there actually some part of him that wanted to be a girl?

Cody had been so wrapped up in his own changes though that he had forgotten a simple fact: if Stacey had been the one to pass the virus onto him then she’d experienced changes of her own too. That fact remained far from his mind until he was thundering fists down on the door to her apartment and it opened to reveal a sweat-soaked muscular stud with familiar eyes. “About time you came knocking,” the newly-male Stacey remarked in a sultry deep voice, a proud smirk settling on his lips. Cody’s heart raced as he inspected the other, taken aback by how aroused he was by Stacey’s new appearance. 

“I… I…” the young actor attempted to begin in his new high-pitched effeminate voice, only to find his words failing him. He blushed again as his eyes trailed down the man’s pecs and six-pack abs, then even further down to the tenting sweatpants that promised a nice big surprise. “I wanted…” What was it that he wanted again? It was so hard to think with such a hunk of a man looming over him with such a dangerous twinkle in his eye.

“Me?” the other provided helpfully, reaching out to pull Cody in with a strong arm that the actor couldn’t have resisted even if he’d wanted to. The man’s hands pushed down the front of Cody’s pants to tease a trail along his hungry lips, provoking a whimper from the young woman. “I can think of something I want.” Any resolve Cody had left absolutely crumbled as the first finger pushed into him, right there in the doorway where anyone could see them. Thankfully in a matter of moments the door was kicked shut and his clothes were being ripped off. The man peppered kisses all across Cody’s body: his collarbone, his tits, his stomach.

As he was pressed down onto the mat with the new man - Steve - above of him, replacing his fingers with his cock, the last shreds of Cody’s masculinity finally slipped away. His mind truly gave into the glorious sensations of womanhood and by the time Steve finally hit his climax and blew his load deep inside of her, the former actor had embraced a new identity as Cordelia Christian. 

With the heavy weight of her lover pressing down on top of her as he continued to press kisses against her neck, Cordelia felt like she was in complete bliss. Suddenly she could no longer understand why she had been so terrified to discover she had contracted the gender swapping virus in the first place. In fact, even that soon began to vanish from her mind as a new history of growing up as a popular teenage girl, getting into modelling and finally trying to start an acting career began to sprout in her mind.

“You’re such a good fuck, baby,” Steve growled into her ear, provoking a girlish giggle of delight. He always knew what to say to her! “We should do this more often. Maybe you could even be my girlfriend?” Even though it was a question Steve spoke with such confidence that Cordy immediately bought into the idea. She’d love to have such a stud for a man! He was strong, handsome and incredible at bad. She’d be a total idiot if she didn’t agree to be his girlfriend!

Life continued as normal for the two in the days that followed - or at least normal in their own changed minds. Steve spent long mornings in the gym working on his physique and made sure to send regular workout selfies to his girl back home who pleasured herself on the regular to the drop dead gorgeous images she received of him flexing. When she wasn’t getting herself off, Cordelia was building her brand as a social media make-up guru and fielding off creepy guys on Instagram who could never possibly match up to her perfect boyfriend! The life of an Influencer was tough!

A short while later the CW confirmed that since Cody Christian had caught the virus, they would be recasting the character of Asher in All-American with an unknown actor, that new actor being none other than Steve. Cordy loved having a famous TV star for a boyfriend, especially when he would pull her into his trailer and fuck her until she screamed out his name! The producers even let her be an extra in the show too and Cordy hoped it was only the start of more good things to come. Maybe one day she’d even be Steve’s wife or have his babies!  


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