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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Ryder would always insist that he wasn’t threatened by Deke but the truth was that he was fucking terrified that the other dude was going to swoop right in and steal his starting quarterback position from him. 

Sure, Deke was a decent quarterback, but Ryder’s whole future in the NFL relief on him remaining a starter for the rest of his two years at college and he wasn’t going to let some working class nobody take that all away from him. Thankfully he still had the coach’s favor not least because he was a family friend and old college teammate of Ryder’s father, and it didn’t seem like that was going to change any time soon even if the depressing truth was that Deke’s stats were currently higher than Ryder’s own.

Seeing how easygoing Deke always was with the other guys on the team only made Ryder’s blood boil even more. His own interactions with his O-line and the defense squad were strained at the best of times and yet they seemed more than happy to chat shit with Deke instead when Ryder couldn’t see any logical reason as to why they might prefer the other’s company. It didn’t matter how many parties Ryder hosted from his private off-campus residence, all with access to free booze, he still seemed to be second-best to Deke in his teams’ eyes.

After a training session in the gym that was more tense than it needed to be, Ryder was practically burning in frustration. He had failed to bench his two-rep personal best and Deke of all people had been spotting him at the time. Seeing the other’s smug look above him and hearing the stifled laughter of his teammates twisted a knot in Ryder’s gut. That knot was only made worse when Deke busted out five full reps at that exact same weight to the cheers of their teammates. The wink he’d thrown Ryder’s way as he got up from the bench might as well have been a kick to the junk for all the good it did.

As luck would have it, the two of them were the last ones in the gym’s locker room together, and Ryder’s frustrations had bubbled up to the point that he simply couldn’t hold them back anymore. Something had to be said and he was determined to squash any false hope Deke had of replacing him. Before he could even think of what to say though, Deke’s voice cut across the uncomfortable silence between them: “Rough luck on hittin’ that PB, dude. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.”

The reminder of his embarrassing failure was the last straw for Ryder. “You’ve gotta back the fuck off, dude,” he hissed, rounding on the other jock. “You’re not getting my spot. Coach won’t ever let that happen. You’re second-string and that’s as far as you’re going, got it?”

Fire blossomed behind Deke’s eyes at the remarks and although Ryder felt a flash of fear, he reminded himself that this was precisely what he wanted. If he could coax the other into attacking him then he had justified reasons for getting Deke kicked off the team for good and then he’d have no chance of replacing him whatsoever. The other’s fist even clenched, although he made no movement other than to step forward. “You know, jocks like you are why we get such a bad rep,” Deke growled, taking another step closer. “How about you be a more useful jock, huh?”

“What the fuck does that--” Ryder’s tongue got caught in his throat before he could finish his sentence and he spluttered, reaching up to grab at his neck. What the fuck was going on with him today? He was supposed to be the big man on campus and instead he was embarrassing himself on a consistent basis in front of his closest rival. “I said, what the--” The words once again failed to produce themselves as he broke into a round of coughs. His throat suddenly felt as dry as a desert and there was an uneasy swirling in his stomach. He didn’t need to be a student of medicine to know that something was very wrong. 

Unfortunately Deke didn’t seem all that concerned with his sudden struggles. In fact his smirk only seemed more delighted than ever. “Like I said, you’re becoming a more useful jock,” his rival explained, reaching to grope at the bulge in his workout shorts. “The kind of jock that gets wrapped around all this meat!”

Ryder’s cheeks burned as he comprehended what he was being told. Deke really thought he could turn Ryder into a jockstrap? The idea was absolutely absurd - but as the world starting to look much larger around him, he was forced to reconsider that idea. Soon Deke towered over him, more than five times his height and Ryder only seemed to be falling further. He could no longer control any of his limbs or any of his facial features; he was totally helpless as his skin became a white fabric texture. Within a minute he had gone from being a model jock to a literal jockstrap with his face taking up the pouch that Deke had suggested his cock would be stuffed into!

As his rival stripped out of his gym shorts to reveal he had been free-balling, Ryder screamed in horror. He had no way of actually calling out for help though and was totally ppowerless to do anything as Deke stepped into him and pulled him up over his powerful thighs and snapped him right into place, forcing the pressure of his hard shaft against Ryder’s new fabric body. Even worse, he could taste the saltiness of Deke’s pre-cum and it caused fireworks to go off in Ryder’s mind, like it was the most delightful thing he’d ever come into contact with.

After hours of continuing to rage defiantly in his own mind against his captor, Ryder was finally forced to taste Deke’s whole load as the other settled on his bed and began playing with himself while watching some locker room porn. Although his energy was depleting with each and every moment, Ryder was still aware enough to listen to the conversation Deke was having with one of his teammates who was confirming that Ryder had been reported missing and if he wasn’t found then coach was going to be putting Deke in as the starting quarterback. Deke had gotten everything he wanted!

 Unfortunately for Ryder, all the fight within him had been totally drained by the day’s events and his new sense of self was sealed by the load of cum that stained his perfect white fabric. All that he could do anymore was be thankful that at least he’d be hugging the junk of a lean and well-muscled quarterback rather than one of those pudgy defense squad guys with their poor hygiene... 


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