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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

You wondered how the presence of Adamus’ Oddities & Complexities had escaped your notice for so long. The store didn’t appear to be new and yet you couldn’t remember ever actually seeing it. Had your eyes always scanned over it thoughtlessly every single time you’d walked down that street? It hardly seemed possible; yet your curiosity was piqued enough that you decided to take time out of your empty day and adventure inside to see just what ‘Oddities’ and ‘Complexities’ this Adamus had to offer. 

The interior of the store was surprisingly modern in style, a contrast to the traditional gothic display that its exterior presented. Rows upon rows of shelves presented a collection of assorted items - crystal balls, teddy bears, headphones - and deeper into the store hung several hundred assorted garments on rails. Jackets, shirts, costumes; all thrown out for sale without any seeming order to their structure. Glancing around, you had to admit the store itself had to be the biggest complexity of all: how on earth was anyone supposed to find anything they might possibly want given the jumble?

Reaching the deepest recesses of the store, you were greeted by a smiling young man stood behind the cashier’s desk. His brown hair gave away to silver patches along the sides and there were lines around his eyes as he smiled. There was something about that smile that caused a stir deep inside of you and his impossibly blue eyes beckoned you closer. “A-are you Adamus?” you asked as you stepped up to the counter. If it was even possible, his smile only grew wider. You couldn’t help but admire his dimples as it did so.

“I’m afraid not. Adamus is my master. My name is Mr Potters,” he explained in a silky smooth voice, clapping his hands together. “May I help you locate something, good sir?”

Conscious not to mention your tale of discovering the store for the first time only earlier that day, you shook your head in response. “No, I was just browsing,” you confessed. “It’s quite the collection you’ve got on sale here.”

“Every item as special as the last, I assure you,” Mr Potters replied, offering a wink in addition. “Please, do look around and let me know if anything takes your interest.” Once again something deep inside of you stirred. You got the distinct feeling that there was more at play than was obvious on the surface. Stores like this didn’t just simply appear out of thin air, nor was it possible that he could have missed it on his to-and-fro walks every day for the past several years.

Taking your leave, you continued to search the store’s shelves and inspect the unusual stock. You could feel Mr Potters’ eyes on you and every time that you glanced back he greeted you with a bright optimistic smile. He mustn't get too many customers in here, you mused as you inspected a carefully preserved X-Men comic in a glass case. Poor guy’s probably just happy to have company for once. Even as you thought that though, the bell above the door rang and another customer entered the store. You instinctively glanced up and as you did your heart jumped up into your throat. The man who entered the store was unfairly beautiful - clear skin, stylish hair, plump kissable lips - and most startling of all was that he was somebody who had even occupied your filthiest fantasies from time to time. 

Of all people to possibly join you in the store, it just had to be Nick Jonas. How was that even possible? You hadn’t even known he was in town!

Frozen in place behind the shelf, you watched as Nick sauntered through the store like he knew precisely where he was going and struck up a conversation with Mr Potters. You were given the perfect view of his perky bubble butt in his tight-fitting jeans and couldn’t help but move a little closer to get a better view. Escaping the maze of shelves, you emerged into the sea of clothing rails and promptly almost tripped over a kettlebell that must have fallen off of one of the shelves and rolled some distance. Reaching out, you grabbed out onto the nearest rail to steady yourself and muttered a curse under your breath. Way to play it cool, dude. Thankfully neither Nick nor Mr Potters had glanced in your direction, both remaining deep in conversation.

As you attempted to pull away though you were met by the unnerving revelation that you could no longer pry your fingers out from around the metal railing. In fact you couldn’t feel your hand at all. Despite attempting to tug with all of your might, it didn’t budge so much as an inch. Even attempting to use your free hand to pry it free did little good. In fact it only allowed you to witness something equally alarming - your pale skin rapidly darkening and beginning to take on a brand new texture, one that reminded you of… leather?

The concept of leather was always one that had excited you. Your wardrobe was full of it - leather pants, leather jackets, even leather harnesses. At no point had you ever considered truly being made of leather or becoming a garment in that delightful material. As the texture spread further up both of your arms and even began to spread across your chest, your mind made the necessary connections. Your legs felt weak and as you glanced down you realized they weren’t there at all; you were hanging from the rail from your frozen hand. Your head began to throb from a strange sensation and your vision swam, the store disappearing in a wave of fog.

The next thing you knew you were dropping to the ground, totally unable to move and only able to focus on how empty you felt. The world around you remained dark but your senses of hearing and smell were magnified. Footsteps approached from the direction of where the desk had been and stopped nearby. You could smell the distinctive scents of the two men - Mr Potters still smelling of the coconut body wash he had used that morning and Nick of the Calvin Klein aftershave he had generously splashed on. Each one was overwhelming in its own way but it was Nick’s that obviously called to you the most. You wanted more.

“Ah, it must have fallen from the hanger,” Mr Potters declared. The next moment and his hands lifted you from the floor and smoothed you down. Every touch sent a ripple of pleasure through you, a wave of desire creeping through every inch of your new material body. “Still, I assure you that this will make the perfect gift for your brother Joe. Have I ever let you down before, good sir?”

A second pair of hands joined Mr Potters on you then - Nick’s hands. The pleasure you felt only multiplied knowing that it was one of your dream men currently holding you. “What’s so odd about this jacket?” Nick asked, holding you up and letting your full shape roll out. You now had the appearance of a well-worn leather jacket, probably having previously belonged to some biker with a beefy body and a love of cigars. The scent seemed to faintly hang upon you, after all.

“Oh I’m sure you’ll find out in time,” Mr Potters assured his celebrity customer. “Trust me, with what you’ve described to me, it’ll make for the perfect prank on your darling brother. Once he’s in this jacket he’ll be moldable to your will without any struggle. Given that, hopefully the price won’t be too much of an issue.”

Although incapable of movement, you tensed. What would happen if Nick didn’t purchase you? The thought of hanging on a railing in the store for the next however long certainly wasn’t appealing, especially when there was a possibility to be wrapped around the lean body of a Jonas brother! 

Thankfully Nick’s grip on you tightened and you heard a deep chuckle. “I’ll take it then,” he confirmed. Relief rushed through you. “It’s gonna be tough resisting the urge to put it on. Did I ever mention that leather has always been one of my things? Gets me so hot and bothered!” I think I just came. Nick Jonas was kinky for leather - would better news ever grace your eyes? It seemed unlikely.

Mr Potters just laughed. “I’ll remember that for the future, dear Nick. That’s a very interesting tidbit indeed...”


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