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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

 The Legends had travelled through time and spice more times than Nate could possibly count on both of his hands and yet conducting an undercover at a fraternity house in 2020 was perhaps one of the strangest things that the Waverider crew had been tasked with doing. Strange things were cropping up across the college campus and seemed to originate at that very frat house which was why Sara had tasked Nate and Ray to scope the scene while the rest of the team dealt with other problems that were occuring: there was never a dull moment as a Legend.

It was pretty clear that the two grown men wouldn’t quite fit in considering they were both some fifteen years older than the college jocks who occupied the frat house, which was why they had John Constantine to put them under a glamour spell. “Now, I’ve gotta warn you lads, my magic’s been on the fritz lately,” he grumbled, running a hand through his dyed blond hair. They’d had an encounter with an old warlock ‘friend’ of Constantine’s just earlier that week and the British magic user had been uncharacteristically grumpy since then. 

Ray, ever the optimist, merely beamed his brightest smile towards the Legends’ resident Brit. “As long as we don’t end up as ferrets, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” he joked. Nate shared a grin with his best friend and echoed the statement. They both trusted Constantine - sure, he was a little kooky, but deep down he was a big softie. 

“Right, two frat brothers coming right up,” Constantine muttered, waving his hands in the air in a precise fashion, summoning red streaks of magic that soon began to circle both of the subjects. Nate felt the surprising warmth of the tendrils as they wrapped around his limbs and torso, the magic massaging every part of his body as it travelled the six-foot length of him like it had a mind of its own. Nate had never understood how magic worked but he trusted that Constantine wouldn’t put them in any danger and even if they did end up as ferrets, he’d be able to reverse it! Crazy things happened on the Waverider on the regular, it seemed like they were unable to get away from the shenanigans. 

The superhero’s cheeks burned as he realized that the experience of the warm magic spreading around his body was actually turning him on and the length in his pants began to harden and tent. The dangerous twinkle in Constantine’s eye confirmed that the other man had noticed too but Nate hoped that Ray was still oblivious. The last thing he needed was to complicate his friendship with the other. Everybody knew Constantine was a giant flirt anyway and he’d never shied away from calling Nate a pretty boy before. Unfortunately for him Nate didn’t swing that way even a little.

With each passing second the two men’s muscles contracted and then expanded again, the soft layers of fat that had begun to build up during their thirties getting stripped away to expose hard, lean muscle. Their shoulders broadened, waists slimmed down and traps rose to create perfect slopes either side of their thick necks. One by one their abdominal muscles began to pop out, forming a perfect six-pack with high v-lines leading down towards their tented crotches. The sleeves of their shirts begged for mercy as their upper arms ballooned up to the size of footballs. Their forearms soon followed - clenching their fists exposed the lean definition and a maze of veins, the vascularity was so much more extreme than either man had ever experienced before!

As the tendrils of Constantine’s magic passed over their faces, Nate felt a sudden tickling across the area but was unable to bring his hands up from his sides. Then, without prompting, the magic passed right through Nate’s open lips and began to spread inside of him. He could merely watch as a wicked smirk crossed over Constantine’s lips and his eyes flashed bright white - the same colour the warlock they’d fought previously had! A shiver of fear rippled through Nate’s changing body as he realized what it meant: they hadn’t defeated the warlock at all and now he had two of the Legends at his mercy!

Every part of Nate’s body locked up even as he tried his hardest to break free of the magic and charge forward to tackle the warlock to the ground. A grunt of pain nearby confirmed that next to him Ray was attempting the same but had suffered the same fate. The magic continued to surge inside and around both men and soon their grunts of exertion instead turned to whimpers and moans as their brains were scrubbed clean, forgetting all of their adventures on the Waverider and their pasts before joining the Legends. The only thing that remained was their understanding that the man beside them was one of the most important people in their lives.

Finally the magic subsided and their vision was cleared. Nate looked around him and was only momentarily surprised to find himself in what appeared to be a communal living space in front of a large mirror. Glancing into the mirror he saw two shirtless studs, both so muscular and shredded that they could easily pass as underwear models. Neither appeared to be any older than twenty-two either with their beautifully clear skin and boyish features! Nate watched the young men flex their impressive muscles and only then realized that he was doing the same motions as the square-jawed stud on the left. 

Well no shit, he told himself, That’s me.

It was strange but as he stared into the mirror he became more certain that the studs he saw there were him and his best bud Ray. They were snapping a few thirst shots for their Instagram profiles to lure in some more cute guys before that night’s frat party. They always enjoyed inviting in other athletic guys into their shared bed and they simply knew that night was going to be a rager! 

“You alright, bro?” he questioned, spotting the confused expression on Ray’s face. His own confusion from moments before had already been completely forgotten as he adjusted to the new thoughts circling around his brain: playing on the college wrestling team, recording and releasing some explicit footage of himself for his OnlyFans accounts and most importantly the history of his intense sexual (and eventually romantic) relationship with his closest friend, Ray. 

“Just didn’t feel like myself for a moment there,” the other replied with an uncomfortable laugh. Sensing that his friend was still troubled, Nate slapped him on his broad back and pressed a kiss to the other’s cheek.

“Just think about how much fun we’re going to have tonight and you’ll feel like yourself in no time,” he advised the other. “Or, you know, I could help out by feeling you now.” A quick glance around confirmed that none of their fraternity brothers were currently around. While their brothers were chill with Nate and Ray’s relationship and a few had even joined them for a threesome, they had requested that the two young studs stopped having sex wherever they wanted in the house. Something about “respecting your brothers” or some other nonsense.

Nate’s suggestion was met with a warm laugh from Ray and a smack on the ass that promised it wouldn’t be long until that opportunity would present itself. It was a weird thought but it felt like there was magic in the air and Nate was determined that they were going to take full advantage of it! After all, they weren’t going to be young frat bros forever!


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