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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Jason was sick and tired of cleaning up Bruce’s messes but hey, what else was new? Gotham City was just one big mess after another and no matter how hard Jason’s adoptive father tried to claim that he was making things better, Batman’s presence only really seemed to make everything worse. All of the freaks and psychos had wormed their way out of the woodwork once he had appeared and now they were part of Gotham’s very identity; a curse it would never be able to escape from. It was no wonder most of the other heroes didn’t want to step foot in the city and left Bruce to his crazy crusade. Jason really couldn’t blame them either. Gotham was a shithole, plain and simple.

The latest of big bad Batman’s villains to cause a ruckus in the territory that Jason had claimed as his own was Bane, the pumped up roid-head with anger issues to rival Jason’s own. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d gone up against the mountain of a man - indeed, he had fought Bane back in his days when he’d been Robin - so he was hardly concerned about chances in the fight. All he had to do was neutralize Bane which he’d be able to do by injecting a sleeper drug into the unprotected flesh of his neck. There would no doubt be a brawl and maybe Jason would end up with a broken bone or two but hey, when did a week go by without him breaking something? Such was the life of a vigilante, especially one who refused to play with kiddy-gloves on like Batman insisted he should.

It didn’t take long to track down Bane, all Jason had to do was follow the path of destruction and the screams of Gotham’s citizens. There was a certain lack of finesse involved when it came to Bane but that was how Jason liked his villains. He couldn’t tolerate the slippery ones like the Riddler with his constant mind-games - the only good thing about him was getting him to shut up with a swift hit to the face. Bane was a much more straight-forward job, although his size and strength ultimately made him more of a challenge too.

Tracking down the monstrous brawler to a laboratory, Jason made his way in through the vents and dropped down into one of the offices. Keeping out of sight, Jason tiptoed out of the room and closer to Bane who was busy destroying some expensive equipment. If Bruce had been there he probably would have charged in to prevent any further damage but what did Jason care? It wasn’t his stuff so he wasn’t going to get mad about it. 

Once he was certain that he was in a good position, Jason vaulted over the desk and took a running leap towards the villain’s back. His boot crunched down on a piece of glass on the floor though, giving Bane a second to react and Jason was met with a heavy fist that collided with his chest and sent him spiralling back across the room. He hit the tone wall and winced as pain flared through his back while dropping to the floor.

“Lookie, lookie. The Bat’s sent one of his Robins,” Bane growled, his voice deep and rumbling. “I’d rather he came for me himself… but I’ll enjoy breaking you too.” He began to thunder forward in an aggressive charge, giving Jason all of a few moments to roll out of the way and send Bane crashing into the wall.

“I’m not a Robin,” Jason retorted, seething at the suggestion. No, his replacement Tim Drake was Robin now. Jason was the Red Hood, Gotham’s resident badass and he didn’t pull his punches with anyone like Robin was trained to do. All that was in his past now and he had no plans of going back into Bruce’s pocket like Tim and Dick were. “And you won’t be breaking me any time soon.”

It didn’t take Bane long to recover and begin swiping towards Jason with his massive arms, forcing the vigilante to dodge out of the way using his superior reflexes to his advantage. That was his best hope at getting close enough to Bane that he could administer the sleeper drug and put this whole situation to rest. They continued like that for some minutes, Jason always managing to stay just out of the other’s reach and for good measure too. Bane had once broken Bruce’s back and cost him a whole year of his time as Batman and Jason didn’t want to end up receiving the same kind of damage to his body. Being dead once had been more than enough for him.

Eventually though Jason’s luck would run out as Bane caught him around the waist with a strong grip and forcefully tore the red mask from the young man’s face, scratching it up in the process. Jason swore and immediately reached for the pistol in his thigh holster but Bane easily swatted it from his hands as soon as he had retrieved it. “No cheating, boy,” the villain rumbled, tightening his grip around Jason’s waist and causing the younger man to gasp out in pain. “What was the plan, huh? Try and sedate me so you can ship me back to Arkham? That didn’t work out so well for you, did it?” 

Jason hated to admit that the other was right. This was a pretty nasty situation to find himself in. He barely had a few seconds to consider what his next move might be before he felt a sharp sting in his neck, like he’d just been stabbed. Craning his head ever so slightly he could indeed see a syringe pumping a green liquid directly into my bloodstream, Bane’s large hands responsible for the attack. “Luckily I came with a plan of my own,” the supervillain growled, pulling the syringe out and then throwing Jason to the ground. “I was hoping it would be Batman or even that cute new Robin who came for me but you’ll do just fine.”

Jason writhed on the floor as he felt his body burning up from the inside. Whatever Bane had injected him with was working fast and as far as he knew he only had several more seconds to live. Summoning up the remainder of his iron will, Jason hit the emergency alert button on the tracker in his belt, one that would send a message straight to the Batcave alerting whoever was present to the fact that he was in serious need of help. He felt like such a fool - how could he have let Bane of all people get the better of him? He was a C-grade villain at best!

As the seconds passed though it became clear that Jason wasn’t dying, he was… growing? His muscles pulsed and expanded, rapidly gaining size in every area. His arms became the size of footballs, then basketballs and then even further. His legs followed suit, his already powerful quads doubling in size and tearing at the fabric of his pants while his whole body stretched out, sending him far past the six foot mark and even past seven until he finally stopped at a new height of seven-foot-three; a giant among men.

Jason’s trap muscles rose into slopes down from his thick neck to his impossibly broad shoulders that only continued to gain mass with even passing moment. The body armor he wore as part of his costume was ripped to shreds as two large pectoral muscles exploded out and an eight-pack of abs followed suit. All of his clothes fell to the ground around him as nothing more than tattered ruins as his large body finally settled at its new extreme size, larger even than Bane himself.

Throughout the transformation Jason’s cock had grown to an extortionate twelve inches, as thick as a beer can and rock hard in arousal. The transformation had caused him to work up a sweat and become consumed by his heightened sexual energies. Jason’s first instinct should have been to panic - instead it was to mindlessly stroke his cock until he had hit the point of climax and covered the room in his manly seed. 

Bane watched the whole transformation with a smile hidden behind his mask. This would be the perfect revenge against Batman, using one of his own precious Robins against him. The drugs he had pumped into the Red Hood would severely damage his brain functions and leave him as a horny beast all too happy to follow orders from the first man he saw - Bane himself. He had become the perfect pawn in Bane’s war against Batman and soon both Nightwing and Robin would join him until he achieved his final prize in making Batman just another one of his dim-witted muscle goons.

Stamping down on the tracking device to shut off the emergency signal, Bane knew that he would have to move fast to get himself and the Red Hood out of there. The timing wasn’t quite right for him to face off against Batman yet but when he did? Oh, it was going to be nothing short of implosive. Breaking the hero’s back as he once had would look like child’s play when Bane was through with him…


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