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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Scott had felt uneasy ever since Liam’s best friend Mason began playing around with magic against the pack’s advice. The only person who seemed to support Mason in his new venture was Liam and no amount of trying to talk sense seemed to get through to either of them. 

Eventually Scott decided that the only thing he could do was allow it to happen and hope that no harm came to Mason or the pack as a result of his dabbling with mystic powers he didn’t understand. If it did… well, Scott would just have to make the tough decisions on behalf of the safety of his friends, even if Liam and Mason didn’t like it. 

With Liam’s birthday coming up, Mason had been talking quite frequently about using his new access of mystic powers to get his best friend a one-of-a-kind gift. Scott confided in Stiles that he thought it was a bad idea but both knew that it would be like talking to a brick wall trying to convince Mason not to go through with his idea. Not even his boyfriend Corey could get through to Mason when he was in such a determined mood so it was long past the point of trying.

Scott knew that at some point Mason’s magic would affect the pack but he hadn’t anticipated being the first to fall victim to the other’s experimentation with those higher powers. It was the night before Liam’s birthday that he began feeling a strange stirring in his gut. Momentarily winded, he stumbled and steadied himself against the nearest wall. 

He’d been walking to work at the animal clinic when the strange sensation had overcome him, rather unlike anything he’d experienced before. The only thing he could determine from the feeling was that he was in trouble, although he couldn’t identify the source of the threat. 

As the sensation intensified, Scott let out a grunt and clutched at his stomach. His eyes flashed their usual deep Alpha red for a moment, before the color of his irises faded and instead beams of light began to flicker into existence, casting a bright light anywhere his eyes turned. Panic immediately began to grip the True Alpha as he tried to make sense of what was happening to him.

“This… oh god,” Scott muttered, his voice ringing out deeper and with more of a masculine rumble than he had expected. “Gotta get to Stiles.” His best friend would know what was going on, Stiles always did. This was probably a curse or a hex of some sort and Scott already had a miserable suspicion that he knew who was to blame, inadvertently or not.

Stumbling forward a few steps, Scott grit his teeth together and struggled against the pain that was beginning to stretch through his limbs. His breaths were shallow and his head was spinning, making the world around him look strangely out of proportion. Eventually the sensation simply became too much and he stumbled onto his hands and knees, wheezing desperately. 

With his vision swimming, Scott attempted to lift a hand to his chest hoping to beat on it and clear out whatever was causing him to struggle breathing. His arms were completely locked out in a straight line and refused to cooperate with his mind’s commands, prompting further panic. He attempted to open his mouth and let out a howl that would hopefully attract his pack to his help but the only sound that left his lips was a pathetic wheeze. 

As Scott stared down at his arms, panic continued to overwhelm him as he realized that his skin was beginning to harden, becoming a shining metallic texture. The texture continued from his wrists up to his shoulders and as Scott attempted to crane his neck to inspect the movement further across his body, he realized that his neck was now just as frozen in place as his arms and legs. His entire body felt hard and the uncomfortable pain was settling into pleasure, including a tickling sensation around his hands and feet.

That same tickling sensation soon began to creep up his face and Scott’s lips were sealed shut as his facial features began to shift. The beams of light shone brighter than ever from his eyes and as Scott did his best to scream, a mighty roar left his body, only it was much unlike any howl he had ever previously let loose. It sounded almost… mechanical in nature, like the deep rumble of an engine. The noise didn’t seem to die out either, continuing to roar from Scott’s ever-changing body.

What had previously been Scott’s hands began to merge together and enlarge, taking on a rounded shape. It soon became clear that his hands were instead becoming wheels - shining steel surrounded by the black rubber tire. The same transformation overcame his feet and soon at both ends of his body were two mighty tires, perfectly complimenting the shiny black chrome of his new vehicular body. A fiery red spread across the black chrome body as the only signifier of Scott’s former status as the True Alpha that remained.

The finishing touch came with the addition of a few letters in a bright white emblazoned across the side of his body - DUNBAR. Where Scott McCall once stood, a brand new motorbike now rest against the wall, the ideal birthday gift for his very own beta. 

Scott wasn’t even sure how long he remained there before he finally felt hands on him and realized that it was Mason, muttering to himself. “I had no idea it would work, and not a single person got hurt. McCall can eat his words,” the young man continued to mutter, a proud smile on his face as he began to navigate Scott towards his new home in the Dunbar garage. 

It was at that exact moment that Scott realized that Mason had no idea what had done to him - he believed that he’s simply summoned a motorbike out of thin air rather than transforming the pack’s alpha into one. As such, the possibilities of him being returned to his true form suddenly became a lot slimmer…


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