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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Upon returning to Beacon Hills, Theo had told Scott McCall and his pack that he wanted to make amends for his previous actions. With watering eyes and a quivering voice he implored them for forgiveness, claiming that the Dread Doctors had manipulated him and he no longer wanted to do them any harm - that he only wanted to join them in fighting the good fight and to seek redemption for his past sins. 

While there were some among the pack that doubted Theo’s intentions, the only person whose opinion truly mattered was Scott’s and he fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. That was the True Alpha’s fatal flaw, he was always too trusting when he had no reason to be and it was oh so easy to take advantage of. 

Aside from them ever-annoying Stiles Stilinski, chief among Theo’s doubters was Scott’s first beta Liam Dunbar. The younger teenager made his displeasure at Theo’s return crystal clear but truthfully the chimera found his glaring and attempts at intimidation rather endearing. He knew that he had no reason to fear Liam but it was still cute to see the other try and put on a front. He even volunteered to house Theo for his ‘trial period’ in order to keep a closer eye on him! 

Of course the poor fool had no idea that in doing so he was actually playing straight into Theo’s hands, but that was hardly something he was about to give away.

After a week of being on his very best behavior, Theo started to notice Liam dropping his guard, just as he’d anticipated. While the other was still openly cold towards him, there were less threats of violence and he even offered to let Theo play a multiplayer game with him on his console, an extension of companionship that he really hadn’t been expecting. Worming his way into Liam’s good books would take a while but thankfully he had something else in mind that wouldn’t take nearly as long. 

Theo had procured everything he would need for the potions when he’d been out of town and there was only one thing left that he required - a drop of Liam’s blood. Getting some was hardly a struggle either, as he was able to prick the other’s finger one night while he slept and allow a few droplets of blood to fall into the vial. Giving the vial a quick shake to make sure all of the ingredients were mixed, Theo then brought it to his lips and downed it in an instant.

Pulling a second vial out from his jacket pocket, he used the needle once more to add a few drops of his own blood to the concoction before shaking. Once he was content that the potion was as prepared as could be, he gently opened Liam’s mouth and poured the liquid into it. 

The other immediately began to stir and Theo dropped to his knees beside him, getting in close to whisper an incantation in the young beta’s ear. The ancient dark magics that he had encountered during his time in a demonic dimension were incredibly powerful and very difficult to harness but Theo had a determined spirit and that gave him the advantage he needed to finally take what he wanted.

Liam’s eyes snapped open, the bright yellow glow of his irises creating a distinct light in the darkened room. Theo rose to his feet and stepped back, watching curiously as the other pushed up to a seated position and fixed a glare straight in his direction. 

“What have you done?” Liam asked sharply, moving a hand up to his throat. Just like Theo he would be able to feel the potion beginning to circulate through him, only he had no idea what was in store. “What the hell did you do to me?” The chimera could only smirk, reveling in the other’s panicked confusion. 

“Not everything is just about you, kid,” Theo retorted, mocking the other. “I did it to myself too.” This revelation only seemed to confuse the other further and as Liam unsteadily attempted to rise to his feet, Theo moved forward and pushed him back down to the bed with ease. “It’s better if you don’t overexert yourself. I might have given you a little something extra to enjoy.”

Liam’s eyes went wide at that and genuine fear flashed in his eyes as he continued to stare at Theo. Feeling the physical effects of the potion begin to overcome his body, he moved to position himself in front of a mirror and watched as a shimmer moved across his face, rearranging his facial features until he looked identical to the young beta who’s blood he’d included in the potion. His nose was wider, eyes darker and jawline stronger. Liam really was a handsome kid and now he saw the other’s visage in the mirror, Theo was truly able to appreciate it.

“What did-- How did you do that?” Liam - the real Liam, on the bed - asked, his voice cracking as the same shimmer began to pass over his own features. “Theo, this-- this isn’t-- fuck!” He broke off into a moan then, overwhelmed by the arousing sensations of his transformation. Theo had felt them too but he was much better at hiding his emotions - it was a useful tool when manipulating others which was something he did oh so well.

Theo watched in amusement as Liam’s features were replaced with his own and any outsider would think that the deviant Theo Raeken was now on the bed, with the noble Liam Dunbar watching over him. They’d be wrong of course but Theo was determined that nobody would ever find out the truth. Switching bodies with the young beta had only been part one of his plan and those magic words he’d whispered in the other’s ear would take care of the rest.

“I… I feel… funny,” the other croaked, his words spoken in Theo’s voice while the real Theo looked on with a sinister smile on his face. “What’s happening to me?” Liam lifted his arm, staring at his hand for a moment as the skin began to change texture, becoming a shiny plastic. Within moments he seemed to lose control of the entire limb and it dropped onto the bed. Soon the rest of his body began to follow, every inch of exposed skin becoming plastic right up past his neck. 

As his face began to undergo the same change, he opened his mouth as if to cry for help and it was frozen in that position - lips open in a circle and a small opening that would be perfect for fucking.

With the other now perfectly still on the bed, Theo looked down at his prize and laughed to himself. Not only had he switched bodies with Liam to earn the trust of the pack but he had even managed to transform Liam - in his body - into a sex doll that he could use over and over again. 

The fact that the doll now had Theo’s own appearance was enough to tickle his ego - he’d always appreciated his own good looks, of course - but the single-handed best part of it all was that Liam would feel every touch, no matter how rough or soft, and it would overwhelm him with an orgasmic sensation like he’d never known before. What wasn’t to love?

“You look good, buddy,” Theo praised the other, pulling the boxer shorts off of the doll to expose the entrance at the doll’s ass cheeks. “Now how about we help each other settle in, huh? After all, Theo, you’ve been a bad bad boy and I’ve got a lot of anger to take out on you…” As he spoke, his eyes began to flash the familiar bright yellow of a beta werewolf and he gave into the primal hunger he felt swelling in his gut. 


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