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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

The Titans had been working so well as a unit but they were put to their most intense test yet when they encountered a villain with access to magic who had switched their identities and powers around. Dick Grayson, formerly known as Robin and now as Nightwing, was more than a little alarmed to discover that he now possessed the abilities of Beast Boy, while his teammate now had all of the agility, gymnastics skills and combat training that made him excel as Batman’s former protege.

While there was no doubt that his teammates were struggling too, Dick found himself particularly perturbed by the growing need inside of him to shift. Beast Boy had never vocalized that need being inside of him but it was all-consuming, like a voice constantly whispering into Dick’s ear, pleading him to shed his human form and adopt that of an animal. It frightened him because he had no idea how the transformation would feel, nor how to control it. He had never wanted powers for himself - he had fought enough super-powered beings over his years as a vigilante to be wary of them, even if he did extend his trust to the other Titans, all of whom had their own powers. Not once did he expect to fall into a situation where he’d have powers of his own to control though.

Despite logic dictating that he should speak to Beast Boy about his struggles with the other’s powers, Dick decided to keep it to himself. It was perhaps a side-effect of being raised by a sheltered man like Bruce Wayne - he had the tendency to internalize a lot of his thoughts and feelings, even if it would be much healthier to let them out. Instead he opted to struggle in silence, confident that with some meditation and focus he would be able to quell the voice intruding into his thoughts and keep Beast Boy’s powers at bay.

That was much easier said than done though and even as Dick did his best to zone out into a state of meditation, he was troubled by the arrival of thoughts concerning the conflict the Titans had recently found themselves in with a number of villains who had escaped from the nearby high-containment facility. Some of them had been able to injure innocents pretty badly simply because Dick hadn’t gotten there fast enough and he blamed himself for it entirely. That was another thing he had inherited from Bruce, shouldering the blame even when it wasn’t specifically necessary.

The shame and anger he felt from his failure burned through him far more intense than he had expected until it was all-consuming. The previous whisper that had tempted him to shift was now a roar in his mind and even as he clutched at his skull, begging the voice to be quiet, Dick could feel himself giving in. The voice was right, he needed to shift. His body would be at war with his mind until it was done. He just needed to let go!

The changes began faster than Dick could have anticipated. He let out a grunt as pain flared through his body and he doubled over, landing on his hands and knees. He began to pant desperately for breath, suddenly overwhelmed by a warmth that spread throughout his limbs to the very tips of his fingers and toes. The sensation totally encompassed his whole being, prompting a long moan to escape his lips as he realized that the sensation was not only painful but also surprisingly pleasurable. Was this what Beast Boy felt every time he shifted?

Staring down at his outstretched palms against the ground, Dick whimpered as he watched them begin to sprout a golden fur and his fingers became shorter and thicker. The nails grew out into sharp claws as his overall hand shape changed into those of two paws. The fur then travelled up his arms, prompting the transformation to continue as his limbs took on a new shape - equally powerful but distinctly animalistic in shape. His transformation continued to spread pleasure throughout Dick’s body, prompting sharp breaths and rough growls to escape his lips. He was ashamed to admit it but he was painfully hard and desperate for some form of release while also confused as to why he found the experience so impossibly arousing.

As his body contorted to new dimensions, his clothes became impossibly tight and he soon began to grow through them, causing them to burst at the very seams. Dick let out another groan but this time it sounded more like an animalistic growl - deep and rumbling. The fur continued to spread over his back and down his legs which reshaped, his feet becoming paws to much his front legs. He now appeared to be more beast than man and was beginning to think like one too, overwhelmed by a sharp urge to hunt and devour something.

A sharp pain at the hind of his back alerted Dick to a growing presence there and he writhed around for a moment as a tail began to unfurl, flicking around with an overwhelming ferocity and surprising strength. The dark hair on Dick’s head became a golden brown and began to spread down around the edges of his face and along his jawline, becoming a long majestic mane. At the same time his nose, mouth and jaw grew out into a snout and his senses of smell were immediately heightened, causing him to overwhelmed by the sheer scent of arousal that seemed to surround him.

The transformation had thoroughly overwhelmed Dick and even though he desperately tried to hold onto his thoughts and memories he found them slipping out of his grasp. His life as Nightwing and Robin before that felt like nothing more than a dream as he began to remember living as a beast in the wilds of Africa, far away from human settlements. He felt an intense longing to return there and escape from the prying eyes of mankind, although they certainly made good prey should they dare try to cross him.

With the conflict in his mind reaching an all-time high, Dick opened his jaws and let out an almighty roar, unknowingly expelling the final parts of his human existence. His teeth grew into sharp fangs, allowing him to capture prey for himself and his pride. The world around him seemed foreign and terrifying, certainly not the wild fields that he called home. Burning with anger, the lion let out another roar and charged straight through the fragile glass of the window and out into the city lights.

Totally overwhelmed by the sheer amount of lights and noises, the beast began to charge at anything that dared approach. It wasn’t long before animal control were called in to detain the lion and Dick found himself being transported to the local zoo, nobody ever knowing that one of the famous Titans was the very same beast that had tried to maul innocent bystanders and would now be on display for the rest of his days.


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