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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Kieran was no idiot. He knew he was something of an oddity considering his small stature when compared with the tall, beefy men he often got in the ring with, but he had heard and a determination that simply couldn’t be matched. That was what had scored him a match against the champion for the top prize and he wasn’t going to waste such an opportunity. Winning the title would set him up for life and ensure that everybody remembered his name, from the bullies who had pushed him around back during his school days, to the competitors who had underestimated him when facing off against him. They hadn’t expected his agility or precision and had paid for it, costing themselves the dream match for the title belt.

This match was going to be different and Kieran knew it. Hector, the champion, was unlike anyone he had faced before. His vicious streak was the stuff of legends and he had broken a variety of limbs from more than a few competitors over the years, especially the smaller ones like Kieran. He would need a game plan if he was to have any hope of winning the championship and right now that was the only thing Kieran cared about. He so desperately wanted to be the person to wipe that smug grin off Hector’s face, especially as the champ was undefeated in his career.

More so than any of the other guys Kieran had faced in his relatively short career, Hector was big. He had muscles upon muscles and wasn’t shy about showing off his superior strength. To prepare for the upcoming match, the challenger had watched the champ’s previous encounters with some of the best in the business and had found himself drawn to Hector’s arrogance. He would flex for the crowds and stamp down on his challenger’s chest as if stepping on dirt. There was something seriously arousing about the other’s confidence but Kieran felt even more excited by the prospect of knocking the other down a peg.

The unavoidable truth was that it would take far more than just speed, agility and precision to knock Hector down for the three count but Kieran was prepared for that. He had tricks up his sleeve - or on speed-dial, to be more specific. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” his contact asked him towards the end of their phone call. Kieran had explained precisely what he wanted from the other and had received confirmation that it would be possible - for a price. Nothing came for cheap, after all. “There’s no way back from something like that.”

Any hesitation Kieran felt was quickly stamped out by the thought of him holding up the championship belt high above his head, with Hector knocked out at his feet. The image was simply too delightful to let go. He had to have it, no matter what the cost was. He’d saved up for a moment like this, anyway, so money was hardly an issue and most certainly wouldn’t be once he’d ascended to the top of the mountain.

It was the morning of the match that things were scheduled to take place. Both Kieran and Hector had been out of the public eye for weeks, training religiously to get themselves ready. Little did Hector know that he had actually been working right into Kieran’s hands, allowing him to capitalize on an opportunity with only minimal suspicion. Arriving at the location he had been given, he was greeted by the sight of his future opponent, unconscious and strapped down on a gurney. It was quite the sight, seeing Hector’s strong body restrained, and Kieran couldn’t help but run a hand over the other’s chest, feeling his firm pecs and cobblestone abs.

Once his inspection was complete, Kieran allowed himself to be strapped down onto a second gurney and hooked up to Hector via a number of cables that travelled between their bonds. His heartbeat was racing and the front of his pants bulged in excitement. “Are you ready for this?” the technician asked, smiling politely. Kieran nodded, his mouth dry as he spared one last glimpse across at Hector’s gorgeous muscular body.

A jolt ran through Kieran’s body, causing him to grit his teeth together, while his body temperature began rising to incredible highs. The experience was every bit as painful as it was pleasurable but in mere moments the slender young man could feel his body responding to the experiment. The straps around his torso began to feel tight as his chest expanded, his upper chest pushing out to form strong pectorals, while his faint four-pack blossomed into an undeniable eight-pack of abs!

As his arms and legs caught up with his chest’s transformation, both rapidly building muscle, Kieran’s mind was overwhelmed with brand new knowledge. Power moves he never would have attempted with his naturally smaller body began to feel like second nature to him as his mind introduced all the techniques to his memory. He could faintly remember Hector using those sorts of power moves that would require a bigger build and strong muscles, but now Kieran had taken them for himself, along with all of the champ’s in-ring expertise. 

Letting out a grunt as his feet grew several sizes and began to tear his socks at their seams, Kieran was greeted by a voice fuelled by testosterone and much deeper than what he had expected. He could hear the faint, girlish whimpering from beside him and the knowledge of what was currently happening to the champion was enough to get Kieran leaking against the fabric of his boxers with pre-cum.

The process of exchanging the power and fortunes between the two professional athletes had lasted mere minutes but it had felt like a lifetime of bliss for Kieran. Being released from his bonds, he sat up on the gurney and stared down at himself, relishing in the powerful muscles of his chest and tensing his legs to admire his thick quads and calves. A quick flex of his biceps confirmed that they were the size of footballs and would give him plenty to admire later on, not to mention have people worship. This was a body that deserved special attention, after all.

Glancing across at the man he would be sharing the ring with in just a few short hours, Kieran couldn’t help but smirk at the state Hector was in. The once ultra-dominant champ was a shadow of his former self, with his muscles depleted and all but swimming in his own boxers that now hung loose around his slender waist. He was a featherweight now, not a heavyweight, and wouldn’t be able to pull off any of the explosive power movies he was known for - if he could even remember how to do them, that was. The experiment had done a lot more than simply exchange their muscle mass, as it had given Kieran everything he could possibly need to beat the champ and claim that belt for himself.

Barely four hours later and the two men were sharing the ring as planned, only the tables had been well and truly turned. The crowd were stunned at the sight of the champion and how quickly he had leaned out, as well as his apparent lack of focus. As such, the support quickly built up in Kieran’s favor and he fed off their energy, even flexing for them as Hector usually would. He relished the opportunity to taunt the once dominant champion, beating him around the ring with displays of his impressive strength.

There was still some fight left in Hector but he hardly landed a few decent shots in before Kieran overpowered him again, knocking his legs out from underneath him and sending him crashing to the ground. “Come on, champ!” Kieran roared, relishing in the power he had over the other, “Where’s your fight?” To prove his point, he grabbed Hector by the hair and pulled him up to his knees before forcing the other’s face against his crotch where he would surely feel Kieran’s excitement. The crowd jeered, equally enjoying the cocky champion’s utter decimation at the hands of someone who many thought would be an underdog in their match.

Eventually there was little else to do other than deliver a move that would keep Hector down the count and the crowd roared in approval as the referee raised Kieran’s hand, declaring him their new champion! The former featherweight raised both his arms in triumph, giving everybody a good few of his powerful arms and furry armpits. 

Seeing the opportunity, he stamped his boot down on his fallen opponent’s back, earning another round of laughter. Even in his dazed state Hector would surely hear the mocking jeers of the audience and know that his days of being number one in the industry were over. Nobody would ever take him seriously again after such a humiliating defeat.

After posing and showing off his superior body, Kieran returned to the former champion and knelt down beside him. Grabbing Hector by the hair again, he pulled the other up enough to deliver a whispered message in his ear - “Don’t worry, boy. I’m not done with you yet. My room, 10pm. You’ll enjoy being pounded twice in one day, won’t you?” It was going to be a very different pounding for Hector when they were alone but Kieran was certain that he personally would enjoy it just as much as the first time!

With a smirk on his handsome face, the newly enhanced athlete realized he could finally agree with something Hector always used to say - it was damn good to be champion!

Images by markdarko on deviantart!


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