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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Austin Gabert had been taunting you for eight whole months and it had simply become unbearable. 

At thirty years old, he was the most handsome man your eyes had ever been blessed by and his voice was rich and melodical enough to send shivers down your spine. With eyes like chocolate and perfectly coiffed hair, he was quite simply your dream guy without any comparison. In fact, every other guy you had attempted to date since the gorgeous Mr Gabert moved into the apartment next to yours had simply failed to live upto your expectations. He had completely destroyed your dating prospects, all without ever meaning to.

Perhaps the only issue with Austin was his unfortunate heterosexuality.

Yes, Austin was as straight as could be and had only moved into the apartment next door once his divorce had been finalized. He rarely spoke about his ex-wife but things hadn’t seemed to have ended too well between them. That wasn’t quite enough to turn him onto guys though, as he’d even spoken to you about meeting a woman for a date, blissfully unaware of the impure thoughts in your head. After all, it wasn’t as if you exactly presented yourself as openly homosexual and you were more than capable of hiding your admiring looks from him. 

There was a whole lot to admire every time you caught sight of him too. He had a fondness for shirts that were tight around his lean body and the additions of patterned ties and suspenders were enough to complete a perfect look. His facial hair was always neatly trimmed and hair always so well styled. At times you weren’t sure if you wanted to be with him or be him.

It was common for Austin to populate your dreams, each time in a scenario that would sadly never come to fruition such as him kissing your neck while you sailed through Venice on a gondola or making love under the stars in the English countryside. Your feelings for the older man were both romantic and sexual but neither would be reciprocated and it had pushed you to your limit, leading you to make a rather unconventional choice.

Throughout your life you had done your best to avoid messing with magic as stories from your parents and grandparents had proved that sometimes the consequences could be dire. You’d made a mature decision early on in life not to hone your powers and let them fade away at the back of your mind, never to be used. It was the taunting presence of Austin in your daily life that had finally driven you to unlock those powers once more and use them for more selfish purposes than you could have ever predicted.

Back when you were a teenager, your grandmother had confessed to you that her marriage to her first husband had been entirely created by magic. He had been a closeted gay man just looking for a friend and she had been hopelessly attracted to him without any hope of those feelings being returned. After getting drunk one evening, she used her powers on him to make him fall in love with her and ultimately become the type of man society at the time wanted him to be. Throughout their marriage she had continually changed and transformed him until their marriage completely broke down after he began cheating on her with a number of other women. After that she had vowed to never let her magic play any part in her relationships.

When faced with the prospect of making Austin love you though… well, that story was easily dismissed. This was a whole different world now anyway and you were sure that you could play it smarter than your grandmother ever did.

Accessing the magic was much easier said than done. It required a great deal of concentration and meditation but finally you could feel the sparks of power fluttering deep inside of you. They began to fill you with a warmth you hadn’t felt in a long time and your body reacted accordingly, causing a slightly unexpected bulging in a certain area. For a moment the magic threatened to overwhelm you but remaining focused on your objective kept it from getting too much. Only once, then it goes away again, you told yourself, not wanting to risk further complications. Austin was perfect the way that he was, he just needed a little tweaking in the sexuality department.

With your magic not nearly as developed as your parents’ had been, you knew that you’d have to be in the older man’s presence to get anything done. Inviting him over for dinner made you apprehensive but Austin was clueless about your true feelings for him and accepted, presuming it was just your attempt to be a kind neighbor. Once he was sat a mere few feet away, he was in the perfect position for you to finally make your move.

As Austin made conversation across the dinner table, you smiled and nodded while continuing to chant under your breath. Accessing the magic was a challenge within itself and refining it to only make the changes you desired was even more difficult. As the minutes started to pass by though, you could see that it was doing its work. There was something different about the way Austin looked at you - something curious in his eye.

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a partner. No girlfriend or-- or boyfriend?” he asked, sounding almost uncertain for the first time ever. The sudden display of uncertainty was endearing at minimum and brilliant at most. Your relationships had never come up in conversation before but it was the perfect chance to test how much you had managed to change him.

“Girls aren’t really my thing and - well, no boyfriend. Not currently at least,” you confirmed, watching him closely. He nodded and swallowed, adam’s apple shifting in a display that could almost be described as a sign of nerves. Gotcha. “How’s the dating scene going for you then, Mr Gabert? I’m sure there’s a lucky woman just waiting around the corner for you.”

“Or man,” Austin cut across without a moment of hesitation, only to appear stunned by his own quick contribution. You couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows as his cheeks flushed with color. “I mean… I wouldn’t rule it out. At least, I don’t think. If it was the right guy, I suppose…”

The right guy, eh? This was certainly getting interesting and, spurred on by the revelation, you returned to chanting. Austin guided the conversation away from that point and you were more than okay with listening to his smooth melodic voice talking away as your magic wrapped around his mind.

Within minutes though it became clear that the changes were not exclusive to Austin’s mind. His dress shirt now appeared to be uncomfortably tight around two meaty pecs and football-sized upper arms. It gave you quite the image to admire as Austin shifted in his seat, doing his best not to bust out of the fabric that had been pushed to its very limits. “Are you alright there?” you asked, curious to see how he might react to such unexpected changes.

“Just didn’t realize this shirt was so small!” the older man responded in a sheepish tone. After a moment of hesitation he removed his tie and undid a few of the top buttons.

“If it’s really bothering you, feel free to take it off,” you remarked, trying not to sound too encouraging. You didn’t want to catch him onto you after all. “We’re both adults.” 

That seemed like all the permission Austin needed and just seconds later he had stripped out of the shirt - but not before the sleeves busted open at the seams! Throwing the rags of his shirt to the side, Austin blushed once more and returned to his food, one hand absently scratching at his chest hair. It was a perfect image and one you were certain to treasure for a long time coming.

“Do you still have any contact with your ex-wife?” you asked, testing the dangerous waters. Austin frowned for a moment before shaking his head.

“Thankfully not,” he snorted, “We really didn’t gel and… well, truth be told, I’m just not sure I’m actually into women.” It was a revelation that seemed to surprise the both of you, although you were quick to hide your smirk as you realized what it must mean. Things were progressing much quicker than you had been anticipating but you certainly weren’t going to complain about that.

“What type of men do you like then?” you probed, feeling a stirring in your pants as he shifted on his seat. His pants were looking ust as tight as his shirt had been, stretched around thick thighs and showcasing quite the bulge. It was clear as day to see that Austin was rocking quite the hard-on and the display was almost enough to get your mouth watering.

“I-- I mean-- I’m not…” Austin’s attempt to answer fell flat. Instead he merely stared at you with his mouth hanging open and a pink coloring to his cheeks.

“Do you think I’m cute?” you challenged, raising an eyebrow. This was the moment of truth and you were sure as hell ready for it.

“Of course!” Austin responded, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief. “Although I’m not sure cute is the word I would use,” he added, speaking with more confidence. “Hot, gorgeous, stud…” It was enough to make you grin. It had worked! Hell, it had worked even better than you thought was even possible.

Unable to resist, you began to chant once more. Your grandmother’s warning was all but gone from your mind as you tinkered with Austin’s mind, removing any remaining thoughts he had of his marriage and instead replacing them with memories of the relationship that the two of you had steadily been building. The look in his eyes changed once more, this time from curiosity to adoration and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered in delight. It was the look you had always wanted from him but never thought you would get.

“Mmm, come here and give me a kiss, boyfriend,” you murmured, unable to resist temptation. Austin didn’t need to be told twice, rising from his seat and busting out of his pants with those muscular legs as he did so. The moment only caused you both to laugh as he shed the remainder of his outerwear until he was left in only his cute boxer briefs. He moved closer to straddle your lap and pressed your lips together in the most perfect kiss you had ever experienced - or ever would. It was everything you had wanted and yet somehow more!

You awoke after a night filled with the best sex of your life to find your boyfriend looking through a magazine advertising local properties. “We should really move on from these apartments,” Austin remarked, pointing out a picture cute house in the suburbs from the magazine. “Come on, lover. Let’s go get us a house.”

Things with Austin had moved much faster than you’d ever expected. Perhaps one more spell was in order to make you both the loving husbands you were so clearly supposed to be. 

After all, what could go wrong with adding on just one more spell?


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